Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Ann Taylor External Analysis Free Essays
How is the business organized? The business could be characterized a claim to fame retailer affix store which concentrates to a particular sort of client or conveys specific kind of products. Areas Discounted mass merchandisers: huge chains , Multitier retail establishments: offering a huge assortment of products, including apparel. Claim to fame store chains: those obliging a particular sort of client or conveying a specific kind of good. We will compose a custom paper test on Ann Taylor External Analysis or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Market Size and Growth The National Retail Federation revealed that the retail specialties indicating the more prominent development were retail establishments, stores taking into account the high school offspring of children of post war America, and attire anchors intended to ladies more than 35. The business retail industry is enormous yet the strength retailer is little. $45. 9 billion of complete $108. 7 billion women’s garments buys in 2009. Significant firms are detailing down deals during the past quarters. Monetary of Scale Fouth firms ruled the business, which show that enormous firms have a bit of leeway and financial of scales are available. To appreciate monetary of scales claim to fame retail locations make use brand augmentation to interest various fragments (creation) promotion brand extension (showcasing) Vertical Integration Some of the greater style organizations are vertically coordinated with their line of creation in order to have the option to abbreviate creation cycle and have the option to adjust to the current interest just as consumer loyalty. Coordinated assembling, dispersion and retail together, with each progression of the procedure done in-house and not answering on redistributing. From planning and advertising, texture stockpiling to stockroom dissemination and retail, Level of Product Differentiation Unlike retail chains that sell a wide range of kinds of items for some sorts of clients, claim to fame retailers center around one kind of item thing and offer numerous assortments of that thing. Continually searching for new sections which can make a marking issue. The item separation is low on the grounds that the item can be produce by different firms. Organizations need to contend in cost. These predominant monetary characteristics show that the structure of this industry is hard to gain a positive pay on the grounds that is a little industry section and is commanded by enormous firms. What sorts of serious powers are grinding away? Danger of new contestants †low * Is anything but difficult to enter in the retail business however hard in strength retail. Greater part of stores are chain stores. Their vertical structure and brought together purchasing gives chain stores an upper hand over autonomous retailers. On the off chance that an organization has a patent for an item is hard to enter to the business. Dealing intensity of purchasers †moderate * The business sells straightforwardly to clients, devours are allowed to shop anyplace yet there a couple of options. This makes the business increasingly alluring. Haggling intensity of providers †low * Specialty retail locations are fragmented and providers can impact value, quality, and terms. Is a little piece of an entire industry, if supplies concluded that the section doesn't speak to a noteworthy portion of its business they can apply power. Clothing stores are known to have a more excellent norm, if providers don’t satisfy this guideline they could get dropped from their line. Danger of substitutes †low * Clothing is basic known as the essential requirement for human life. It is a sort of need and is elusive substitutes to supplant the capacity. Fundamentally, clothing items are no major diverse in nature, yet the principle separation may originate from the brands. In this way, the treat of substitutes appears not a significant factor. Power of contention †high * There are a great deal of brands existing in the market. They attempt to separate themselves so as to discover their specialty and abatement rivalry, however in any case in each specialty there are 3-5 direct contenders of various size, yet in certain areas there are just 1-2 firms thus these areas are very appealing to the new contestants. Rivalry basically dependent on the client picture that firm made and quality, cost is the subsequent thing. Web based business additionally powers rivalry since it genuinely expands accessibility of the item in any area. Worth Net * Target a big name that is known to product claim to fame items. Join forces with a magazine who target ladies more than 35 however they were extravagance garments. Join forces with other excellent items like vehicles and telephones. Is an outrageous serious industry and there are scarcely any supplements that would give alternatives to grow the size of the market. What powers are driving change? Extravagance design spending was up 35 % in 2010, while standard style increased 8 % in general. +, Great development of office stores+, 2009 more terrible Christmas season produce a flood of retail terminations among some notable brands. - , 2008 women’s garments retailer had felt downturn and lost clients and cause customers to curtail buys. - , Customer had demonstrated an unmistakable inclination for select very good quality attire ready to pay a premium on something that conveys luxury+ Spending in esteemed situated stores has been steady China compensation increment were causing swelling in stock assembling. Throughout the following not many days will be uncommon for strength clothing retailer to come back to its chronicled degree of productivity. †Over all the patterns appear to be negative making the business progressively comperative. 4. Which opponents are firmly situated and which are definitely not? What key moves are equals prone to make straightaway? Ann Taylor ANN History: Since 1954, Ann Taylor has been the closet hotspot for occupied, socially upscale ladies, and the great fundamental dark dress. , Contained two division sections: AT and LOFT, In 1998 Ann Taylor made the Ann Taylor Factory, 2000 online store was propelled. Objectives: improving productivity while upgrading the two brands. Reestablishing execution at the Ann Taylor division and. Reestablishing the force at LOFT. Execution: the stock reacted with new highs, moving to a pinnacle of over $40 in late 2006, however the stock value withdrew in 2007 and 2008. Toward the finish of 2010 the fourth quarter results showed deals had bounced 10 % from 2009 and albeit net edges tumbled to 51. 7 % from 52. 5 per year early procuring per share had about quadrupled. Has endure supervisor turnover Next Move: increment traffic to the Ann Taylor brand and future improving the brand understanding. Improving the LOFT brand stores channel and keep on exploiting the potencial o the on the web and outlet channels. Putting resources into the development of internet business channel. Revamping stores to build efficiency. Execute innovation for stock Talbot TLB History: Acquired J. Jill bunch in 2006 †claim to fame retailer offering easygoing style through multichannel focusing on ladies age 35 to 55 and Talbot focusing on ladies age 45 to 65. Chosen to sell J. Jill in 2009 in the wake of retailing’s â€Å"abysmal occasion season†They have issues coordinating the two firms They we enduring with stock that was too â€Å"mature†Goals: Brand s target high-pay, school instructed proficient more than 35. Execution: Sales dropped in 2010 by 1. 6 percent, yet on the web and direct deals had increment 9. 8 to 6. 7. President was exhausting that the web channels would start development. Stock turnover 4. 87 and working edge - 1. 31 Next Move: Implement innovation for stock. Open new channels for dissemination. Focus on an alternate specialty 6. What are the key components for future achievement? The basic prerequisites to contend in this industry are: * Maintain quality in stock blend: Requires right item blend, And likewise increment the stock turnover proportion, Requires to keep awake with design patterns * Remarkable client support: Quick reaction to clients, And give additional consideration to customers’ needs * Control stock: Keep stock in 3 value lines spending plan, off cost and moderate. Make a PC framework to keep up control of stock and improve profitability * Marketing: Established a perceived brand. Investigate various specialties markets Create diverse dissemination channels 7. Is the business appealing? All in all the retail business is absence of substitutes, simple to section, the deal intensity of purchasers is high and for providers moderately low. In general, the engaging quality of the business is very good. | Local/regional| National/global| New entrant| yes| Established firm| yes| Instructions to refer to Ann Taylor External Analysis, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reaction Paper Ten Commandments free essay sample
Film Paper: I am Sam We live in a general public where media depicts a lot of data regularly. Films, TV appears, recordings, web and so forth all suit with depicting the data all around the globe. The benefit of media is that it can instruct watchers with all the diverse sort of data however it can likewise depict bogus fancies particularly when managing individuals with an inability. For this film paper, I picked the film I am Sam. Its an awesome film about an intellectually hallenged man who has the ability to instruct others that affection is actually all you need. The Diagnosis Many judgments are being depicted in this film, for example, mental hindrance and chemical imbalance. Sam Dawson the hero of the film is man who has a psychological inability who has a brain of a multi year old. He is a single parent to his little girl Lucy; the mother was destitute and relinquished Sam and Lucy directly after she was conceived. We will compose a custom exposition test on Response Paper: Ten Commandments or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Regardless of his psychological test, Sam had the option to execute an adoring and thinking about Lucy with the assistance of his neighbor Annie. Be that as it may, when Lucy turned 7 her ability of information was a lot more noteworthy than her dads and she was removed by youngster benefits and is put to an encourage home. This wound up being a care fight in the court, Sam contended energetically to get care for his own little girl. Because of the way that he works at star bucks, he couldnt bear the cost of a legal advisor, anyway he despite everything figured out how to discover a lawyer who will speak to him free (for nothing out of pocket). There are numerous dysfunctions appeared all through the film. As Sams little girl Lucy was getting more established, she was allocated more earnestly books to peruse with words that Sam couldnt read. Film PAPER: I AM SAM Therefore, Lucy imagined as though she cannot peruse those words too on the grounds that she doesnt need to be more brilliant than her father. She realized that he was extraordinary, dislike different fathers. Sam and Lucy have a convention to go to HOP Wednesday evenings, when they choose to switch things up a piece and go to a better place; Sam causes an unsettling influence since he can't get the French hotcakes that he is accustomed to having at HOP, something a kid would do. During preliminary he couldnt be not kidding and truly demonstrated that his scholarly limit is of a multi year old. He additionally experienced mental imbalance and his discourse was constrained and he had definitely no theoretical reasoning. Sadock and Sadock states that the conclusion for mental imbalance are shortfalls in language advancement and trouble utilizing language to convey (Sadock, 2010). I accept that the film depicted the confusion precisely, it was clear for the watchers to see that Sam experienced a formative handicap. The manner in which he talked, chuckled, and acted was all proof to his inability. The manner in which he spoke with his girl as though they were two children. Every one of his companions around him were experiencing a psychological inability too. There was a scene in the film when Lucy fled from kid administrations to her dad and revealed to him that they let her go to the recreation center with him, just a person with a confusion can really accept that. The true data matches the fiction in the film intently. Sam had
