Monday, September 30, 2019
Local Ethnography On Women’s Pay Equity
In modern era of technological advances and scientific innovations business nevertheless remains the epicenter of global events. Therefore, labor market to great extent is associated with equal human rights and productive human relationships that form the basis for social justice. The latter, as viewed by the majority of sociologists, is an equal treatment of society members regardless of their social status, condition, race, gender, political preferences, religious beliefs, etc. Social justice is regarded as the medium for every individual to achieve goals and have identical opportunities in modern society characterized by various economic, cultural, social, and political inequalities. In Canada each federation is governed by federal employment laws, which prohibit discrimination based on gender and sex. Also, a number of provinces have introduced new laws on wage gap elimination among men and women. Top managers along with sociologists were supposed to conduct surveys in their working atmosphere on the topic of women’s pay equity comparing fair treatment and compensation for work among occupations dominated by men and women. Results showed that women involved in both full and part-time jobs received less money than men. In fact, in late 1990s female workers earned 75% of the amount of money their male colleagues had regardless of the fact that according to the research their abilities to successfully negotiate with clients and work hard on the given tasks were several stages higher than those men were characterized by. Basically, it would be fair to claim that there exist several challenges modern social justice in Canada may experience throughout its attempts to achieve equal treatment among women and men in terms of financial and compensative situation: First of all, there is a strong tendency in the Canadian society to resolve the issue of wage gap and sex discrimination among men and women without resorting to legal assistance. Typically, these situations do not receive publicity and remain unknown being tackled on individual level. Most often, becoming a victim of underpayment or pay inequity women tend to seek other ways of additional income without leaving their previous jobs. This results in the situation when officially women are satisfied with their condition. Secondly, pay inequity has much in common with timetable as according to the recent research middle-aged women earn much less money than those in their twenties or thirties or than men of any age. Also, ethnicity and race play an extremely important part in the issue. â€Å"Visible minority women have the lowest income and highest unemployment rates of all groups. In 1995, the average income of visible minority women was $16,600, compared to $17,100 for other women in Canada, and $23,600 for visible minority men†(Recommendations to the Pay Equity Task Force). The concentration of women in certain â€Å"underestimated†spheres is traditional and pronounced to high degree. For instance, the service industries include such jobs of no prestige and low income as waitress, cleaner, nurse, etc. According to the survey conducted in 2005, about 65% of working women are involved in service industry and have a part-time job due to numerous overwhelming home duties. Working several hours per day on regular basis greatly contributes to the issue of wage gap as such women are perceived as unqualified workers and add to the problem of poverty. Also, they tend to have low level of livelihood, which may cause poor living conditions resulting in high expenses on health care, etc. With these preliminary considerations in mind, it would be fair to claim that the issue of pay inequity reflects the adverse status of women in Canada. It denotes that despite numerous social changes implemented by work groups and both governmental and non-governmental organizations, the notions of self-employment and flexible working hours among women still remain of current importance. â€Å"In 2001,over three-quarters of a million women reported being self-employed, representing 11 percent of those with jobs. Over the past decade, 39.6 percent of new jobs in Canada were linked to self-employment, and 44 percent of those who are self-employed earn less than $20,000 a year†. (Recommendations to the Pay Equity Task Force). According to the Canadian Human Rights Act it is unlawful to evaluate the same task accomplished by men and women differently and pay unequal amount of money in the same organization. The Act comprises all categories of state employees and necessary conditions for the implementation of the law. However, many find fault in the section that deals with the wage gap issue, as it is not catered to the needs of women. Forming the main risk group and therefore most often applying to higher echelon with complaints that require numerous formal rules and signatures, women tend to refuse from the idea of publicity especially taking into account the fact that the application requires certain expenditures and does not always guarantee the petitioner’s satisfaction. In order to support women and resolve the issue of unemployment, wage gap, and poverty among them there is a need in creating an efficient action plant that will meet the criteria of governmental establishments in terms of legal policy and comply with the demands of women in the community. The following are the decisions to be made:  §Ã‚ To gather all necessary available data on the problem of women’s pay equity. This will help the participants of the program to realize the scale of the issue and properly organize preventive measures. After the materials are received and processed, it is important to spread the information in the test field and among those who are relatively or not at all familiar with the problem. This may be implemented through mass media, public gatherings, etc. Identifying the problem helps in its faster and effective solving.  §Ã‚ To organize clubs and societies where unpaid or low-paid women will have an opportunity to talk about their previous or current experience, share their own ideas on how to reduce the number of those suffering from social inequity. It would be a significant contribution to the implementation of the project as the victims are the best source of thoughts and ideas on how to help people to solve the problem.  §Ã‚ To enlist governmental, non-governmental, and public organizations in the program including their financial support as project sponsors. To encourage them to tighten already existing rules of their companies in terms of wage gap and money distribution.  §Ã‚ To encourage women to start their own business and actively participate in public life  §Ã‚ To support women in new beginnings and promote their further professional education and training  §Ã‚ To collaborate with various associations and groups such as the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women Clubs  §Ã‚ To issue newspapers or journals on the topic  §Ã‚ To create favorable working atmosphere for women (especially of foreign origin).  §Ã‚ To promote global interaction among the members of the high-risk group portraying adverse conditions and consequences of inability to speak up and be assertive.  §Ã‚ To promote equal payment for jobs of identical value  §Ã‚ To uphold safe working environment with all necessary skills such as computer literacy, etc.  §Ã‚ To eliminate violence against women and avoid excessive number of men in the staff. In conclusion, it would be appropriate to note that the main objective of the action plan and other projects connected with the indicated above problem is to destroy the traditionally established stereotype denoting that women are supposed to be involved in low-income sector. â€Å"Policies such as paid parental leave, equal employment opportunities and the promotion of fair bargaining can improve women's ability to participate fully in the labor market†(Pay Equity). In order for us to succeed it is necessary to create a positive image of independent and smart woman who in fact always remains such and demonstrate her ability to cope with tasks that traditionally are only given to men.   Â
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Implications of Watching Foreign Movies Essay
ABSTRACT This study looked at the relationship between watching foreign film, dramas, or variety show habits and the students’ academic performances. To determine whether its exposure benefitted the students or not, a reliable research has to be conducted. Considering student’s differences factors and strategies while studying, the results might be differ from many aspects. The individual skills include how frequent they watch the movie, how long they spent their time and what types of entertainment that they favored the most. An argument about the uses of visual aids such movie shows and others can enhance the academic performances will be settled on after the results of this study had been processed. A pilot study was conducted first to check whether there was any problem regarding this issue. About 3 to 5 students were tested. Finally a survey was conducted at the boys’ and girls’ hostels in Kolej Profesional MARA Indera Mahkota where 40 students consist of 15 male students and 25 female students. This survey was conducted by distributing a set of questionnaires to all the respondents. In general, this study was a big success where majority of the students agreed that this method of learning can enhance their academic performances. Winding up, several suggestion, opinion and recommendations were recorded in the finishing part of the report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my special thanks to my advisor, Madam Jamilah Binti Abdul Manan, who provided me with detailed and insightful feedback for every draft, who spent an enormous amount of time reading and editing my investigation, and more importantly, who set an example for me to be a prudent presenter. I also want to thank her for her encouragement and assistance throughout the entire graduate program. I would also like to thank my family especially my auntie, Nooraini Binti Abdul Wahab for her assistance and suggestions in helping me to better understand the concept of visual study and etc. Also, I want to thank my parents for their great encouragement throughout the writing of this research. I want to offer a tremendous thank you to all my friends and anyone who has contributing themselves in this study. I will remember your patience and assistance in helping me finish this program. I treasure your friendship and support. 