Thursday, August 22, 2019
Quality Assurance Essay Example for Free
Quality Assurance Essay It is the policy of Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E. T.B.- Mayo Area to develop and implement an effective Quality Assurance system that demonstrates consistent repetition of good performance using a system of documented procedures, which are known, understood and operated by all personnel. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area’s QA system demonstrates our capacity to monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of programmes and services to teachers and tutors as well as learners. All Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area providers Quality Assurance systems are approved by FETAC (Further Education and Training Awards Council). What you need to know On Induction you will be provided with information about your programme and the assessment process from your tutors, However it is your responsibility to ensure that you are familiar with all assessment information and ask for clarification on anything that you feel you do not fully understand. This handbook includes all assessment policies and procedures. All learners must sign for receipt of the handbook. September 2013 Version 3 Quality Assurance Policies Assessment Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners Policies and Guidelines. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area Mission Statement In line with its mission statement, it is the policy of Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.Mayo Area to provide a supportive and positive mechanism to ensure that all learners are assessed in an equitable manner and that transparent procedures are evident to guarantee satisfactory outcomes for all stakeholders. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area is committed to ensuring that all methods of assessment are effective in measuring learner attainment in line with documented learning outcomes and that assessment policy and practices are effective in monitoring the validity, equity and reliability of assessment consistent with national best practice. The planning and recording of assessments is to be carried out in accordance with the awarding body’s (FETAC) requirements and centre procedure. In order to achieve this Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area has implemented the following documented policies, guidelines and procedures: Admissions Policy Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area VEC Code of Behaviour for Students and Procedures Assessment Deadline Policy Feedback Policy Grievance Regarding A Grade Policy Appeals Policy Exceptional Circumstances Policy Plagiarism Policy and Procedure for corrective action. Assessment Malpractice Policy. Application for Specific provision. Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area Computer Network and Internet Usage Policy. September 2013 Version 3 Assessment Information Learner Guidance and Information It is the learners’ responsibility to follow all guidelines on assessment. Learners will receive the following information either written or verbally from the teacher delivering each module:The purpose, methods and schedule of FETAC assessment tasks. Relevant module descriptors, assessment criteria and deadlines for submission of evidence. A copy and explanation of section 9 (Assessment Regulations for Candidates) from NCVA/FETAC â€Å"Regulations for Centres and Candidates.†What elements will and will not count towards interim and final assessment and with what weighting. Comprehensive assessment briefs and instructions for all levels. The marking and grading conventions used. The consequences of assessment, such as decisions about progression and rights of appeal, i.e. grievance regarding a grade form. Plagiarism; the definition and the penalties, including examples of acceptable referencing techniques and Procedures for Corrective Action. How and when assessment decisions are made. – Feedback Policy, Appeals Policy. Policy on late submission of work. – Assessment Deadline Policy, Extenuating Circumstances Policy. Standards expected regarding the hand in of work. Channels of communication i.e. feedback, query regarding a grade etc. – Grievance Regarding a Grade Form. Learner roles and responsibilities Learners are responsible for seeking and ensuring that they are familiar with information on assessment, including deadlines etc. Learners will follow the required procedures for assessment Learners must observe deadlines as notified by the centre for the submission of all assessment work. Candidates must sign a statement on all work to be assessed stating that all projects, assignments, learner records and collections of work/portfolio work presented for assessment are their own original work – See Plagiarism Policy. Where group projects/assignments have been undertaken, all candidates must indicate which part of the work is their own. The portfolio of each group member should record or contain supporting evidence of the individual’s contribution to the group task. September 2013 Version 3 Learners must not interfere with or damage in any way the work of other candidates. Learners must follow the rules and regulations of the VEC and FETAC regarding assessment. Learners should ensure that they keep a copy of their own work. Once handed in assessment work will not be returned to learners, this is for security of assessment purposes. Art and craft work, will be returned to learners, this may be collected at a specified date and time after the appeals deadline has expired – centres will notify learners of these times. If a learner does not collect the work or contact the centre by the specified date, the art and craft work will be destroyed, this is for security of assessment purposes. Admissions Policy This policy is set within the context of The Department of Education and Science, criteria and procedures, The National Qualifications (Education and Training) Act 1999 (NQAI) and The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC), published policies. This admissions policy is issued Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area to facilitate lifelong learning and promote opportunities for: Access Transfer Progression All Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.- Mayo Area centres aim to: Provide a fair and transparent system of admissions for all prospective learners. Make reasonable provision and accommodation for learners, including those with a disability in accordance with relevant legislation, with due regard to the efficient use of available resources. See application for specific provision. All centres must inform learners of the knowledge skill and competence required for successful application in every programme offered. Any specific entry requirements for a programme will be stated including appropriate alternative experience or qualifications. These will follow FETAC’s guidelines ‘Information for Learners Guidelines for Providers.’ All applications for programmes received in any of Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim E.T.B.Mayo Area Centres for that programme will be examined by centre staff. All September 2013
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