Friday, August 7, 2020
Alternative Travel
Alternative Travel Hey guys, So for many students living in the suburbs or the city like myself, the typical routes home consist of either a car ride or a bus ride back. However, I have found that in the last three years, taking the Amtrak train home is not only a more comfortable ride, but often times a fair priced one too. You dont even have to use it for just traveling back home, either. For instance, my girlfriend and I are taking the Amtrak into the city as I write. We bought the tickets a few days in advance and got a deal on them, and the trip is no longer than a bus or car ride. My friends and I take trips to the city like this every so often during the weekends. Its a nice break from classes that doesnt involve the often complicated exchange for gas money or trying to find seats on a bus together. And the most convient part of it all is that the train station is located right on the edge of downtown Champaign, at the Illinois Terminal. At the terminal there are a lot of buses students can take thatll take you all over the Champaign-Urbana area, including campus, which means when students come back from home, they wont have to drag their luggage all over town to get back. I hope you guys can benefit from this so you too can go visit your families on the holidays or just hang out with your friends in Chicago. Until next time, Kenny Kenny Class of 2016 I’m in the Creative Writing program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I’m originally from Tampa, Florida, but I’ve been calling Illinois my home since 1998. I’ve lived all over the Northwest suburbs, from Palatine to Lakemoor to where I currently live back home, Mundelein.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Newest Iteration Of HTML5 - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1932 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/09/25 Category Information Systems Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? HTML5 HTML 5 is the newest iteration of HTML, the basic language of the Web. HTML 5 will replace both current versions, HTML 4. 01 and XHTML 1. 0 and DOM Level 2 HTML     Before discussing HTML 5, you should be familiar with the basics of how to write HTML code. HTML is very easy to get the hang of, and once youre excellent with writing code in standards-compliant XHTML and also find the new features of HTML 5 to be very easy to implement. Html5 defines the 5 major revision of core language of the world wide web. html5 is combination of new features are introduces for helping to web authors. New features are adding based on research authority practices special thing was defining clear. In rich internet application to reduce the need for property plug. Example of ria is adobe flash and Microsoft Silverlight the rules and regulations of w3c time table html5 will reach the standards by late 2010 . html5 is coming with a lot of new attributes and elemen ts for using the modern web service. it also perform web form 2. 0. Html5 specifies scripting programming interfaces. Such as     Drag and drop Timed media play back Document editing Cross document managing Micro data Browser history management. HTML 5 makes familiar lot of the coding practices that were used in earlier versions of HTML It aims to reduce the need for proprietary plug-in-based rich internet application (RIA) technologies such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Sun JavaFX. HTML 5 also simplifies code by getting rid of elements that have fallen out of use or proved to be unhelpful. Because of an array of browser problems, frames will no longer be allowed, and because style sheets handle style better than HTML tags, presentational tags like ;font;, ;centre; and ;strike; will no longer be valid. WS-Security A flexible and feature-rich extension to SOAP to apply security to Web services is WS-Security (Web Services Security, short WSS). This was published by OASIS and it is a member of the WS-* family of web service specifications. Three main mechanisms are described by WS-Security: * How to sign SOAP messages to assure integrity. Signed messages provide also non-repudiation. * How to encrypt SOAP messages to assure confidentiality. * How to attach security tokens. A variety of signature formats, encryptions algorithms and multiple trust domains is allowed by this specification, and is open to various security token models, such as: * X. 09 certificates * Kerberos tickets * UserID/Password credentials * SAML-Assertion * Custom defined token The security features in the header of a SOAP message, working in the application layer was incorporated by WS-Security. To accommodate a wide variety of security models and security technologies this specification can be used in conjunction with other Web service extensions and higher-level application-specific protocols. The typical SOAP use ca se with a communication between trusted peers (using HTTPS) does not need WS-Security at all. It is described in Alternative, and reduces complexity and improves performance. If a SOAP intermediary is required, and the intermediary is not or less trusted, messages need to be signed and optionally encrypted. This might be the case of an application level proxy at a network perimeter that will terminate TCP connections. The standard method for non-repudiation is to write transactions to an audit trail that is subject to specific security safeguards. However, if the audit trail is not sufficient, digital signatures may provide a better method to enforce non-repudiation. WS-Security can provide this. lthough almost all SOAP services implement HTTP bindings, in theory other bindings such as JMS or SMTP could be used; in this case end-to-end security would be required. Even if the web service relies upon transport layer security, it might be required for the service to know about the end user, if the service is relayed by a (HTTP-) reverse proxy. A WSS-header could be used to convey the end users token, vouched for by the reverse proxy. Issues * If end-to-end security is required, a protocol like WS-SecureConversation may reduce the overhead. The merging of several XML-schemata like SOAP, SAML, XML ENC, XML SIG might cause dependencies on different versions of library functions like canonicalization and parsing, that are difficult to manage in an application server. Performance WS-Security adds significant overhead to SOAP-processing due to the increased size of the message on the wire, XML and cryptographic processing, requiring faster CPUs and more memory and bandwidth. An evaluation in 2005 [1] measured 25 types of SOAP messages of different size and complexity processed by WSS4J with both WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation on a Pentium 4/2,8 GHz CPU. Some findings were: * Encryption was faster than signing * Encryption and signi ng together were 2-7 times slower than signing alone and produced significantly bigger documents. * Depending on the type of message, WS-Secure Conversation either made no difference or reduced processing time by half in the best case. * It took less than 10 milliseconds to sign or encrypt up to an array of 100 kilo bytes, but it took about 100~200 to perform the security operations for SOAP. Alternative In point-to-point situations confidentiality and data integrity can also be enforced on Web services through the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS), for example, by sending messages over https. WS-Security however addresses the wider problem of maintaining integrity and confidentiality of messages until after a message was sent from the originating node, providing so called end to end security. Applying TLS can significantly reduce the overhead involved by removing the need to encode keys and message signatures into XML before sending. A challe nge in using TLS would be if messages needed to go through an application level proxy server, as it would need to be able to see the request for routing. In such an example, the server would see the request coming from the proxy, not the client; this could be worked around by having the proxy have a copy of the clients key and certificate, or by having a signing certificate trusted by the server, with which it could generate a key/certificate pair matching those of the client. However, as the proxy is operating on the message, it does not ensure end-to-end security, but only ensures point-to-point security. Web design best practices The WWW is a network of computers all over the world. The WWW is also called the Web. The computers on the Web communicate using standard protocols and languages. The W3C (The World Wide Web Consortium) are making the rules and standards for the Web. Generally we  found that some web sites are fairly easy to use while others look difficul t or just plain annoying. What makes the difference of good and the bad? Including your personal preferences, your web site should be designed to appeal to your target audience  the people who will use your web site. They may be teens, shoppers, college students, young couples etc. Beginners design web sites that work great on their own computers but may not work well on target audience. We have to remember some points for Smart and Successful Web-development: a. Develop your own ideas in your own style. b. Avoid ambiguity and be clear c. Never compromise in principles d. Support the project e. Respect the standards and target audience. Write your pages for multiple types of Web browsersto provide trouble-free access to the widest possible audience. The World Wide Web is a multi-platform, non-browser specific medium. It is not important matter whether people browse your Web pages using Netscape, Explorer, Opera, Lynx, WebTV, Net Phonic’s Web-On-Call, Mo bile Telephones, or Personal Digital Assistants. Each browser ought to render your informational Web pages without problems. If a Web page is designed properly, blind individuals, or anyone using text-to-voice or Braille displays, can easily listen to and review your work. Run Web pages through a valuator to test their compliance with common HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) specifications. Modify pages until they validate, because compliant pages have a better chance of being rendered by various Web browsers, as the writer intends. However, if you intend something that is impractical with HTML, it will be no less impractical for being syntactically valid. Work with the strengths of HTML rather than trying to batter it into a WYSIWYG page design system Cloud computing Cloud computing is a technology used to access service offered on the internet cloud. Everything an information system has to offer is provided by service so users can access that services available on the â€Å"internet cloud†without has any known-how on managing the resource involved. The term cloud is used a metaphor for internet cloud computing generally combinations are as follows Infra structure as service, Plat form as a service, Software as a service cloud computing is different with grid, utility, of computing. CLOUD ANTONY: There are three types of services mainly in cloud Antony there are application services are like gmail pay roll second one is platform services are like middle wave, managing, third one is infrastructure services like amazon. Cloud computing types: there are three types of cloud computing public clouds, private clouds, hybrid clouds. Public clouds: these clouds are used by general public the firewall already exists and the vendor having availability to fully hosted and managed. Now a days public clouds are large scale infrastructure and retail bases. Dynamically public clouds update the elements with effect the business. Private clouds:Â à ‚ private clouds are only with limited organisation. When private cloud are compare to the public only operating cost is reduced. And managed by enter prize only. Organisation is more secure. Private clouds investment and cost might be exceed public clouds. Cloud computing architecture: There are five types of layers in cloud computing. The primary layer clients in this layer different types of clients in organization having set separate computing. Second layer is services wt type of services needs to the clients and applications for adding some items or removing these things happening in application layer development. The entire thing of date is stored in this layer. layers Conclusion In my overall report i explained html5, cloud computing, security and scalability in website and web best practice. After the research i came to know that everything is linked with each other for the developing a better website. References https://www. ehow. com/way_5368790_html-tutorial. html#ix zz0qW64UULj When will HTML5 be finished? . WHATWG. WHATWG Wiki. Retrieved 2009-09-10. https://www. html5reference. com/tutorial/index. pdf https://www. ehow. com/way_5368790_html-tutorial. html H^ [whatwg] WHAT open mailing list announcement. Lists. whatwg. org. Retrieved 2010-03-04. HTML 5: A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML. . World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved 2009-01-28. HTML 5: A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML (Editors Draft). . World Wide Web Consortium. Retrieved 2010-04- ^ When will HTML5 be finished? . WHATWG. WHATWG Wiki. Retrieved 2009-09-10 . ^ HTML Working Group. W3. org. Retrieved 2010-03-04.  