1.0. Introduction 2.1. Background of the Study Watching movies and dramas has been a trend nowadays in students’ life especially in KPMIM. This habit does influence the student’s result in academic studies. By practicing this hobby, students manage to fill their free time. But the question is what the implications of this attitude are. Is it positive or negative impact towards the students themselves? A research has been done by Christine Canning Wilson from the Centre of Excellence for Research and Training, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi. In her research, it has been stated that audio-visual aids can enhance the language learning process. It said that note-taking studies are less successful nowadays. Instead of that, advanced visual organizers such as educational videos or any other related matters helped the learners improve comprehension and aid in the retention of information. Students also like learning language through the use of videos. One of the result is learners prefer action/entertainment films in the classroom. In addition, this shows that visuals can be used to help enhance the meaning of the message to be conveyed by the speakers. By providing this kind of learning method, learners may be benefitted by seeing immediate meaning in terms of vocabulary recognition in the first language. Besides that, it is easier for them to clarify the message and clarify the gist of the stories. However, individuals process information in different ways. The strategies used by one learner are likely to differ from another. Thus, further investigation needs to be done in order to identify the real impact of watching movies/dramas and the relationship between these habits towards the students’ academic performances will be resolved after the research has been carried out. 2.2. Statement Of The Problem The problematic issue of this study is to identify the implications of watching foreign movies or films towards students. Besides that, the increase or any decrease in academic performance will be observed and to be concluded after this study has been completed. There is also an argument that questioning about either it is a kind of wasteful activity for KPMIM students. So a reliable research needs to be carried out regarding this issue. 2.3. Purpose Of The Study Since watching movies, dramas and variety shows have been a trend nowadays in students’ life especially in KPMIM; there may be some consequences for them particularly in academic performance. Apart from piling up their free time, a research needs to be done to investigate whether it is a beneficial or a wasteful activity for them. The purpose of the study portrayed in this research report was to assess the either lecturers and the students in teaching and learning process despite making them easier to understand and memorize all the input during language classes. Besides that, to make learning process more interactive and enjoyable so that the students would think that education is not something that is too heavy and boring. 2.4. Objective Of The Study The objectives of this study are: 1. to find out whether it is beneficial activity during student’s leisure time or not 2. to investigate what is the relationship between this activity and students’ academic performance 3. to figure out what types of movies/dramas that have been the students’ favorites 4. To make suggestion that it could be one of the effective medium of learning or teaching. 2.5. Research Question The questionnaires will be given to some random students at Kolej Profesional MARA. 40 respondents will answer this questionnaire based on the research project. 15 of them were males and another 25 were the female students. The question will be focus on what are the impacts of the habit. * Is watching movies/ dramas a beneficial or waste type of hobby to students? * Does watching/movies really help the students in their academic studies? * What is the favorite categories/type of movies/dramas that most of the students like? * Should it be implemented as a medium for teaching and learning in education institutions? 2.6. Significance Of The Study This finding will help the lecturers and students to be aware of learning and teaching process can be easily done in a simple and effective way by using visual aids. Furthermore, students will be managed to fill their schedule with some beneficial activities instead of doing nothing. Apart from enhancing the students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning, students should be able to improve their vocabulary and other skills that are required in language studies such listening skill and speaking skill. Authoritatively, this will help the college to introduce the concept of entertaining while studying so that students can have an enjoyable environment while in the class perhaps. Last but not least, to increase the academic performance in college by adapting a new way of study for the students. 2.7. Scope Of The Study The scope of this research is that the respondents are 40 people of KPMIM students. 15 people of male students and another 25 are the female students. The solution or any recommendations about this topic will be decided after the data has been collected. 2.0. Literature Review About few centuries ago language is hard to learn by mass of people. But a poet named Simonides has come out wit a great principle of learning which was ‘Words are the images of things’. His statement was almost similarly accurate as the famous great Aristotle perception, â€Å"Without image, thinking is impossible†. From here, we can clearly seen that both statement support the principle of visual aids towards one’s ascertain and edifying skills. Visual aids does enhance the language learning process. Video is one of the visual aids that usually used by a teacher, lecturer or a presenter to educate and instrcut pupils. Videos at best defined as the selection and sequence of messages in an audio-visual context. Research by Herron, Hanley and Cole (1995) indicates that the visual support in the form of descriptive pictures significantly improved comprehension scores with language videos for English speaking students. The results of the study indicate that extensive listening is facilitated by the richness of the context that visual organizers, such as educational videos, provide. Heron (1994) finds that advanced organizers based on videos helped learners improve comprehension and aid in the retention of information. A recent large-scale survey by Canning-Wilson (2000) suggests that the students like learning language through the use of videos. One of the results of her survey shows that learners prefer action/entertainment films to language films or documentaries in the classroom. She states although these films may seem to hold student interest, she believes that it could be inferred that student comprehension of the video may be due to the visual clues instead of the auditory components. Heron, Hanley and Cole also hypothesize that the more meaningful an advanced organizer is the more impact it can have on comprehension and retention. Their results of using twelve different videos with foreign language learners indicates that scores improved when advanced organizers, such as a pictures and/or visual stimuli, are used with the video. Perhaps the findings from these studies can be attributed to the fact that video offers contextual support and/or helps learners to visualize words as well as meanings. Individuals process information in different ways. The strategies used by one learner are likely to differ from those used by a different learner. It has been proven that what benefits one group of learners may actually hinder the performance of a different group of learners (Bovy, 1981). Issues of the value of video as a teaching tool are often questioned. Omaggio (1979) suggests that â€Å"the profession has virtually no empirical basis for promoting the use of visuals as aids to comprehension in the second language; we know practically nothing about how students benefit from visuals†(1979, p.107). Recently, in a lecture on the use of visuals in research, Canning-Wilson (2000) claims that the use of illustrations, visuals, pictures, perceptions, mental images, figures, impressions, likenesses, cartoons, charts, graphs, colors, replicas, reproductions, or anything else used to help one see an immediate meaning in the language may benefit the learner by helping to clarify the message, provided the visual works in a positive way to enhance or supplement the language point. She reports that images contextualized in video or on its own can help to reinforce the language, provided the learner can see immediate meaning in terms of vocabulary recognition in the first language. Furthermore, her research suggests that visuals can be used to help enhance the meaning of the message trying to be conveyed by the speakers through the use of paralinguistic cues. Last but not least, additional factors must be considered when looking at video as an instructional medium to teach a foreign or second language. Balatova’s studies indicated that visual cues found in videos were informative and enhanced comprehension in general, but did not necessarily stimulate the understanding of a text. It was also found that teaching with video had some affective advantages. If the results of their findings are true and the same results can be replicated, perhaps practitioners will no longer have to rely solely on anecdotal evidence. . 3.0. Research Methodology 4.8. Introduction This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of the research is to investigate the relationship between watching movies, dramas or variety shows and the academic performance among KPMIM students. Does it really affect the educational outcome or not? Besides that, to assess the students and lecturers in teaching or learning process apart from making them easier to absorb, distinguish and memorize the entire thing that they should. The data for the research were collected through questionnaires distribution. 4.9. Research Instruments This research utilized both the quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The instrument used to collect data was questionnaires. A set of questionnaires containing 13 questions divided into 2 parts. Different types of questions such as ranking, yes – no questions, listing and were used in the questionnaires. The questionnaires were piloted to five students to assess its validity before it was distributed. The qualitative data for the research come at open-ended questions. 4.10. Respondents of the Study The respondents of the study were several students at Kolej Profesional Mara Indera Mahkota, KPMIM. In March 2012, a total of 40 questionnaires were distributed to students randomly. 4.11. Research Procedure Before the actual data collection phase, a pilot study was conducted to assess the validity of the research instruments. A total of five students were involved in the pilot study chosen at randomly at Kolej professional Mara Indera Mahkota. During the actual study, the questionnaires were distributed at various locations on campus such as library, cafà ©, classes and dormitories. 4.12. Data Analysis To analyze the data, a several variables were taken into consideration namely the duration, effectiveness, oftenness of the students watching their favored movie, dramas or variety shows, and from which countries.besides that, major immpacts of this study were also been questioned. For examples, does it improve student’s vocab and lexis in writings, develop creative thinking, reasoning skill and crtical review and assist students to focus in class. The data were saved into the computer using Microsoft Excel software. Results were presented through frequency counts and other descriptive statistics. The data were transcribed accordingly. 