HTML 5. W3. org. 2009-08-25. Retrieved 2010-03-04. ^ [whatwg] HTML5 at Last Call (at the WHATWG) ^ Hongbin Liu, Shrideep Pallickara, Geoffrey Fox: Performance of Web Services Security ^ Francois Lascelles, Aaron Flint: WS Security Performance. Secure Conversation versus the X509 Profile Retrieved from https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/WS-Security Categories: Web service specifications | Computer security software | XML-based standards | End-to-end security Hidden categories: All articles with unsourced statements | Articles with unsourced statements from January 2010 https://blogs. dnet. com/Hinchcliffe/? p=488;tag=btxcsim https://blogs. zdnet. com/Howlett/? p=558;tag=btxcsim https://blogs. zdnet. com/BTL/? p=9560;tag=btxcsim https://www. businessweek. com/technology/content/aug2008/tc2008082_445669_page_3. htm https://www. ibm. com/developerworks/websphere/techjournal/0904_amrhein/0904_amrhein. html https://cloudcomputing. sys-con. com/ https://www. masternewmedia. org/news/2006/03/25/web_design_and_development_top. htm https://webdevfoundations. net/5e/chapter5. html https://www. w3schools. com/web/default. asp Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Newest Iteration Of HTML5" essay for you Create order
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Rome s Transformation From Republic - 1584 Words
As the first Roman emperor (though he never claimed the title), Augustus led Rome’s transformation from republic to empire during the chaotic years following the assassination of his great-uncle and adoptive father Julius Caesar. Augustus became one of Rome’s greatest leaders and he established the principate, the form of government under which Rome ruled its empire for many years. HISTORICAL CONTEXT Caesar Augustus, was born Gaius Julius Octavius in Rome, Italy and was alive from 63 BC - AD 14. Augustus’ father, also called Gaius Octavius, was the governor of Macedonia, and his mother was the niece of Julius Caesar. Octavian grew up in the village of Velletri, near Rome. His father died when he was just four years old and his mother remarried, but Augustus was sent to be raised by his grandmother Julia Caesar, Julius Caesar s sister. Many significant events occurred throughout this period of time in Rome and the surrounding regions. During the years of his birth, Rome was on an expansionist route, constantly building expanding their vast empire. This is evident with conquering of Syria in 62B.C. Also at this time, Rome was still a republic governed by elected officials. Furthermore the first triumvirate, (a political regime dominated by three powerful individuals, each called Triumvirs) was established over Rome in 60 B.C by Caesar, Crassus and Pompey. This in many ways contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire as this illegitimate use of power was very unsustainableShow MoreRelatedAnalysis : The A Tick Tock 1730 Words  | 7 PagesImagine, if you will, a society in which time has no clout, dominion, or sway. As you peer from the edge of today and into the bleak personifications of history - that is the unwelcoming Ancient Roman Empire – a delicate gleam weaves its way through the obscurity: be it days of harmony and concord. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Functional Immunity Free Essays
This type of immunity arises from customary international law and treaty law and confers immunities on those performing acts of state (usually a foreign official). Any person who in performing an act of state commits a criminal offence is immune from prosecution. This is so even after the person ceases to perform acts of state. We will write a custom essay sample on Functional Immunity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thus it is a type of immunity limited in the acts to which it attaches (acts of state) but will only end if the state itself ceases to exist. This type of immunity is based on respect for sovereign equality and state dignity. The offices usually recognised as attracting this immunity are Head of State or Head of Government, senior cabinet members, Foreign Minister, and Minister for Defence: see the Arrest Warrant Case,Pinochet Case (R v Bow Street Magistrates; ex parte Pinochet Ugarte (No 3) [2000] 1 AC 147, House of Lords). Such officers are immune from prosecution for everything they do during their time in office. For example, an English court held that a warrant could not be issued for the arrest of Robert Mugabe on charges of international crimes on the basis that he was a presently serving Head of State at the time the proceedings were brought: Mugabe, reported at (2004) 53 ICLQ 789. Other examples are the attempts to prosecute Fidel Castro in Spain and Jiang Zemin in the USA. However, the moment accused leaves office, they are liable to be prosecuted for crimes committed before or after their term in office, or for crimes committed whilst in office in a personal capacity (subject to jurisdictional requirements and local law). Pinochet was only able to come to trial because Chile and the UK had both signed and ratified the UN Convention Against Torture through which such immunities were waived. It may be the case that personal immunity is itself being eroded. In 2004 the Appeals Chamber of the Special Court for Sierra Leone held that indicted Liberian president Charles Taylor could not invoke his Head of State immunity to resist the charges against him, even though he was an incumbent Head of State at the time of his indictment. However, this reasoning was based on the construction of the court’s constituent statute, that dealt with the matter of indicting state officials. In any case, Taylor had ceased to be an incumbent Head of State by the time of the court’s decision so the arresting authorities would have een free to issue a fresh warrant had the initial warrant been overturned. Nevertheless, this decision may signal a changing direction in international law on this issue. Recent developments in international law suggest that this type of immunity, whilst it may be available as a defence to prosecution for local or domestic crimes or civil liability, is not a defence to an international crime. (International crimes include crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide). This has developed in the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, particularly in the Karadzic, Milosevic, and Furundzija cases (though care should be taken when considering ICTY jurisprudence due to its Ad-hoc nature). This was also the agreed position as between the parties in their pleadings in the International Court of Justice Case Concerning the Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium). The reasons commonly given for why this immunity is not available as a defense to international crimes is straight forward: (1) that is genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity are not acts of state. Criminal acts of the type in question are committed by human actors, not states; and (2) we cannot allow the jus cogens nature of international crimes, i. e. the fact that they are non-derogable norms, to be eroded by immunities. However, the final judgment of the ICJ regarding immunity may have thrown the existence of such a rule limiting functional immunities into doubt. See in this respect the criticism of the ICJ’s approach by Wouters, Cassese and Wirth among others, though some such as Bassiouni claim that the ICJ affirmed the existence of the rule. Regarding claims based on the idea that a senior state official committing International crimes can never be said to be acting officially, as Wouters notes â€Å"This argument, however, is not waterproof since it ignores the sad reality that in most cases those crimes are precisely committed by or with the support of high-ranking officials as part of a state’s policy, and thus can fall within the scope of official acts. Academic opinion on the matter is divided and indeed only the future development of International Customary law, possibly accelerated by states exercising universal jurisdiction over retired senior state officials, will be able to confirm whether state sovereignty has now yielded partially to internationally held human rights values. In November 2007, French prosecutors refused to press charges against former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld for torture and other alleged crimes committed during the course of the US invasion of Iraq, on the grounds that heads of state enjoyed official immunity under customary international law, and they further claimed that the immunity exists after the official has left office. [1] How to cite Functional Immunity, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Strong System of Communication Organization - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Strong System of Communication Organization. Answer: Introduction: The board structure of Tokyo Electric Power Company was a tall structure which hindered communication of crucial information. This was evident from the opinion provided by Mr Katsumaat, the Chairman and Mr Muto and Mr Takekuro, Vice Presidents. They informed that they were not provided information about the tsunami forecasts which could have allowed them to take necessary risk management actions to minimize the losses to resources, environment and employment when the three reactors melted due to the wave surges. This board of TEPCO consisted of corruptive executives who tried to distort facts of accidents due to the tsunami and explosions of the reactors. Thus, the corruptive and bureaucratic nature of the board of TEPCO was largely responsible for the accidents. The official website of Tokyo Electric Power Company speaks a great deal about its corporate governance measures which is contrary to its actual practices revealing its gross irresponsibility in the areas of corporate social responsibilities. The company did not take any initiative in spite of having information about the approaching tsunami. This resulted in immense environmental damage when three reactors melted and radioactive elements forced the occupants of a nearby hospital relocate to escape the radiation. This lack of risk management in the company and concern for employees was evident in the apex management reluctance in mandating safety wear for them. These facts clearly reveals that company had no genuine responsibilities towards its internal stakeholders, employees and apex management and external stakeholders, the society in general (tepco.co.jp, 2018). One can advise the chairman of TEPCO to enforce a strong system of communication within the organization. This would enable sharing crucial information like natural calamities and enable the company to take appropriate measures to minimize the risks due to them. The managers should ensure that the employees wear safety equipment like gloves and masks while working on site. References:. Fukushima 3/2/16:Ex-TEPCO Execs Indicted; Failure To Follow Meltdown Manual; Population Decline. (2018).YouTube. Retrieved 28 March 2018, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXXc6eT1cPolist=PLtVcoUQxU1--i7xup9k7MYCaxC1ti5V_F#action=share TEPCO : TEPCO. (2018).Tepco.co.jp. Retrieved 28 March 2018, from https://www.tepco.co.jp/en/index-e.html
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Talent Management
Introduction Organisations require human resources with different expertise, talents and experiences to develop an orchestrate team; globalization has facilitated movement of labour across borders to the benefit of firms (Berger Berger, 2003).Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Talent Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To benefit from free movement of labour, firms need to implement human resources management policies that can nature, develop and effectively tap human talents. The article by Burbach Royle, 2010, called Talent on Demand, discusses how talents can be managed within multinational companies. This paper discusses the main points brought about by the article. Talent management â€Å"Talent management as a corporate area of focus has been building steadily†(Burbach Royle, 2010). Talent management can be defined as a complex human resources management process where the human resources team develop measures and policies that facilitated in tapping human beings intellectual property. Globalisation has increased competition in modern business to a notch higher, companies need to improve their processes and products as well as innovate better processes and products. This can be done through the utilization of intellectualism and talents that a company has. Talent is seen as method of developing competitiveness within an organisation with an edge that other companies may not reach (Berger Berger, 2003). As much as talent management is a role played by human resources departments, it calls for collaboration of top and line managers to establish, develop and tap their human resources talents. On page 418, Burbach Royle are of the opinion that talent development is influenced by cultural and societal dissimilarities that human resources operate in, they discuss the differences in talent management approach in Germany and Ireland.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To manage effectively talents, an organisation should start by understanding the current strategies and processes and how they support talent management, with the understanding, they will be able to tap talents from entry level, nature, develop and retain them to the benefit of the organisation. When a talent has been developed, there should be effective passing out mechanism so as the benefits of the talents can benefit an entire organisation. A well-planned development assists the company to nurture, develop and retain employees with talents in the company. To facilitate talent development, knowledge development cannot be ignored; knowledge and talents are intangible assets, which are unique to different business and can be improved with experience and information interpolation (Burbach Royle, 2010). â€Å"Theoretically, global HRIS’s can play a key role in gathering a nd analysing talent management information and can be used to underpin the talent management process (Burbach Royle 2010, p.426). Discuss the issues relating to the use of HRIS’s in the global talent management system at Meddevco. Include some discussion of the outcomes resulting from these difficulties/issues. A number of issues face global HRIS talent management programs, the issues are at global, national and organisational level, they include: Resistance from international community For an effective HRIS talent management program, whether at Meddevco or any other country, the programs require support from international bodies and community. However there have been resistance and denied support by the community to support programs. An example is the resistance from European Union. Effects of domestic country local cultures Through at Meddevco the centralized control and reinforcement center is seen as the central point for management of talents, the success of the program has been affected by domestic policies and local culture. Psychological and emotional supports are necessary for an effective talent management program; however, this has been hard to come by.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Talent Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Lack of management support Management has the role of establishing and growing talents within their organisations; they should implement policies that facilitate the emergence, growth, development and maturity of talents within their organizations. However, they have looked down the exercise and programs set by HRIS, the majority of managers at Meddevco are of the believe that talent management is another function of the human resources managers; they fail to realize in itself is an expensive task that needs special attention. When they leave the task to the human resources management alone, the success of the programs is likely to fail. Global and micro-political relationships When developing a global talent management program, some political issues that affect the development. Some countries are not willing to let their countries potential be shared with the world. Some countries like the United States feel they need to preserve their talents, this is seen as political and power building structures. When HRIS programs are faced with different issues as illustrated, the management of talents is limited to national and regional levels. At this rate, the potential that the world has is lost; the rate at which a country or company uses resources efficiently is reduced (Burbach Royle, 2010). Conclusion Globalisation has facilitated movement of labour across boundaries; the more human resources an economy has, the more talents it has. Personnel’s have different talents and capabilities; however, tapping these intellectual assets requires strategic human resources management policies that can nature, develops, an d manage talents. References Berger, A. Berger, D. (2003).The talent management handbook: creating organizational excellence by identifying, developing, and promoting your best people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Burbach, R., Royle, T. ( 2010).Talent on demand: Talent management in the German and Irish subsidiaries of a US multinational corporation. Journal of Public Relations, 36,(4), 414-430.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This article on Talent Management was written and submitted by user Seamus Beck to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
US National Debt essays
US National Debt essays "Spending financed not by current tax receipts, but by borrowing or drawing upon past tax reserves." Is it a good idea? Why does the U.S. run a deficit? Since 1980 the deficit has grown enormously. Some say it is a bad thing, and predict impending doom, others say it is a safe and stable necessity to maintain a healthy economy. For nearly 150 years the U.S. government managed to keep a balanced budget. The only time a budget deficit existed during these years was in times of war or other catastrophic events. For instance, the government created deficits during the War of 1812, the recession of 1837, the Civil War, the depression of the 1890s, and World War I. However, once each incident ended the deficit would be eliminated. The economy was much stronger than the accumulated debt and would therefore quickly absorb it. The last time the budget ran a surplus was in 1969 during Nixon's presidency. Budget deficits have grown larger and more frequent in the last half-century. In the 19 80s they soared to record levels. The government cut income tax rates, greatly increased defense spending, and didn't cut domestic spending enough to make up the difference. The deep recession of the early 1980s reduced revenues, raising the deficit and forcing the Government to spend much more on paying interest for the national debt at a time when interest rates were high. As a result, the national debt grew exponentially in size after 1980. It grew from $709 billion to $3.3 trillion in 1990, only one decade later. (See Table 1) Federal spending has grown over the years. If you compare actual dollars and their proportion to the economy (Gross Domestic Product, or GDP), much of it began in the 1930s. Beginning with the "New Deal", the Federal Government came to play a much larger role in American life. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sought to use the full powers of his office to end the Great Depression. He and Congress greatly expanded Federal prog...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Creative writing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Creative writing - Term Paper Example Now 32, he has talked to Carla about starting a family. She finds the thought appealing, but wonders what things the couple should know before having a baby. They decide to consult her family doctor for advice. Starting a family is a major life step for any couple, and understanding and having reasonable expectations can make it a very happy and joyous experience. Frankly, there are some things in our lives that are not very healthy. Think about your pregnancy like a recipe that has steps that are very important, as a matter of fact, some of the steps are critical. Those critical steps are stages during your pregnancy that directly impact your baby. If you make wise decisions and change just a few aspects of your lifestyle now, there will not be any problems during the pregnancy. Now, there are some very basic things to understand about a pregnancy that are totally out of our control. Your body is made up of over 30,000 Genes that basically determine things like eye color and hair color. They also can determine if the baby is going to have a certain disease, like Down syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis. These genes and what they do are called Heredity Factors. Both parents contribute to the genes that the baby will have, and help determine how important those Heredity Factors are. There are tests that can help determine that the baby is going to be healthy, but we cannot change the baby’s genes and how they affect their development. There are things that directly affect the baby, these are called environmental factors. The environmental factors are things that we live with every day, and unlike the Heredity Factors, we can change our environmental factors. A good example of an environmental factor that can and should change is Anthony’s chemical exposure at his work. Anytime Anthony sprays or mixes a chemical he uses, he exposes himself to small trace amounts of those chemicals that he
Monday, February 3, 2020
William A. Shea and His Impact on New York Research Paper