4.0. Findings and Discussion This section will discuss the results of the research that had been done to determine whether it is an effective way as a method of learning and teaching towards KPMIM students. These findings received responses from 40 students which were 25 females and 15 males. FIGURE ANumber of Respondent (Students) Figure A shows the proportion of male and female students who were involved in this research. 15 of them were males and another 25 of them were the females. The sum of them were 40 and the percentage that has been calculated as shown in the figure above. FIGURE BPercentage of students who watch movies/ dramas/ variety shows during free time. Figure B shows how many of students watch their favored shows during their leisure time. Majority of them watch movies and etc. during free time. 100 percent of male students did watch the movies while 92 percent of the female students who did the same thing. Only few of the female students did not watch the movies, dramas or variety shows. Maybe because of unnecessarily circumstances. Figure C Types of entertainment that mostly watched by the students The figure above shows the type of entertainments that mostly watched by KPMIM students. To sum up, majority of the respondents preffered variety shows as their most favored types of entertainment. It is because it has been a phenomenon nowadays. Not only in KPMIM but all over Malaysia educational institutes. Maybe because the show is really funny and make them laugh every time they watch it. Nevertheless, it educates while entertaining. That is the most important. Otherwise, the data for other type of entertainments that prefferably watch by the students are shown in the figure above. Films at the 2nd rank followed by animation series as the 3rd and dramas was the least. Figure DForeign Entertainments that most Influential Based on the figure above, the well-influenced foreign entertainment among male students in KPMIM is the Bollywood followed by English, Korean and Japanese as the least. The reason why they chose Bollywood as their favoured foreign entertainment, it is because the eye-catching lyrics from pleasant songs and it teaches a lot of moral and values. For the female respondents, majority of them pick English as their favored entertainment followed by Korean, Bollywood and Japanese. FIGURE EFrequencies of Sudents watch their Favored Shows As shown in the figure above, the female students often watch their favored shows for only 3 times a week whereas the male students watch their preffered entertainments 7 times a week which is everyday. FIGURE FTime outlay for each sessions From the figure above, it is shown that majority of the male students spend their time about 4 to 5 hours for each session. For the female students, they only spent about 3 to 4 hours for their leisure movie times. This shows the females were good in managing their times compared tom the males. Notwithstanding, as long as the shows that they watched bring some benefits to them, it is alright. FIGURE GHelp them in improving the Vocabs and Lexis in Wrtings Greater part of the respondents agree with the hypothesis, ‘by watching movies, dramas or variety shows, they can improve their vocabularies and lexis in their writings’. When they watched foreign shows or movies, they learned by reading the subtitles and find the meaning of words that they do not understand. By doing that, although it looks like a slow way of improving their vocabs, it really helps them in their examination. Especially in writing and speaking skills. FIGURE HDevelop Creative thinking, Reasoning skills and Critical Review For this section, 98 percent of the respondents agreed with the hypothesis by practising this habbit, they can develop their creative thinking, reasoning skills and critical review. Only 2 percent of them did not agree with the statement. The figure indicates that, majority of them could develop some of the useful skills especially in language classes. This means that watching movies, dramas and variety shows is not wasteful activity during leisure time. FIGURE IAssists to Focus and Improve Academic Performance Based on the figure above, 88 percent of the students do agree with the hypothesis of by applying this type of inclination, they tend to focus during classes. Only minority of them, 15 percent did not agree. Besides that, for sure, it will also aiding their academic performance. From this situation, we can conclude that this kind of practice lead to success for the students whom put run through it. Open ended question:- â€Å"Visual Aids (Movies/dramas/etc.) should be one of the effective mediums of learning or teaching because it brings a ton of advantages rather than disfavors†. Give your opinion/ comments regarding this issue. Please state the reasons why did you support or oppose this statement. Based on all the anwers, most of them are all the positive comments. This shown that, Visual Aids such Movies, dramas, and etc. are really should be implemented as one of the effective mediums of learning and teaching in any KPMIM since it bequeath loads of benefit rather than disfavors. 5.0. Conclusion This research investigated the relationship between the methods of using visual aids as learning process and the academic performance towards KPMIM students. Primary data were collected by randomly with distributing a set of questionnaires to 40 students. As has been mentioned earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of using visual aids in teaching and learning towards the academic performance of students The following conlusions can be drawn based on the findings of the study: 1. This study shows that watching movies/ dramas/ variety shows, students managed to perform well in their academic performance. 2. By practicing this habit, educatees can improve their vocabularies and lexis in writings instead of developing their creative thinking, critical reviews and reasoning skills. 3. Last of all, this method of learning and teaching is ought to be implemented in every educational institutions. The results of this study indicate that teaching and learning by using visual aids as a method compulsarily implemented in KPMIM especially in English subject. This is because after a thorough study has been investigated, it bring a a lot more benefits rather than detriment to students or even lecturers. However, this findings are only true for KPMIM students. The same study needs to be done with students from other educational institutes to see if there are any similarities with the impact of watching foreign movies, dramas and variety shows habit towards the academic performances. 6.0RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1Recommendations based on Findings Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, here are several recommendations to be considered: 1. Visual Aids such (Movie Reviews / Documentaries /etc.) should be one of the effective mediums of learning because it brings a ton of advantages rather than disfavors. 2. Educators are also counseled to use this method of teaching as it makes edifying process more simpler, cooler, interactive and valuable. 6.2Recommendations for Future Research Since this study only focussed on KPMIM students, it is highly recommended that further reseach be carried out for other students from another colleges or universities to explore whether there might some differences in the study or similarities in the findings. Besides that, the implementation of this method of learning and teaching could be the worldwide most effective way in teaching English because it is essential for all walks of life. Lastly, M.O.E or any other parties could impart some expenses and provide new high-tech facilities to all education institution. BIBLIOGRAPHY * Richard Cameron & Dolati Roman. (2010). Harnessing the Use of Visual Learning Aids in the English Language Classroom. Retrieved December 15th, 2010 from the Arab World English Journal. * Koren, S. (1996). Vocabulary instruction through hypertext: Are there advantages over conventional methods of teaching?.TESL-EJ, 4(1), 1- 14. * Mayer, R. & Simes, V. (1994). For whom is a picture worth a thousand words? Extensions of a dual–coding theory of multimedia learning. Journal of Educational Technology, 86, 389-401. * The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 11, November 2000
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business Management and Leadership Personal Statement - 1
Business Management and Leadership - Personal Statement Example While working as an event specialist for Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, I have to handle and manage various financial statements by using the software such as Excel and Quikbooks. The business of Jamaica Chamber of Commerce mainly deals with renting space to those clients or businesses that intend to host any sort of event that may include birthday parties and bridal showers among others. One of my chief roles along with responsibilities as an event specialist in this business is to organize events for the customers and also closing contracts on a weekly basis. Apart from this, I also work as a college assistant at York college. In this job profile, my main tasks are to handle purchase requisitions and also handling e-mails for the department of student activities of this college. Thus, by taking into concern the above discussed tasks that I perform, the online Master’s degree of Business Management and Leadership (M.S.) program would prove quite beneficial for me. This can be j ustified with reference to the fact that the above mentioned core business areas on which the stated online program mainly focus upon will make me to learn and acquire in-depth understanding about how to conduct such activities efficiently within a definite timeframe. From the very beginning, I had a keen interest to work in Army and for that I am currently attending officer candidate school in the Army National Guard. I have certain targets to accomplish in the future. One of such targets is to become a Financial Officer in the Army and thus, I expect that the online Master’s degree of Business Management and Leadership (M.S.) program would guide me to fulfill such target. The fulfillment of such target matters a lot for me owing to the reason that it would make me to realize my own job responsibilities and also enable me to take better professional decisions. There lay certain
Friday, September 27, 2019