William A. Shea and His Impact on New York - Research Paper Example He was honored by naming the stadium after him, and the team New York Mets played in the stadium for approximately 45 years (Wade 150). Shea had immense political connections as well as money in New York City, he weathered the pressure from the major league owners to come up with the third league after the Giants and Dodgers moved on. William Shea made significant contributions on the New York through making the Continental league a reality in the City. Moreover, Shea was revered for introducing a junior league that promoted the growth of talent in Baseball. Besides his career as a lawyer and huge interests in Baseball. Shea was involved in philanthropic activities. This paper discusses William A. Shea and his contributions toward New York. Discussion William A. Shea was born in Washington Heights in Manhattan on June 21, 1907. Shea attended various public schools after which he studied at New York University on a sports scholarship for basketball. Later, he transferred on another sp orts scholarship to Georgetown University. In 1931, Shea was admitted to the bar at District of Columbia after which he joined the New York bar (Margolick). While in New York University, Georgetown University and Harvard Law School, Shea had a huge interest in Basketball and was a team member in these institutions. Shea graduated from the Harvard law school and worked for insurance bureaucracies after which he entered into private practice. As a lawyer, Shea garnered political influence by working voluntarily on influential boards in Brooklyn. In his legal career, Shea was a lawyer who was trusted by powerful men due to his efficiency (Margolick). Career as a Lawyer Shea held close ties with political bigwigs although he never held an elective office (Margolick). Moreover, Shea was on numerous occasions cited bragging that he had never practiced his profession in a conventional sense. Nevertheless, his career, which spanned for a period of five decades, was a period when Shea became a confidant of mayors, governors and corporate chieftains. These ties enabled him to build Shea & Gould, which is New York’s most influential and largest law firm. Shea and Gould clients included the Apple, The Mets and The Yankees among others. For a large part of his career, Shea maneuvered around banquet halls and boardrooms and was only brought to a public role when the New York Mayor enlisted his help to return the league to its glory (Margolick). Shea obtained New York’s baseball franchise via a combination of street smarts, threats, bluffs and charm that he was particularly suited in given his career as a lawyer, and not as a zealous sports fan. Moreover, his credentials may have been ridden with official appointments, encomiums, affiliations and awards but they omitted his important attribute of bringing people’s interests together (Margolick). Caliendo(2010, 18) highlights that Shea was a power broker with huge experience and spent 40 years turning sit uations facing bankers, realtors, underwriters corporate heads, cement barons, sports impresarios and politicians into profitable cases. Moreover, Shea was labeled as the unofficial chairperson of the unofficial government, who had spent a significant part of his career laboring quietly in political twilight between the public good and private interest. Shea had survived many regimes at the Shea Stadium from the reign of Casey Stengel to the reign of Bud Harrelson and during the opening days of the leagues, he presented a flowery horseshoe to the manager as Mets. Similarly, he survived many political vicissitudes during his career at the City Hall. He became a close confidant of Mayors John Lindsay, Abraham Beame
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Quality Perception of Ready to Cook Meals
Quality Perception of Ready to Cook Meals The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of quality perception of housewife towards their preference of use of ready to cook meal and to know that which variables of quality perception have an impact on the preference to use. The variables we have taken for the study are taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients. Primary data has been collected through personal survey; we have used the questionnaire as an instrument for the data collection. The convenience sampling method was followed. The questionnaires were filled by 150 respondents i.e. housewife. Optimal scaling or categorical regression was used which is statistical technique used to analyze the impact or effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. The results show that there is no effect of the independent variable (taste, freshness, storage life and quality of ingredients) on the preference to use of the ready to cook meal. In other words we can say that the housewives are not influenced by these variables of quality perception i.e. they have no effect on the preference to use. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview Every region has different culture and different perceptions related to meal, (Rozin, 1999). Industry response to consumers varying lifestyles and preferences has seen an excess of prepared foods (ready-to-cook items) introduced into the market over the past two decades. During this time period, the food industry has prepared a concerted effort to meet up the desires of a time-hungry consumer through enlarged offerings of semi prepared and ready to cook meals. As the emergence of time, men and women both are preferred to work, (Goyal Singh, 2007) because the daily requirements are grown very high and everyone wants to live a lavish life. For women its mandatory to look after their home and family along with their job. It is also factual that many of us do not have the time or energy to cook like that everyday. Mainly responsibility for the preparation of meal lies with women. Its true that housewife is always responsible for meal, even she spend more hours away from home than her hu sband. For working women it seems daunting to give time to cooking after a long working hours. It is quite tiring to plan and prepare a meal for working women, where every day chores as well as office work have no avoidance. She has a more purchasing power however less time to cook and eat. There are options available for the food that fills the empty tummies which are also healthy and take less time. And even some of them have pretty good taste too.As the work habits of women have increased; it has an effect on life style. I have found a way out to this menu planning and making phobia. The easiest way out that I could think of was ready-to-cook meals. Ready to cook meals is a packaged meal that already cooked or just need to reheats it before use. Many research shows that the concept of ready to cook meal comes from during wars, military has limited resources to prepare food and it is available in pouches and tin cans. It is popularly used in US and Europe countries for ages and has a mature market in food industry. Although it has also captured a market share in Asian countries for past two decades. Ready to cook meals makes life easier that they are easy to make, ready to eat whenever you want to and you just have to do reheat it and it is all done, it is easy to store. These meals can be stored for long time like kept frozen for over three months and once it has cooked then can be stored up to three days in the refrigerator. So, it is a nice deal unlike the consumable commodities. The adoption of ready to cook meal is easier specifically for working women against home cooked meal because she usually dont get the time to make va rieties of meal on everyday basis. Thats why working women are more likely to buy convenience products than the housewives. Daily dine out is not a healthy choice. Because restaurants offers a heavy and fattening meals which are injurious to our health. So, the people who are health conscious and want a high quality meal or try a new eating experience, they prefer to have natural food ingredients then ready to cook meal is a good choice for them, which is hygienic and tasty like restaurant food. While on the other hand, the advantage of making own home cooked meal is that you can prepare meal according to your preferences, some people like less spicy food. So, you can add or eliminate the ingredients as per your desire. You have a complete control over making of your meal and no preservatives used in it. 1.2 Problem statement The research we conducted is about to study the effects of housewife quality perception of ready to cook meal on their preference to use. This research is actually an experimental research in which we found that do the housewives prefer to use the ready to cook meal. And how do they find the ready to cook meal in aspects of its taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients in comparison of home cooked meal. There are many companies which offers ready to cook meal in the market. The task of cooking a big meal after a full day of work might appear kind of off-putting. Due to scarcity of time, the difference is arising in purchasing of substitution of purchased goods. Both the employed and non employed wives are going to apply Time-Buying strategies. But the employed wives take more care of their time so they go for convenience meals or purchase meals. Ready-to-cook meals are dependable with modern consumer fashions towards greater involvement in cooking and the desire to use natural, unprocessed ingredients. This type of food can be served in a short amount of time. This type of food prepared available in market that gives benefit to both employed and non employed women. The perception of ready to cook meal depends upon some factors which are highly effective on buying of purchased food. When the women consider using ready to cook meal there are some variables like taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients, which comes in her mind and make comparison with the home cooked meal. In this report we came to the knowledge that both working n nonworking women were willing to cook food tasty as well as quick. Although we got know that we added flavor in food through long, slow and simmering cooking but now women are finding other ways of infusing flavor that we saw in this study. Mostly women collect recipes that take short time, some keep their pantry and freezer stocked with ingredients used in most quick tasty meal recipes. Some tasty and healthy shortcuts can make cooking trouble-free and delicious. The other significant variable to consider is storage of ready to cook meal. This discipline describes how to handle, prepare and safe meal in ways that prevent food borne illness, WHO (2007). This practice is to be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. Housewives are very conscious about food safety. They dont take risk for health of their families. They try to Store their food properly and under the best possible position that would extend its life to its extreme potential. Some foods can be stored at room temperature and some must be refrigerated. Freezing can be exploited to increase the life of many items for consumptions. To get the most out of the storage areas, definite conditions must be maintained. These meals are designed to be heated, but can be eaten cold since they are already fully cooked. With the passage of time storage methods are changing with eating patterns. No women look like to be ready to spend hours in cooking foods. Even though, it means we just can not have right to use to real time fresh food. But so is the need of time that we have started showing willingness to buy meals ready to eat where no issues of storage arise. The quality of ingredient is another very important characteristic of meal that is considerable among consumers. This contains such features as texture, and flavor and so on. As well as ingredient quality, there are also hygiene requirements. It is important to make sure that the food processing surroundings is as clean as achievable in order to produce the safest possible food for the consumer. 1.3 Hypotheses H1: The taste perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H2: The freshness perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H3: The storage life perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H4: The hygiene perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. H5: The quality of ingredients perception of ready to cook meal has a positive effect on housewife preference to use. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Quality and safety are two important elements in consumer food perceptions and decision making associated with food choice (Grunert, 2005). But the both quality and safety are two different and broad categories. If we take quality as benchmark it may include study hygiene, taste, freshness, health effects and storage life. These five variables also lead to safety of food and if these five variables will be taken under consideration in making home food or purchasing ready to cook meal can be the most important variables to be in consideration. At first it is to be understand that either women now days are cooking food at their home or not or purchasing it from outside. There is a growing demand for the convenience of take-out food, and food service establishments are seeking to satisfy this demand (Food Institute Report, 2007). The ratio of purchasing the food from outside is growing day by day but the preference to use food will remain the same because the compromise on hygiene, taste, freshness, health and storage has to be always in consideration. With the emergence of the supermarket and hypermarket culture, consumer preference for packaged food products has increased significantly in the recent years (Stewart-Knox Mitchell,2003). This factor should not be neglected that with opening of more and more supermarkets, the demand and use of frozen food, ready to cook meal and have increased and consumers are also very well aware of quality and preference to use food (Silayoi Speece, 2004). Consumers have now become more discriminating in their food product choices and have started emphasizing more on convenience, freshness and quality of the products (Quagrainie, 1998). Freshness, hygiene, taste, all these factors are very important before purchasing package food product because health is an important factor and consumers cant compromise in any kind of health issues(Acebron, Levy., Mangin, Calvo Dopico, (2000) . The desire for convenience and an increase in the number of working women are some of the significant factors driving a strong growth of packaged food products (Goyal Singh, 2007). Besides, consumers have now started preferring quality food intake and are becoming more aware in terms of nutritional diet, health and food safety issues (Ruth Yeung, 2001). The producers of the packaged food should take this factor in reflection because as trends changes the producers have to adopt it quickly because of to capture the market and to remain the markets leaders (Rimal, Fletcher, McWatters, K.H., Misra, S.K. Deodhar,2001). As economies develop and incomes increase, people not only demand higher levels of safety and quality in their food (Smith Riethmuller, 1999), but also express concerns about the environmental sustainability, the logical use of natural resources and the protection of farmers and animals health (Overby, Gardial, Woodruff, 2004). These changes in attitudes and values (Tansey, 1994) have also been stimulated by a number of food scares and crises (e.g. pesticide residues, saturated fats, veterinary drugs, food additives, dioxins, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, etc.) that have become a major public health problem worldwide and shaked consumers confidence in food quality and food safety. Furthermore, the increasing technological change especially the genetic engineering and its use in agriculture and food industry is generating much controversy over its costs and benefits with the majority of European consumers having a negative attitude towards genetically modified food (Verdurme Vi aene, 2003). Where consumers are going towards package foods, at other side increase in health issue is an another problem. So still there is a huge majority who is still love to cook food their home and prefer it more than ready to cook meal because for them taste, freshness, hygiene is more than the package foods (Hobbs, Bailey, Dickinson Haghiri, 2005). Consumers are believed to generally prefer products of high quality. However, the underlying cognitive determinants of quality and safety are not sufficiently understood within the area of consumer behavior. (Rijswijk Frewer, 2008). Quality is always the benchmark for the people and in food no one like to compromise on it. The variable which is in discussion of hygiene, storage, freshness, taste and effect on health is the benchmark for the preference to use the food. People can spend premium price but will not compromise on the given variables because health is an important factor for everyone(Rohr, Luddecke, Drusch, Muller Alvensleben, 2005). It is important to understand consumers own perceptions and representations of quality and safety. This is because consumers will base their purchasing decisions on these beliefs (Rijswijk Frewer, 2008).It is not necessary that the variables which is being considered is the benchmark for everyone, For some only 3 will be considered, for oth er 7 attributes can be in their view. Consumers are likely to derive quality or safety perceptions from other product cues, either intrinsic (e.g., appearance of the product) or extrinsic cues (e.g., a quality label) (Nelson, 1970). Its an another view of judging quality by looking to other product looks because no one knows what is inside, how it is cook, etc. In addition, the interrelationship between consumer conceptualization of food quality and food safety warrants further investigation. If consumers perceive quality and safety as independent attributes, different decisions may be made depending on whether consumers focus on quality or safety issues in their food choices. However, if the two concepts are inter-related, and are implied by one another, food choices may always involve decisions about both quality and safety. (Rijswijk Frewer, 2008). Both qualitative and quantitative research has addressed issues associated with cultural determinants of food choice. It is evident that when analyzing factors that influence food choice it is important to take consumers cultural backgrounds into account (Nayga, 1999). It is believed that people from different cultural backgrounds have different perceptions and experiences related to food (e.g., Rozin, P., Fischler, C., Imada, S., Sarubin, A. Wrzesniewski, A., 1999). So the culture factor will be having an impact on our results because most of the house wife will not prefer the ready to cook meal because their mothers dont like this concept, they might have a thought which is not good for health, so these factors can have an impact on preference to use food. There is a growing demand for the convenience of take-out food, and food service establishments are seeking to satisfy this demand (Food Institute Report, 2007). The current trend in today world is to consume the frozen food, package food, ready to cook meal or restaurant food because of the lack of time in current life (Lennernas, Fjellstrom, Becker, Giachetti, Schmitt, Remaut de Winter Kearney, 1997). To live a good life every member of the family has to earn for the good living, so the trend is setting now for the ready to cook meal which can get ready as soon as possible. The challenge is to find containers that keep the food hot, and are cost effective (Matsumoto, 2000). Initially in package food idea was introduce, it was having the flaws how to keep food hot and how to make it cheap because the idea was very costly. And when you think the consumer will be purchasing the food because every one has the different schedule, so the idea of ready to cook meal has come up, when you get home you just have to cook for around few minutes and have good hot food at consumer convenience. Despite the increasing sales, it is only take-out and curbside services that are fueling the market. Consumer interest for dining in restaurants is not growing; the value to the current consumer is the ability to purchase already prepared food, and take it away to consume at home (Prewitt, 2002). Consumers are not interested in purchasing the prepared food because till they take that to home it may not remain fresh because distance from the restaurant to home can be long or short both, other perspective is that it has been observed that people dont like to eat as soon as they reach their home, they first like to fresh up, get relaxed and then loved to have food with their family, so ready to cook meal is very much good for these kind of people as it is safe, hygiene, taste good. This market is supported by single working people, and dual-income couples, with children or without, who are purchasing take-out food five times per week due to time constraints (Binkley Ghiselli, 2005). In Denmark, the respondents of one research (Poulsen, 1999) believed that prepared meals provided convenience by enriching the every day diet. This convenience may be supposed as promoting an easy way of healthy living. However, consumers also perceived unnaturalness and uneasiness towards the taste changes, higher price, doubt about the enrichment effect, and uncertainty toward eating functional food products. On the other hand, attitudes were seen to be more encouraging towards the tangible aspects of functional foods. Some of these aspects, included enrichment with supplements of calcium and vitamins (Poulsen, 1999). CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS This chapter covers the detail information regarding method of data collection, research questions, and objective of this study, research hypothesis, data collection, sample size and technique. It also includes the tool which has been used in the study. 3.1Method of Data Collection: The method of data collection was a personal survey technique. The data was collected from different housewives in whom both working and non working housewives were included. 3.2 Instrument of Data Collection: The instrument used to collect the data was a structured questionnaire. It contained 10 questions, in which 3 questions were regarding personal information of the respondent, 2 questions regarding the usage of ready to cook meal and other 5 questions were regarding the effects of housewife quality perception of ready to cook meal on their preference to use. The different quality factors of ready to cook meal were considered like taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene, quality of ingredients in this questionnaire. 3.3 Sample size: The sample size was of 150 respondents. The respondents were housewives who were to ask to fill the questionnaires. Two categories of housewives i.e. working and non working women had been considered in this study. 3.4 Sampling Technique: The sampling technique used in this study was convenience sampling that based on random data collection. 3.5 Statistical Technique: The statistical technique used for the analysis was regression. To find out the effect or impact of independent variables which were taste, freshness, hygiene, storage life and quality of ingredients on the dependent variable which was preference to use, we applied optimal scaling or categorical regression test because the data was based on categories. In summary shows that the questionnaires filled were 100% valid and all 150 respondents filled the questionnaire. The value of Cronbachs Alpha shows the reliability of the data. It is greater than .50 so, we can process further our study. . CHAPTER 4: RESULTS The effect of housewifes quality perception of ready to cook meal was determined by the optimal scaling which is categorical regression analysis, this technique is used to predict the impact or effect of the independent variables quality perception of ready to cook meal in which we studied taste, freshness, hygiene, storage life, quality of ingredients on the dependent variable i.e. preference to use. Summary The ANOVA table tests the acceptability of the model from a statistical perspective. The table shows that there is no effect of taste on preference to use because the significant value is greater than 0.05. The significant value should be less than 0.05 to accept the model. CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, FUTURE RESEARCH AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion In the research an attempt was made to examine the quality perception of housewife towards the usage of the ready to cook meals. As the result shows that there is no effect of quality perception in which taste, freshness, storage life, hygiene and quality of ingredients variables were studied, on the preference to use of ready to cook meal. The significant value of all the variables came greater than 0.05 which means there is no impact of independent variables on the dependent variable and all hypotheses has rejected of the research. 5.2 Discussion In this research the women are involved from different areas of the city. Majority of women used the ready to cook meal and agreed to the statement that ready to cook meal makes life easier especially for working women. It was seemed that the common perception among consumers about the ready to cook meal is changing life style. The quality of food considered as the packaging and its appearance of the meal. On the other hand, women also like traditional style of cooking because they think that home cooked meal have a variety of ingredients and they can make their meal by their own style. 5.3 Implication and Recommendation On the basis of this research we came to know that the companies which are producing ready to cook meals are recommended that they should advertise more their products because mostly people know just one or two companies which are producing these kinds of meals. And they should spend more expenses over RD because it was determined during this survey that there is lowest impact of storage life on the preference to use. The companies should go for line extension in ready to cook meal because variety of consumers seems in market. 5.4 Future Research The future research on the effect of housewife quality perception of ready to cook meal on their preference to use will need to take account of the observation that these concepts are strongly related to the safety of food and convenience of time. The other issue on which we can focus in the future study would be that how people from different cultures define the quality of food because every culture has its own style of preparing food, food safety have an impact on purchasing decision, and the brands impact of ready to cook meal on the preference to use.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Juvenile Violence Essay
In the increasing debate of child criminals and their proneness towards recidivism, there exists the issue of rehabilitation. In point of fact the entire issue of juvenile delinquency hinges upon the ability of the offender to re-enter society not as a criminal but as a redemptive individual ready to become a working part of society. In the questions that arise from the concern over juvenile delinquency the recurring question is this: Are children who commit crimes rehabilitated by the juvenile court system, or are they more likely to commit criminal acts as adults? In the answering of this fundamental question, aspects of the child criminal are brought to the forefront of the debate, and these include, the attachment the child has with parental figure and the morality that exists in the child because of that relationship or the amorality that exists because of lack of a relationship. Also, the connection the juvenile has with school and community becomes prevalent when after school programs are a deterrent to crime. Throughout this essay, such rehabilitation techniques will be dissected and examined, and a cause and effect scenario will be produced. Amalgamating facts on the juvenile delinquent and the process by which they become a delinquent is the aim of this paper. The reintroduction of a delinquent into society will be presented as the purpose of the juvenile court system and whether this system fails or should receive accolades is the determining factor in rehabilitation. Other factors in the rehabilitation of the delinquent, and the effectiveness of these alternative methods will also be presented. It must also be included in the paper the viewpoint of trying child criminals as adults for their crimes and whether or not such punishment is just and rehabilitative or merely a deterrent in the growth away from such delinquent behavior. In essence, the purpose of this paper is to reveal whether or not juvenile delinquents have a chance to become integral parts of a working society and whether the juvenile court system impedes or motivates the delinquent to become a model citizen. The question we must then ask is; are juvenile detention centers merely an impetus for juveniles to continue with their criminal lifestyle, and is trying them as adults paving the path towards them becoming a hardened criminal? The intention of this paper is to delve into the causes of juvenile violence, whether or not programs retarding recidivism work and the theory behind their efficacy, and a major section of the paper will introduce violent behavior and its causes (i. e. peer groups, parental control, and cultural background). Delinquent Behavior/Definition/Parents Juvenile delinquency is refereed as the act of committing serious crimes of a person ranging from ages of 10 through 17 years in the society. Juvenile delinquency had been a major problem because of the committed serious crimes. The social issues of juvenile delinquency cases are being monitored and the alarming effects made many lawmakers find a way to stop this. The Justice Department of United States defines a juvenile delinquent as the offender of the laws of the country as stated by the court and who is a minor. In view of delinquent behavior there must be a definition and applicable theory to first aid in deciding what causes such conduct (Quas et al. 2002, 247). In Hirschi’s book Causes of Delinquency (1969) there are presented three different theory types in regards to delinquent behavior. These theories have applicable grounds, by which the delinquent acts out, as Hirschi states, Three fundamental perspectives on delinquency and deviant behavior dominate the current scene. According to strain or motivational theories, legitimate desires that conformity cannot satisfy or force a person into deviance. According to control or bond theories, a person is free to commit delinquent acts because his ties to the conventional order have somehow been broken. According to cultural deviance theories, the deviant conforms to a set of standards not accepted by a larger or more powerful society. (Hirschi 1969, 3) The idea of conformity is a major part of the decision process of whether or not a child becomes a delinquent. Conformity to whom is the major question presented by each theory. The conformity to a society should discipline a child into model behavior while the conformity to a gang or group of friends whose lifestyle consists of criminal acts is merely another form of orthodoxy in that particular group. In the conformity of either gang or community the underlying current of thought for the delinquent is desire. Human desire to be a part of something and be accepted by that larger group is the impetus towards deliberating behavior. Humans are creatures whose desires propel them on towards actions, whether or not those actions are legitimated by society or a gang is not concerting but rather a person sometimes feels that their desires are above the law, and when that desire is about acceptance, many formal rules are broken, as Hirschi states, Having thus established that man is a moral animal who desires to obey the rules, the sociologist was then faced with the problem of explaining his deviance. Clearly, if men desire to conform, they must be under great pressure before they will resort to deviance. In the classic strain theories, this pressure is provided by legitimate desires. A man desires success, for example, as everyone tells him he should, but he cannot attain success conforming to the rules; consequently, in desperation, he turns to deviant behavior or crime to attain that which he considers rightfully his. (Hirschi 1969, 5). In defining the deviance of a juvenile his or her own personal issues towards conformity become apparent. There is of course the issue of morality with problems about crimes. For a delinquent, their understanding about crime, and their acts therein, depend independently upon who has previously governed their conceptions of the criminal lifestyle. On this issue, Hirschi states, â€Å"In strain theory, man is a moral animal. His morality accounts for the pressure that I built into the model. If morality is removed, however, if man is seen as an amoral animal, then tremendous pressure is unnecessary in accounting for his deviance†(Hirschi 1969, 10). A child, to a certain extent is not solely responsible for their own actions, because they mirror what has been presented to them. Parents should be highly considered when any discussion or debate about the morality of children and their proceeding stature as a criminal is discussed. The influence of the family in the juvenile’s criminal disposition is further emphasized through Aspy et al. ’s article which stating that, Many of these risk factors are related to the economic resources available to the family. Family income has been shown to be protective in that youth from wealthier families are less likely to be involved in weapon carrying (Blum et al. , 2000). Although the number of children below the poverty line is on the decline, overall, there remain racial/ethnic differences in family structure and poverty†(Aspy et al. 2004, 82). The use of family as a predictor in the violence and criminal behavior of a child is further emphasized through Ellickson and McGuigan’s research, For predatory violence, there were 6 predictors: frequency of using alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana during grade 7; higher levels of perceived drug use by one’s middle school peers; being male; being multiracial; coming from a nuclear family; and rebelliousness. However the last two variables had an impact was contrary to our predictors with adolescents from nuclear families more likely to be frequent perpetrators of predatory violence and rebellious youth less likely to be frequent perpetrators of predatory violence (Ellickson and McGuigan 2000, 570). With this understanding of the juvenile mindset, the parental control over the thoughts and sentiments that the juvenile has towards crime should be discussed. The amount of exposure a child has with their parents may be considered positive or negative in regards to rehabilitation or the furthering of the child’s life into crime depending on the morality of the parents. The juvenile court system lays great claim to the lack of control parents have with regards to their children and thus the child is sent to a more appropriate atmosphere. The juvenile court system sometimes takes control away from the parents and gives it to an institute. To keep on track, the child’s exposure to their parents may offer a great opportunity to examine the process of the making of a juvenile delinquent. Hirschi gives us the fact that parental control may be a great deterrent to a life of crime. In control theory it is believed that the greater the bond between a parent and a child, the less likely it is for that child to become delinquent (Hirschi 1969, 83). When a child contemplates a criminal act, according to control theory, and decides to either follow through with the act or to discard the act, depends upon the extent to which that their parents are moral beings have ingrained in that child such morality. On this subject, Hirschi states, â€Å"In the light of the cultural deviance perspective, the child unattached to his parents is simply more likely to be exposed to â€Å"criminogenic influences. †He is, in other words, more likely to be free to take up with a gang. His lack of attachment to his parents is, in itself, of no moral significance†(Hirschi 1969, 85). The attachment a child exhibits to their parents should have great influence on the juvenile court system as to whether or not the child can be rehabilitated. Since the morality of a parent seems to have great sway as to the sentiments and sometimes actions of a juvenile delinquent, the parent should be given custody and paroling powers over the child instead of a juvenile institution or prison. The socialization from the earliest stage of child development is dependent upon the parent. The conformity a child feels they must succumb to the conformity the parent instills in the child. Hirschi states that in control theory advocates of alternative law enforcement find the internalization of norms depends on the early socialization the child has been exposed to under the guidance of the parent. The emotional bond between parent and child delivers to the child the same mores and values held in esteem of the parent. The parent’s expectations of the child become well known and are fostered through this bond. If, however, the child is alienated or distanced from their parent, such bonds prove to be nihilistic. The feeling the child has of moral rules when the bond is severed or otherwise incapacitated proves to be the leading factor in the delinquent lifestyle. When the parent shows little concern for the child’s actions or is simply not in the child’s life, then that child is void of moral laws, codes and societal norms (Hirschi 1969, 86). The child’s development of a superego or conscious will not develop if such a bond is nonexistent. Of parental bonds and the forming of child delinquents, Hirschi goes on to state, The child attached to his parents may be less likely to get into situations in which delinquent acts are possible, simply because he spends more of his time in their presence. However, since most delinquent acts require little time, and since most adolescents are frequently exposed to situations potentially definable as opportunities for delinquency, the amount of time spent with parents would probably be only a minor factor in delinquency prevention. So-called â€Å"direct control†is not, except as a limiting case, of much substantive or theoretical importance. The important consideration is whether the parent is psychologically present when temptation to commit a crime appears. If, in the situation of temptation, no thought is given to parental reaction, the child is to this extent free to commit the act. (Hirschi 1969, 88). Parental concern and involvement, in regards to control theory, is thus proven to be a staple in the forming of healthy relationships between child and society and the deterring factor that limits delinquency.