ENVS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ENVS - Essay Example On the other hand, I used three Tissue papers and diverted then to garbage can. However, I have wasted a little juice in my glass. I used two more tissues. In the similar way, I have written down the weekly routine and the Assessment is as under. The weekly average of all my waste in combination and calculation becomes. At the end of the first day, I have thrown, one full egg, about 100 ml juice, 2 slice of the bread,100 gram of beef and little oil that is required to fry it. On the other hand, I have wasted 14 tissues, 3 notes papers and 5 computer papers. At the end of the second day, I have wasted one full egg; about 67 ml of juice, 2 and a half slice of bread, 67 gram of chicken and some oil to fry it. I have wasted 13 tissues, 4 notes paper and 2 computer papers. At the end of the second day, I have wasted one full egg; about 117 ml of juice, 2 and a half slice of bread, 132 gram of chicken and some oil to fry it. I have wasted 12 tissues, 5 notes paper and 6 computer papers. At the end of the second day, I have wasted one full egg; about 113 ml of juice, 1 and a half slice of bread, 106 gram of beef and some oil to fry it. I have wasted 11 tissues, 2 notes paper and 4 computer papers. At the end of the second day, I have wasted one full egg; about 109 ml of juice, 1 and a half slice of bread, 106 gram of chicken and some oil to fry it. ... I have wasted 17 tissues, 4 notes paper and 2 computer papers. Weekly Results In Packs My Food Waste 1 Littre Juice-16 slices of the Bread, 7 eggs, 375g Beef, 300 g Chicken and Half a litter oil, 212 ml of milk My Paper Waste Country Average 101 Tissues, 25 notes papers, 34 computer printed papers. 4 juice tetra packs Bottles and Plastic Can waste 3 milk bottles, 7 beverage bottles, 17 plastic bags, 8 plastic food cans. The pattern of the garbage shows that I am producing much waste but an Average person, in the country I live in, produces the similar quantity of the waste. There is need to change the way I live and the way, the food products are delivered. I am much surprised that I am producing such a massive amount of waste. There is need that I must reduce the waste by adopting the waste reducing tactics and planning. Most of the waste, I threw in the garbage, can be recycled. While, the food waste can be composted in order to extract the waste energy out of it. There is a need t o manage my food waste, as I am filing full glass with the juice while; I should fill half the glass and fill it again if I feel the necessity. In the similar way, I should take less slice of bread to reduce the waste. I realized that I am frying one egg daily in the breakfast just to fill the garbage. I should fry only one egg. In the similar way, I am filling full glass with the milk; I should fill half and take more if it is required. Beef and chicken should be cooked according to the need not more than the need. I realized that I use much tissue papers, I should use hand towel at home to reduce the need of tissue papers. On the other hand, the waste of computer printed papers and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Leadership - Assignment Example ii) Nature of Work to be adopted by the student The student must give equal values to profit and ethics in his working activities in future. He should try to get maximum returns from the work done but should never compromise on the social and moral values in business. In the course of his professional life, the student must try to stay at the highest position in his workplace. He must claim to serve his employer (if he works for someone) or customers (if he owns a business concern) with his best efforts. These goals can easily be achieved by the employees if he suffices the above mentioned vision criteria in future. It is assumed in the assignment that the student here desires to start up his business in future which would be entirely owned by him. This simply hammers on the fact that through entrepreneurship, a person can use his or her knowledge to create services or products for the benefit of the common people with their best efforts. By choosing to be an entrepreneur, a person c an have a better control over his future, a better understanding about the differences between value and work, the scale and scope of operations can be altered most efficiently by an entrepreneur in business. An entrepreneur has the best scope for innovation and improvement in work and also gets the best opportunities to learn and improve from the mistakes. It has been observed in the real world that many high-ranked corporate firms in the market had begun harbouring thoughts and inspirations of a single promoter in business. Like Anita Roddik, the lady who was the founder of the popular luxury cosmetics company ‘The Body Shop’. Such successful stories of famous business personalities carves ways to encourage the youth to take part in new entrepreneurship. The development of any economy is not possible without the successful contribution of creativity and invention. Thus it is highly rational on behalf of the student to start up his own business so that he can contribut e his learnt to the development of the society and economy in future. It is rather assumed that the student with the best or decent leadership skills should take up his own business as it is the best possible task that he can adopt (Lafer, 1999). iii) Personality traits In the theory of personality development, the Five Factor Model states that there are five types of personality traits. These are conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, neuroticism and extraversion. The above vision, goal and the choice of work selected by the student clearly explains his personality traits. These are: Openness: as the individuals desires to set up his own business and explore the creative business skills in him independently. Extraversion: as the individual has the energy to reach the highest position in the business sector where he aims to reach. Agreeableness: as the individual realizes and gives much importance to moral and ethical values. He gives importance to social welfare. Conscientious ness: as the person tends to be self disciplined, he assures in his goal to work hard and efficiently in the course of his self owned business. The student asked his common friend Joe Parker to comment on the viability of the personal traits analyzed by the student. Joe Parker said that almost 75% of the analyses made by the student
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Developmental Psychology Observation paper Essay
Developmental Psychology Observation paper - Essay Example By this time, there were about five of us outside watching her out-of-control behavior. My brother took her arms and tried to make Annalise laugh, and in turn she smacked him right in the face. Lisa, Annalise's mother, finally came out to help, but by this time Annalise was on a mission. She went after her mother, kicking her in the legs. As Lisa tried to pick her up, she pulled her mother's hair and wanted down. Annalise was so disturbed that she took off down the driveway, into the street, and laid down in the middle of the road. Although they eventually managed to get her back into the yard, her tantrum continued for at least fifteen minutes longer. By this time, my son had woken up crying because of the commotion going on outside, and I just wanted to go home. Luckily, the whole ride home went smoothly because Annalise fell back asleep. This episode left me asking myself many questions. Who are the parents here How often does this happen Does Annalise become angry often What woul d I do if this were my child Many theorists could place Annalise's behavior into their developmental stages. Freud would say that Annalise fits perfectly into the anal stage. During this stage, the biggest challenge faced by the child is potty training.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language Literature review
Impact of multimedia in learning English as a second language - Literature review Example Meanwhile, learning happens as a process rather than an event. This means that for the acquisition of second language to take place, there are series of things that a person should do, as learning a second language will not happen overnight. Mayer (2003) used the cognitive theory to explain the processes that take place in the course of second language acquisition. It was noted that the more interaction a person has with the language being learnt, the better the chances of acquiring it more easily and quickly. Meanwhile, the interactions that a person has with language often differ in potency and impact. For example using the multimedia principle, Mayer (2003, p. 33) explained that ‘the human information processing system contains an auditory/verbal channel and a visual/pictorial channel’. By implication, a person gets an easier grip of a particular language being learnt if provisions are made for all of auditory, verbal, visual and pictorial channels. However, using multimedia such as audio and video easily provides all these channels at a go (Neal, 2006). Based on this, when designing a website for acquisition of English as a second language, it will be beneficial to include audio and video files that wil l provide multimedia learning platforms, rather than use only written and verbal means of acquisition. Neal, L. (2006). Predictions for 2006  E-learning experts map the road ahead. Elearn Magazine [online]. Available at [accessed 13 February
Monday, September 23, 2019
An evaluation of the impact of immigration on Social Cohesion in Essay
An evaluation of the impact of immigration on Social Cohesion in present day Britain - Essay Example Only 8 of the respondents representing 15.38% were dissatisfied with their financial situation while 28 (53.85%) were satisfied and another 4 (7.69%) were very satisfied. Fifteen (28.85%) of the respondent agreed that Britain provides adequate financial assistance to citizens while 16(30.77%) were neutral and 12 (23.17%) disagreed with 11 disagreeing and 1 strongly disagreeing. Nine of the respondents (17.31%) did not know. Nearly half (24 representing 46.15%) of the respondents thought that the number of immigrants in Britain were acceptable. Thirteen (25%) thought there were too many immigrants in Britain, 4 (7.15%) thought the number of immigrants in Britain were too low and 11 (21.15%) had no opinion or did not know. A majority of respondents thought that immigration was good for Britain (4 strongly agreeing [7.84%]; 18 agreeing [35.29%]) while 13 (25.49%) were neutral and 12 (23.53%) disagreed and 1 (1.96%) strongly disagreed. Three (5.88%) did not know. From the respondents’ perspective, immigration, social issues and education were the main issues effecting Britain today. However there were 13 items that the respondents were able to choose from and there were nearly evenly divided (See Figure 1 below). A majority of the respondents had neutral attitudes toward immigration (21 representing 44.46%) and 20 representing 44.44% had positive attitudes. Only 2 of the respondents (4.44%) and another 2 were negative or did not know. A majority of the respondents (2 [4.44%] strongly agreeing; 26 [57.785] agreeing) that the UK was land of economic opportunity). Seven (15.56%) were neutral, while 9 (20%) disagreed and 1 (2.22%) strongly disagreed. The results of the survey demonstrate that there is a significant shift on the public’s attitudes toward immigration. Previously, national polls had progressively demonstrated a negative attitude
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How effective are the strategies to end poverty Research Paper
How effective are the strategies to end poverty - Research Paper Example Extreme poverty is characterized by having less than $1 a day income; these are those who are unceasingly hungry and do not have access to acceptable living conditions. This is often described as the type of â€Å"poverty that kills.†While moderate poverty is described as those living in $1 or $2 a day, fundamental needs are met but scarcely and through tremendous effort. And relative poverty is a family with an income that is below the average nationally but is not within the same level as those in the middle income range (Sachs, 2005). Poverty estimates published in 2008 showed that approximately 1.4 billion of the entire population which equates to 1 in 4 in developing worlds is living on an income that is not even $1.25 in a day for the year 2005. This is an improvement in comparison to 1981 wherein 1.9 billion or 1 in 2 families are living under the same circumstances. This set boundaries for poverty line is based on 2005’s mean for the about 10-20 poorest countries. And the adjusted estimate which is higher than those previously conceived for the almost one billion getting by for $1 a day based on prices in 1993. This is seen to be an improvement towards the goal of cutting the poverty in half on the base point of year 1990 by the year 2015. Yet, poverty is seen as more persistent than estimated particularly in parts of Africa and other major factor’s lack of data that greatly affects the issue (â€Å"Understanding Poverty†). There is no single thing that is attributed as the general cause of poverty. There are a number of reasons that contribute to the generalization of the reasons for poverty. One is the absence of education which eventually hinders children from being able to acquire jobs that would provide suitable living. Children are needed to help their families and therefore take any possible job to be able to provide food on their tables in a daily basis. Next is health, body decline limits the amount of work that can be
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Pressure Ulcers in the Hospital Essay Example for Free
Pressure Ulcers in the Hospital Essay Introduction            Pressure ulcers remain a common health problem throughout the health care system. It has been conservatively estimated that annually 1 million adults develop pressure ulcers due to faulty nursing or care management. The incidence rates vary greatly depending on the health care sector. However, pressure ulcer incidence rates for hospitals range from 0.4% to 38%, for skilled nursing facilities from 2.2% to 23.9%, and for home health agencies 0% to 17%. The development of pressure ulcers occurs when there is sufficient progressive or reoccurring pressure over time to case capillary destruction, which in the end results to tissue necrosis. The development of a pressure ulcer or failure to prevent such condition from progressing to a more severe stage can result in negative consequences for the health care system (Fitzpatrick and Wallace, p.482). Nursing research has remained at the force-front in building knowledge-based related to pressure ulcer prevention. Pressure ulcers have become a quality issue for all areas of health care. The incidence and severity of the condition are used as markers of quality of care by agencies and acute care hospitals. This emphasis on pressure ulcers across the spectrum of health-care settings highlights the importance of the condition for clinicians (Sussman and Jensen, 2007 p.337). Pressure ulcer management can be based on clinical practice guidelines, which can be a source of enhancement for care plan development. The existing guidelines are broad based and general and, as such, for a good basis for wound care when the goal is comfort as well as healing (Coyle and Ferrel, 2005 p. 320). Purpose of Research            The purpose of the study is to illustrate the physiological relationship between wound healing and the occurrence of pressure ulcers in hospital work-settings in order to provide means to come-up with another research procedure. In this case, we have utilized various quality researches and validated supporting studies in order to illustrate probable connections. Critical analysis, comprehensive data integration, and interpretation of research outcomes are the founding methodologies applied in the course research. The value significance of this study provides awareness to the public especially in terms of what can these contributing factors impregnate to the condition occurrence. The relationship of wound healing and the occurrence of pressure ulcers are necessary knowledge contribution in the field of health care; since, this is one of the major quality indicators in the clinical setting. Problem and Rationale            Pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcerations are the result of mechanical injury to the skin and underlying tissues. The primary forces involved are pressure and shear, which is the perpendicular force or load exerted on a specific area causing ischemia and hypotoxia of the tissues. High-pressure areas in the supine position are the occiput, sacrum, and heels. In the sitting position, the ischial tubersosities exert the highest pressure, and the trochanters are afflicted in the side-lying position (Beck 2005, p.205).            As the amount of soft tissue available compression decreases, the pressure gradient, consequently, increases, and vise versa. The occurrence of these pressure ulcers are greatly manifested on bony prominences where there is less tissue for compression and the pressure gradient within the vascular network is altered easily upon compression. The changes in the vascular network allow an increase in the interstitial fluid pressure, which exceeds the venous flow. This results in an additional increase in the pressure and impedes arteriolar circulation. The capillary vessels collapse and thrombosis occurs. Increased capillary arteriole pressure leads to fluid loss through the capillaries; hence, tissue edema, and subsequent autolysis results. Lymphatic flow is decreased as well, allowing further tissue edema that contributes to the occurrence of tissue necrosis (Sussman and Jensen, 2007 p.337).            Unfortunately, there is substantial evidence to show that many patients develop their sores in hospital. Versluyen (1995) demonstrated that 66% of patients admitted with fractures involving hip developed pressure ulcers in hospital. This particular medical condition occurs almost exclusively among the elderly and involves immobilization for at least 24 hours. Areas such as accident and emergency, X-ray department, and theatres are all implicated in the causation of pressure sores as trolleys in these areas have been shown to generate pressures (Walsh and Ford, 1999 p.71).            Pressure ulcers are serious and frequent occurrence among the elderly, especially those who are immobile and debilitated. There are estimated 1.5-3 million Americans affected. A pressure ulcer will develop in approximately 5% of patients admitted to acute care hospitals. Studies have shown that 60% of pressure ulcers develop in the hospital, 18% in the nursing home, and 18% at home. Pressure ulcers prolong the hospital stay, and the pre-operative mortality rate is increased to 27%. The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the long-term care setting is reported to be 15-25% at the time of admission (Moylan, 2003 p.55). Obstacles and Solutions The problem of pressure development is a natural consequence of faulty health care management, poor health care quality, and negligence. Such condition is now associated, especially those with prolonged pressures, with contractures and/or shearing forces that frequently occur during transfers. Without diligent behavior modification related to skin inspection, and unless intervention strategies are employed to abort the process of skin breakdown, there will always be an open invitation to local, systemic, and generalized infection caused by pressure ulcerations (Whiteneck, 1993 p.231).Various proposed treatments in enhancing wound healing of pressure ulcerations are expensive and to be considered rare; hence, the treatment means may still be unrealistic. In this case, another research to enhance pressure ulceration healing is through the use of therapeutic air mattresses. According to the research of Sinclair and the group (2004), the utilization of air mattresses can further enhance the conditions of wound healing among pressure ulceration incidents. The proposed argument of the research involves the effectiveness of traditional turning and positioning protocols, which is evidently predominant in the nursing setting, and the therapeutic air mattresses. The study has covered elderly patients not less that 75 more than 75 years of age and in a condition of long-care term facility. Upon the progression of the overall research process, the results obtained do suggest that therapeutic mattresses are effective in preventing and healing ulcers. However, considering surface characteristics between beds utilized are still on the process of determining. Therefore, the clinically accepted practice of bed turning and repositioning still needs to be adhered until further research proves such intervention absolutely effective or otherwise (Sinclair, 2004).            However, further researches may be suggested especially in air mattresses’ effectiveness in providing healing enhancements as well as pressure ulcer prevention. Such procedure is more practical and publicly realistic than the other proposed treatment measures. Research in antimicrobial application for the benefit of pressure ulcers should be well researched again considering the number of subjects involved in the research. The implication of such methodologies in accordance to wound healing involves the utilization of bed mattresses as the most economic and nursing-care enhancing procedure for clinical setting. If such procedure is proven effective, nursing efforts of bed turning and repositioning shall be reduced significantly. If such procedure is proven effective, treatment measures on such condition can be enhanced in terms of cost-effectiveness and practicality. In general view, pressure ulcer occurrence in a particular clinical setting connotes decreased quality of care management; since, pressure ulcers are prevented acceptably through bed turning and repositioning; hence, such methods are essential. Prevention of pressure sores in the hospital is a complicated process involving the assessment of complicated factors and accordingly the recommendation of interventional strategies. The traditional idea that the nurse alone should be responsible for the prevention of pressure ulcers is therefore ineffective (Coyle and Ferrel, 2005 p. 320; Webster, 1991p.53). A team of nursing and medical staff responsible for this task can produce more effective outcomes in terms of preventing such pressure sore occurrences. Nevertheless, the nurse remains the most essential part of such a team and acts as the main source of information about patient condition (Webster, 1991p.53). Executive Summary and Conclusions The problem of the study is basically the occurrence of pressure ulcers among hospital setting, which on the irony, should not even occur due to the presence of clinical managers. The condition of pressure ulcer is basically caused by