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Report Generator for Bayanan Barangay Hall Essay
Computer technology has been widely used in different fields, nowadays; computer is the main system that is being used from large and wide scale manufacturing up to small scale industries. The defining feature of modern computers which distinguishes them from all other machines is that they can be programmed. In recent times, the world has witnessed a rapid increase in technological innovations. This era ushered in the advent of the electronic computer system among other modern technologies. At present the computer technology has permeated nearly all aspects of human organizational roles and education. Computer encompasses almost all facets of human endeavors. So much has been written on it and its relatedness to all areas of human disciplines, which include computer/information technology, engineering, agriculture etc. However, in the field of case records their role is much less well defined, for here the organization of data as a preliminary to computer input is the real stumbling -block. Barangay Bayanan is one of the barangay in the City of Muntinlupa. It is bounded between Barangay Alabang and Barangay Putatan. With residents for about 35,865 the hall is strategically located along Bayanan Bay walk, Muntinlupa City. Transactions are currently done manually wherein, information about the citizens are being process by just simply writing the citizen’s name, age, location and other personal information. Producing report such as Barangay Clearance, various certificates etc. is done manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. Furthermore, the duplication of produced report to each citizen is often result to data management problem such as slow processing, inaccuracy of report and many others. These problems are typical of a manual or traditional system. This research aims to consider a computerized report generator is needed to avoid redundancy and to quicken the generation of reports from the replacement of the current manu al system. The general objective of the study is to design and develop a report generator that would serve as proposal to help Bayanan Barangay Hall to their operation and provides an easier, faster, more organized, secured, and accurate system. The specific objective of the study is to identify the problems encountered by Bayanan Barangay Hall and also create a report generator that will improve the scope such as citizens, staff and administration. In general scope, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and development of a report generator for Bayanan Barangay Hall with its administration, staff, and citizens are selected. The report generator has a secure log-in for administration and staff. For its limitation, the study is limited only to citizen-data entry person transactions. The inventory report, payroll of the staff and the payment for the service rendered is not provided by the report generator because it will only focus in generating reports after the registration of the citizen’s information is being done by the authorized personnel.  This part describes the relationship between the dependent variables, independent variables and intervening variables of existing system and proposed report generator.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
St. Francis of Assisi - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1132 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/13 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Saint Francis of Assisi Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, there have been only a few people fortunate and deserving enough of the title of â€Å"saint†. Originally named Giovanni Francesco Bernardone, St. Francis of Assisi is honored as the patron saint of animals and ecology. He lived a life of complete obedience, humility, and poverty. He was a guy who was truly in love with the Lord and wanted to follow in his teachings. He was a man willing to give up his belongings to help those less-fortunate. Despite his death many years ago, his life still continues to have a tremendous influence/impact on the Catholic Church today. Born in Italy in the year 1182, Francis was a determined and very spirited child that any father would be proud of. As a child, he had a lot of good qualities and a lot of wealth which attracted many friends. Growing up, he had planned to pursue a trade following in his father’s footsteps, but due to a vicious public dispute, at about age 20 he stepped away from his father and joined into the military. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "St. Francis of Assisi" essay for you Create order As part of the military during a battle in the year 1201, Francis was taken prisoner of war and held captive for almost an entire year. This event took a toll on his body and he became so sick that he nearly died and it took him several months to recover. This was a crucial turning point that would change the life of St. Francis forever. It was during this period of captivity that, for the first time in his life, he did some serious meditating on the lord. He truly began to fall in love with God at this point. One day after a strange vision, Francis returned to Assisi to care to the sick. After taking a pilgrimage to Rome, Francis had a dream in which God called him to repair his Church. He interpreted this literally as a command to physically repair the Church of San Damiano, a ruined Church near Assisi where he would occasionally go to pray. Therefore, Francis went to the Church with his tools and tried to repair many Churches. Soon, however, Francis would grow into the realization that God wanted him to be an advocate, and eventually a leader, of the Catholic Church by carrying out God’s mission. After a few years, Francis heard a sermon that changed the way he lived his life. The sermon was of Matthew 10:9, in which Christ tells his followers to go out and proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven and not take any money with them. This inspired Francis to live a life of simplicity and apostolic poverty by giving up all his rights and possessions and preaching repentance. A townsman named Bernardo di Quintavalle soon joined Francis in this life of poverty and repentance. Shortly within a year, Francis had about eleven fellow followers and they became somewhat of a brotherhood in Assisi. The bothers lived a very simple life, full of cheer, spending most of their time wandering around Umbria, Italy. Everywhere they traveled, they left a deep impression on all those willing to listen. In about the year 1209, Francis and his eleven followers went to Rome to seek permission to form a new religious order. Reluctantly, Pope Innocent III agreed to informally admit the brotherhood. Over the course of time, the brotherhood increased in size and numbers and eventually became what is known as the Orders of Friars Minor (the first order), more commonly known as the Franciscans. After founding the order, the Franciscans traveled all over Italy preaching for people to live a life of Christ; they emphasized simplicity, poverty, and relying on God’s will. St. Francis’s influence on the Catholic Church did not stop with the foundation of the Order of Friars Minor. In the year 1212 Clara Sciffi, a girl from a noble family in Assisi, became so enriched and mystified by the teachings of Francis that she left her family to join him and his followers. Being the only woman, her dedication to holiness and poverty had inspired the Franciscans to accept her. She was transferred to a convent and after about four years, she founded her own order based on the strict principles of severe poverty set by Saint Francis. This order eventually became known as Poor Clares, or the Order of Poor Ladies (the second Franciscan order). This order quickly began to spread and, as of recent, there are an estimated 20,000 Poor Clare nuns in over 76 countries around the world. Throughout his life, many married men and women wanted to embrace St. Francis’ lifestyle as well. However, due to the fact that they were married, they were not able to enter into the first order, the Friars, or the second order, the Poor Clares. Therefore, as a result, St. Francis founded a secular order in which married men and women could belong to and live by the Gospel. Today, this third order of Franciscans is known as the Secular Franciscan Order. In the year 1982, the Franciscans saw the potential for an effective Franciscan input at the United Nation. By 1989, Franciscans International was recognized as an official non-governmental organization, effectively uniting the voices of the Franciscan brothers and isters around the world. It serves not only Franciscans, but the entire global community as well, by incorporating Franciscan ethical and spiritual values into international organizations. Franciscan International follows in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare, as they attempt to put their ideals into action at an international level. Sadly, the beloved St. Fran cis died on the evening of October 3, 1226. Although born into wealth, his life became one of simplicity, poverty, and humility that became instilled in many. He worked only for God, caring for the poor and unfortunate. Thousands of people were drawn to his eagerness and enthusiasm for a life of Christ. Through his actions, St. Francis sought to demonstrate a life similar to that of the Gospels. He was always able to find God in anything and everything that he did. As St. Francis once said, If you have men who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who deal likewise with their fellow men. Even after his death, his establishments/foundations continue to keep his name alive and continue to have an influence on Catholicism. Around the world the traditions of St. Francis continue today with Franciscan-run schools, hospitals, shelters, and many other services to help the poor. Bibliography 1. https://www. franciscansinternational. org 2. https://www. newadvent. org/cathen/06217a. htm 3. https://conservation. catholic. org/st__francis_of_assisi. htm 4. https://www. franciscanfriarstor. com/archive/stfrancis/stf_detailed%20biography%20of%20st. %20francis. htm 5. https://www. catholic. org/encyclopedia/view. php? id=4838
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