prolonged stationary immobility conditions of the patient, such as those with paralyzed conditions, unconscious, in coma, and basically immobile. With prolonged immobility, the parts of the body exposed to pressure, such as bony prominences (e.g. trochanters, hip area, scapular region, etc.) are the usual site for its occurrence. The etiological character of the pressure acts in two ways in order to induce the condition: (1) Obstruction of vascularization, which further impedes oxygenation of the area causing tissue necrosis, and (2) prevents healing process of the area. Pressure ulcerations have been a major health care problem as well as the indicators of adequate and proper delivery management of care. In such case, it is therefore necessary to maintain strict, adequate and the best possible appropriate intervention against the occurrence of pressure ulcerations. In the light or research developments progressing in the medical field, various wound enhancing treatments have been proposed in order to enhance the means of curing pressure ulcers. Hospital setting accounts as the highest place of occurrence of pressure ulcerations with percentage rates of 60% as of 2002 survey. The primary age group involved is the elderly individuals who are usually prone to immobilizing conditions, such as (CVA) Cerebrovascular Accident, cardiac problems, etc. With the impaired capacity of the patient to move, pressure accumulates in those sites afflicted; hence, inducing the condition of ulcerations or sore-formation. There are two basic rationales that cause the condition of pressure ulcers for the elderly: (1) aging conditions that impairs the skin integrity of the aged patients, which further predispose them from the conditions of pressure ulcers, and (2) degenerative conditions that cause their immobility. The obstacles of such condition occurrence involve the faulty care delivered by the health care managers (nurses and medical physicians). Hospital management is the prime essential intervener of the condition. In fact, clinical settings view that such condition depicts the status of health care system in the hospital. The justifications of such perspectives are based on the logic that nursing and medical interventions involved in this condition are the most basic procedure of health care field. The inadequacy of proving such care protocol is mainly the responsibility of the health care team. As with the standard protocol of bed turning and positioning, the patient obtains reduction of risks in terms of pressure ulcerations. However, nurses are not the only one involved in the care management of such condition but also the medical care team, although nurses are the primary managers of care delivery for this condition. With the advent of nursing research and enhanced interventions, air mattresses has been deemed to reduce the risks of bed sore formations. As the conducted study proposes, air mattresses reduces the pressure thus aiding in the partly oxygenation of the area exposed to pressure. Such action helps prevent and even slows down the progression of pressure ulcerations. However, due to the small population size of the research, further study has been advised. If the study is proven effective, this may provide decrease work load from the health care practitioners and also helps prevent or reduce the risk of progression of the condition. References Beck, J. C., Ferrell, B. (2005). Geriatrics Review Syllabus. Blackwell Publishing. Coyle, N., Ferrell, B. (2005). Textbook of Palliative Nursing. Oxford University Press Publishings. Fitzpatrick, J. J., Wallace, M. (2006). Encyclopedia of Nursing Research. Springer Publishing Publisher. Moylan, K. (2003). The Washington Manual Geriatrics Subspecialty Consult. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Rai, G. S., Mulley, G. P. (2002). Elderly Medicine: A Training Guide. Informa Health Care. Sinclair etal, H. J. (2004, February). Do Therapeutic Mattresses Enhance the Healing of Pressure Ulcers in the Frail Elderly Population?. American Journal of Nursing, 62, 243-2451. Sussman, C., Jensen, B. (2007). Wound Care: A Collaborative Practice Manual. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Walsh, M., Ford, P. (1999). Nursing Rituals, Research and Rational Actions. Elsevier Health Sciences. Webster, J. G. (1991). Prevention of Pressure Sores. CRC Press. Whiteneck, G. G. (1993). Aging With Spinal Cord Injury. Demos Medical Publishing.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Debate on Austerity
The Debate on Austerity The adoption of austerity post the financial crisis in 2010 by the UK government is heavily debated. This essay evaluates the arguments for and against this fiscal contraction deliberating on the applied and possible fiscal policy measures and the limitations of monetary policy after the fiscal stimulus provided in 2008. When the housing bubble burst and Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008, the subprime mortgage crisis magnified into a global financial crisis. Governments had to rush in and save banks. If not, the fall of public confidence in the banking system would have made the problem far more severe. Large fiscal stimulus packages were rolled out to cushion the blow. But for how long would a government be willing to take further debt for expansionary fiscal policy? They could have continued to increase public expenditure to compensate for the fall in private expenditure in accordance with the Keynesian theory. Or increase savings, let the wage rate drop and have the demand rise due to a price advantage in the long run (Hayek, 2006). By 2010, United Kingdom’s national debt reached 75.6% of its GDP (Eurostat). Had bond yields increased due to falling market confidence, the fiscal situation would have been worse off. It would imply that the risk associated with government bonds is higher and have negative implications about the government’s credibility, all raising the cost of public debt in the future. Thus, in the 2010 elections, the campaigns of both the Conservative and Labour parties suggested reducing the fiscal deficit. No one spoke in favour of further stimulus and austerity was adopted. The UK government feared a Greek-style meltdown. A country having borrowings in its own currency and a friendly central bank may not have to fear public debt as much. It could always keep a control on interest rates or postpone repayment by issuing new bonds. However, then governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, appeared to favour austerity. It remains uncertain if he would have sanctioned further quantitative easing. Typically, central banks reduce interest rates to stimulate the economy in such conditions. Lower interest rates promote consumption which would have decreased due to lower fiscal expenditure. The drop in interest rates from 5.5% in 2008 to 0.5% generated  £350 billion to inject into the economy (Giles, 2018). But with interest rates at an all-time low of 0.5% since 2009, there wasn’t much that could be done on the monetary policy front (Bank of England). The drop in interest rates from 5.5% in 2008 to 0.5% generated  £350 billion to inject into the economy. the Value Added Tax (VAT) was raised to 20% and public expenditure was cut to bring down the deficit (Finch, 2010:1). The combination of additional revenue and a lower deficit would cut down the need for further debt and help service the existing. Austere spending decisions lowered the welfare expenditure. The employment level decreased because of lower government expenditure. As a result, demand plunged and so did the gross domestic product. High uncertainty had lowered the public confidence. The GDP growth rate was insufficient to counter the shrinking in the economy caused by austerity. International Monetary Fund (2012) warned that the country might face permanent damage to its productive capacity if the same policies were continued. The government’s tax revenues took a hit owing to lower output. This resulted in a higher debt to GDP ratio as the budgetary deficit grew. As real wages of public sector workers and local council budgets fell, homelessness and reliance on food banks rose. Social care for the elderly was negatively impacted and help from Red Cross was called in to shoulder the increased pressure on the NHS (Gillett, 2017). Mark Blyth (2013) noted that there was disparity in the impact of austerity across different levels of society. He pointed out that the consequences were felt more severely by the larger share of public service users who didn’t have enough wealth to counter the cut in welfare spending. In theory, falling deficit would result in lower taxes in the future. This should increase consumer confidence in the economy. However, critiques of austerity blame the government for the plummeting consumption levels. They believe the government should have continued with quantitative easing when the private spending shrank. Wage rates fall with falling public expenditure. This gives the economy a cost advantage as compared to its competitors in the global markets. To benefit from this, it is necessary that foreign demand for the domestically produces goods increases. But many Eurozone were implementing austerity themselves and thus, there was no substantial increase in foreign demand for British goods. Moreover, countries like China had induced a fiscal stimulus in their economies despite not having been impacted as greatly by the crisis. Hence, there was already enough supply in the market for any country to benefit from rising demand.  There was perhaps not once cause to the declining consumer spending in the UK. While UK’s own fiscal policy changed in 2010, the economic environment globally was also impacted by several countries introducing policy changes. The commodity prices changed and the Federal Reserve was keeping global rates low, all of which had some impact on the UK economy (Buttonwood, 2015). In spite of the falling consumption, there was a need to reduce government expenditure to reduce the deficit. Further fiscal stimulus, after what was introduced during the financial crisis, would have led to a sharp increase in government debt. Such a high debt level would make fiscal policy unsustainable and repayment challenging (Emmerson, Keynes and Tetlow, 2013). In terms of real total spending, the cut wasn’t as much from 2010 to 2015. Britain’s general total disbursements as a percentage of national income were the third highest amongst the G6 nations between 2007 to 2009 and remained so in 2013 (OECD, 2014). Annualised average real increase in spending on social security and health rose and real spending on working age and pensioner benefits grew between 2010 and 2013 (Keynes and Tetlow, 2014: 16-17). The economy’s recovery in 2013-2014 sparked another debate. Had austerity worked or was it the result of policy alteration in 2012? Klein (2015) asserted the growth was a result of a reversal from austerity. Smith (2015) refuted, stating that the government was still austere in spending decisions with the fiscal tightening being larger than 3% of GDP. Krugman (2015), however, maintained that abandoning further fiscal cuts after two years of austerity led to the economic growth. Whether the economy would have been in a better position without austerity will remain unknown. What can be concluded though is that austerity was not an economic necessity then. But with UK’s ageing population, welfare expenditure will only increase in the future. Such a welfare cap will become necessary for better policy decisions as the pressure on NHS and public services escalates. Continued quantitative easing in 2010 would have made public finances more unsustainable and fiscal austerity in future more drastic. Spending cuts or higher taxes, no matter when, will always be met with heavy criticism. Hence, a developed country with ageing population could aim at increasing sources of income, reducing income inequalities and reducing the dependence on welfare expenditure. Bibliography Bank of England [online] Available from: (Accessed 24 April 2018) Blyth, M. The Austerity Delusion. Foreign Affairs [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018) Buttonwood (2015) What is austerity?. The Economist [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018) Emmerson, C. & Keynes, S. & Tetlow, G. (2013) Public finances: outlook and risks. The IFS Green Budget: February 2013. London: Institute for Fiscal Studies. Available from: Eurostat [online] Available from: (Accessed 24 April 2018) Finch, J. (2010) Budget 2010: VAT rise to 20% ‘could cause double-dip recession’. The Guardian [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018) Giles, C. (2018) Bank of England defends response to financial crisis after criticism. Financial Times [online] Available from: (Accessed 24 April 2018). Gillett, F. (2017) NHS calls in Red Cross volunteers and staff amid humanitarian crisis. Evening Standard [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018) Hayek, F. A. (2006) The Paradox of Saving. [online] Available form: (Accessed 15 April 2018) International Monetary Fund (2012) United Kingdom : Staff Report for the 2012 Article IV Consultation. [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018) Keynes, S. & Tetlow, G. (2014) Survey of public spending in the UK. London: Institute for Fiscal Studies. Available from: Klein, M. W. (2015) Eurozone Recovery and Lessons About Austerity. The Wall Street Journal [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018) Krugman, P. (2015) The case for cuts was a lie. Why does Britain still believe it? The austerity delusion. The Guardian [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018) The Organisation for Economic Co-operation (2014) Economic Outlook No 95 May 2014 OECD Annual Projections. [online] Available from: (Accessed on 24 April 2018) Smith, D. (2015) The Myth of Abandoned Austerity. [online] Available from: (Accessed 15 April 2018)
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Sir Wilfrid Laurier :: essays research papers
Sir Wilfrid Laurier The first French Canadian to become prime minister of Canada was Wilfrid Laurier. Although French was his native tongue, he became a master of the English language. This and his picturesque personality made him popular throughout Canada, and he led the young country in a 15-year period of great development. Wilfrid Laurier was born in St-Lin, Quebec, and studied law at McGill University. After three years in the Quebec legislature, he was elected to the Canadian House of Commons in 1874. There he rose rapidly to leadership. Although he was a French Canadian and a Roman Catholic, he was chosen leader of the Liberal party in 1887. Nine years later he became prime minister. He was knighted in 1897. "Build up Canada" were the watchwords of Laurier's government. Laurier was loyal to Great Britain, sent Canadian volunteers to help in the Boer War, established a tariff favorable to British goods, and worked to strengthen the ties between the two countries. But he saw the British Empire as a worldwide alliance of free and equal nations, and he opposed every attempt to limit Canada's freedom. Laurier's liberal immigration policy brought hundreds of thousands of settlers to the western provinces. He reduced postal rates, promoted the building of railroads needed for national expansion, and appointed a commission to regulate railroad rates. After 15 years in office his government was defeated, presumably on the issue of reciprocal trade with the United States. Laurier believed, however, that his political defeat was caused primarily by opponents in Ontario who considered him too partial to Roman Catholic interests in Quebec. Prior to World War I, Laurier tried forcefully to support the formation of a Canadian navy. His own Liberal party defeated this measure, however, and Canada entered the war without a fleet of its own. During the early years of World War I, Laurier supported the war policy of Sir Robert Borden's Conservative government. In 1917 he refused to join a coalition government that was formed to uphold conscription. Laurier felt that he could not back a measure so unpopular in the province of Quebec. Wilfrid Laurier's regime lasted 15 years. It was one of renewed growth and prosperity. The Manitoba School Question was promptly hushed up by new legislation enacted by the province in accordance with a compromise worked out with Ottawa. To his Cabinet Laurier drew some of the most capable leaders from every part of Canada. Business throughout the world was on an upswing, and the Laurier government was determined to get in on the action. The demand for Canadian wheat abroad encouraged immigration, and immigration in turn
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Post-graduate Traveling Fellowship Recipient Essay -- Environmental Ec
Post-graduate Traveling Fellowship Recipient "With every step, you are met by the most bizarre and wonderful forms," she told me. I have never heard someone talk about nature in the way that my host mother in France did. She has not been able to return to what she calls "the jungles of Madagascar"-her birthplace-but images of wild and beautiful greenness have never left her mind. In Madagascar, there are two hundred thousand different species of living things; ninety-three percent of them are endemic to this island. Wide-eyed lemurs and bright red Fody birds can be found nowhere else in the world. Nature has made of Madagascar an isolated and thriving sanctuary for flowers, frogs, and monkeys different from those created elsewhere. This island is a place of magic and wonder. Yet while the baobob tree-locally called the monkey bread tree-once dotted the landscape of Madagascar, it is rapidly being deforested to make way for agriculture. Indeed, each year, thirty percent of Madagascar's land is burned or reburned. This practice not only threatens the habitat of unique wildlife; it is turning the country into an eroded and uninhabitable wasteland. The need for subsistence in this poverty-stricken nation has led many people to conceive of the immense natural resources of the island for their economic value alone. Yet if forestry and agricultural practices are to be sustainable, and if the magic and wonder of Madagascar are to be preserved for future generations, the Malagasy will need to conceive of their natural environment in a different way. Only through direct contact with environmental reality can students develop a real appreciation and understanding of nature that leads to a sense of stewardship and a desire to protec... ...n Antananarivo, these university students will assume director's roles and the program will thus expand to include more interested children. Upon my departure, these directors will completely take over and urban environmental education in Antananarivo will continue. Through public service, I have come to see the role of teacher as a creator of possibility. Through my proposed urban environmental education program in Antananarivo, Madagascar, I hope to create the opportunity for urban kids to have frequent and direct contact with ecological processes through which experience they might come to see their environment in a new and more sustainable way. In the end, my hope is to create the possibility that my host mother's children and her grandchildren might one day see "the jungles of Madagascar" where she was born and experience the magic and wonder she describes.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Seymour Butts
Hi my name is Seymour butts. My fathers name is moby dick. My favorite color is black. My favorite food is pizza. I just got a new fish yesterday. I named him bluey. You want to know why, because he is blue. Today is was cloudy outside but it never rained. That’s a bumer. I rode in a hummer on Sunday. It was cool. I also went to the movies. I haven’t been to the movies in a long time. I went to the beach today. It was wavey. I have a dog named blacky. Because he is black. I come up with unique names. I had chicken stew for dinner tonight. That is my favorite thing to make. I also had a corn muffin with it.I just got done swimming in the pool. I do not have a pool. Fooled you. It is seventy six degrees in my house. That is very cold. It is twenty degrees outside. That is really hot. I cleaned my house today. It was very dirty. It took me all day to clean it. I love to clean the house. I don’t know how it got so dirty. Now the house does not have to be cleaned for another two years. I just dropped a glass plate and it shattered everywhere. Oh well. It was not my plate anyway. Well I hope this essay entertained you. It sure entertained me. All of this is true. That was a lie. I am just kidding.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Martin Yan’s Biography Essay
Culinary Arts is widely acknowledged today as the art of cooking, and its popularity is increasing all over the world. There are numerous renowned and skilled chefs who have become well-known for their knowledge, creativity, and passion on culinary arts. Today, a lot of gifted chefs are getting famous for their cooking shows, cook books, and different contributions to the world of culinary arts. One of the famous and respectable chefs in the world is Martin Yan. Martin Yan is a Chinese-American chef; he was born in Guangzhou China on the year 1948. His father was a restaurateur, and his mother operates a grocery store. Martin started and learned how to cook at the age of 12. He decided to move and live in Hong Kong when he reached the age of 13 years old and studied in Kowloon City in Munsang College. Martin experienced working for his uncle’s Chinese restaurant and learned a lot of traditional methods of Chinese cooking. He then got the opportunity to study in Canada and later got his masters degree in food science in University of California in Davis on 1975. He finally got the passion for teaching and became a professor in the university’s extension program, and he also appeared on a local TV talk show in Calgary, Canada in the year 1978 (Yan Can Cook, 2008). Since then, he has been hosting different cooking shows. Among these shows is â€Å"Yan Can Cook,†now a popular cooking show which started in the year 1982 (Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). He became a celebrity indeed, winning different awards from his enthusiasm, talent, interest, and creativity as a culinary chef. He received the â€Å"James Bean Award for best television cooking show†in 1994, and two years later, he was granted an award for â€Å"best television food journalism†by the same award-giving body (Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). In 1998, he won an â€Å"Emmy Award for the best cooking show†(Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). In addition, he also received an award from the â€Å"Chef’s Association of the Pacific Coast†and the â€Å"Courvoisier Leadership Award†on the Antonin Award (Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p.). He also sometimes appears on a cartoon talk show called â€Å"Space Ghost†which is now currently airing in the Cartoon Network show â€Å"Adult Swim†(Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). He was also a part of the Singaporean movie â€Å"Rice Rhapsody†during the year 2005. He currently hosts his own show entitled â€Å"Martin Yan Quick and Easy†and can be seen sometimes as one of the judges in the popular show â€Å"Iron Chef of America†(Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). Nowadays, he is also hosting â€Å"Martin Yan’s Chinatown Cooking,†a show wherein he tours different Chinatowns all over the world (Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). The format of his shows encompasses the different approaches and styles in Asian cooking; he travels in different places all over the world to introduce a certain local cuisine on TV (Yan Can Cook, 2008). Aside from hosting and having different cooking shows, Martin Yan has published several cookbooks as well, wherein he introduces Chinese American culinary arts all over the world. He wrote about 25 different cookbooks, which include â€Å"Martin Yan’s Chinatown Cooking†and â€Å"Chinese Cooking for Dummies†which also won an award (â€Å"Martin Yan Biography,†2008, n. p. ). His main objective is to represent the Asian culture and culinary arts not only in the western part of the world but around the globe as well (â€Å"Martin Yan Biography,†2008). Martin Yan is one of the most famous guest instructors at different culinary institutions and academies mostly in the Western and Asian part of the world such as the â€Å"Wales University, California Culinary Academy, Chinese Cuisine Institute in Hong Kong, the Culinary Institute in America, University of San Francisco and the Chinese chef training programs in North America†(â€Å"Martin Yan Biography,†2008, n. p. ). Furthermore, Martin Yan also founded his own culinary school in San Francisco California named â€Å"Yan Can International Cooking School†(Martin Yan Biography, 2008, n. p. ). Like his father, he also became a restaurateur; he opened the Yan Can Restaurant in 2002 in San Francisco bay area in California. His restaurant offers Asian menu, and it is more likely to have different branches all over the world in the years to come (â€Å"Martin Yan Biography,†2008). Martin Yan has greatly contributed in the culinary industry. He became a culinary diplomat for the American Culinary Federation. He received a doctorate degree in culinary arts for his contribution to the food and hospitality industry. Moreover, he also received a doctorate degree in humane letters from the Colorado Institute of Art. Aside from that, he also received an exceptional recognition from his peers as a master chef. In 2001, he became an inductee of â€Å"James Beard Foundation’s D’Artagnan Cervena Who’s Who of Food and Beverage,†which honors food and beverage professionals for their significant and lasting achievements (Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). Thus, due to his success in the culinary arts industry, he became a respected professional chef and a member of different prestigious organizations such as the â€Å"American Institute of Wine and Food, American Culinary Federation, Chinese Cuisine Research Institute, Chef’s Association of the Pacific Coast, Association of Chinese Cooking Teachers, Institute of Food Technologists, International Association of Culinary Professionals, and American Author’s Guild†(Yan Can Cook, 2008, n. p. ). There are vast number of chefs that people can watch on TV and different cookbooks made available for everyone, but Martin Yan has become exceptional because of the distinct Asian influence he brought in the industry of culinary arts. With all the awards and honors Martin Yan received, he is regarded as one of the top famous culinary chef all over the world. He has made a lot of worldwide remarks on the culinary arts and greatly influenced countless chefs, professionals, and people with his passion and knowledge in the art of culinary. He has shaped a lot of people to become a good chef. He teaches and passes his knowledge to other people so that he will always be reminded with his own style and contributions in the culinary world. Hence, with his cooking shows, cookbooks, and teachings that focus on the Asian culinary arts and culture, Martin Yan is continuously inspiring people to pursue their passion. References Martin Yan Biography. (2008). American Entertainment International Speakers Bureau. Retrieved December 8, 2008 from http://www. aeispeakers. com/print. php? SpeakerID=1103 Yan Can Cook. (2008). Meet the chef. Retrieved December 8, 2008 from http://yancancook. com/mybio. htm
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Forest life changes the characters Essay
In Shakespeare’s As you like it, we find the characters attempting to escape the court. What they specifically are escaping from are the ‘briars’ of the ‘working day world’. The imagery of briar bushes specifically enacts a form of entanglement; that the world of the court is entrapping and the people in it are reflected as such. What is ‘comely envenoms him that bears it’, highlighting a reverse polarisation of morality, that what is good is a hindrance in the world of the court. This is paralleled by what Touchstone (who represents the court as a jester, whom were always in the service of the court) says; ‘The sweetest nut hath the sourest rind’. Indeed, the usurper is viewed as the rightful ruler of the court whereas the rightful ruler is branded an outlaw. So the characters escape to the forest in order to cleanse themselves of ‘th’infected world’ (Playing upon the previous mention of ‘envenoms’ as a form of physical affliction that requires cathartic release). One can argue that the characters do respond to the forest, and their characters change as such. One particularly significant example is how Shakespeare constructs the forest as a place of alternative knowledge; Duke Senior finds that the ‘winds are his councillors’ and that the ‘trees shall be my (his) books’, that they find ‘sermons in stones’. This highlights the homiletic edification that occurs when one engages with nature, and indeed, this is paralleled by the discourse expressed between Rosalind and Celia in Act I, where they comment on how fortune (A product of the court) and nature (Of the forest) are at odds with one another; ‘Fortune reigns in gifts of the world/not in the lineaments of nature’. The escapism of the forest is further expressed when the gentlemen become ‘merry men’ and ‘brothers in exile’ highlighting how they are able to ‘fleet time as they did in the golden age’, with the ‘merry men’ alluding exclusively to the notion of ‘Robin hood’, who represents an active rebellion against the court, suggesting an underlying romanticisation of what it is to be an outlaw. Indeed, defying social norms appears to be what the forest epitomises, and as such, Rosalind even changes all perception of her by becoming ‘Ganymede’, she essentially dresses up to become someone different. Finally, we find the two main ‘villains’ of the story; Duke Frederick and Oliver have a very quick change of heart from the forest, which in both cases turn out to be spectacular examples of Deus Ex Machina, both being equally contrived but portrayed as legitimately woven into the story. So in that sense, the forest is a healing force. However, there is an argument for the opposite; that the forest is exactly the same as the court and no significant change occurs. One of the biggest examples of this lies in the speech of Lord 1 regarding the murder of a deer. The deer are portrayed as ‘native burghers’ in their own ‘desert city’, who retreat ‘from the hunters aim’ into a ‘sequestered’ ‘languish’. Jaques remarks then about how the foresters are the ‘mere usurpers’ who ‘kill them up/in their assign’d and native dwelling place’. This is particularly significant because a parallel is drawn between the deer and the foresters, the deer is escaping usurpation in much the same way the foresters are, this is further enhanced by the fact that the deer has a ‘leathern coat’, a deliberate wording by Shakespeare to highlight the parallels it has with its human usurpers. This usurpation is shown elsewhere in the book, Rosalind who buys the shepherds ‘passion’ (Livelihood) because it is ‘much upon her fashion’, suggesting a transitory or arbitrary desire, devoid of consideration for the fact that the shepherd derives his survival from his flock. Indeed, she wishes to ‘waste her time’ here, rather than use it for any meaningful purpose. Other aspects of the court are also filtered into the forest to enact a distinct lack of change. The notion of the ‘merry men’ and ‘brothers in exile’ is immediately undermined by the fact that the duke is referred to as ‘your grace’, implying that the hierarchy of society is still in place, despite their attempts to gloss over it. Indeed, the very nature of them dressing up as foresters when they are in fact ‘gentlemen’ enacts the nature of the ‘painted pomp’ that is alluded to when referring to the court. The word ‘pompous’ implies a level of self-importance and unnecessary grandiose, which is ever present in the forest; ‘to blow on whom I please’ (IE, to do as I wish). Conventionally in the pastoral, the return to ‘reality’ (In this instance, the court) is forced due to the ephemeral nature of Arcadia. However, at the end of the play here, we find that the characters easily cast off their ‘disguises’ as if they had never left, willingly returning to the court, signifying that there must have been little difference between the two worlds, and emphasising the fact that the court has been a constant throughout the play. One of the most famous quotes of the play, ‘All the world is a stage’ is particularly significant here also. Throughout the story, the ‘motley coat’ (Emblematic of the fool) has been alluded to, and it represents the ‘players’ and by extension, the audience as a whole. If we are all ‘players’ as in a play, with ‘their exists and entrances/and many parts’, then we are all fundamentally acting like the foresters all the time, we all are part of the same outcome. Indeed, at the very end, we all are ‘sans teeth, sans taste, sans everything’, emphasising the fact we all end up subjected to time and age, no better for our experiences in life. This is particularly ironic of course, because earlier on in the story, the forest is described as having ‘no clock’, but it is infact time that undoes all as expressed in this passage, enacting the futility of escape and the absence of any change in outcome from action. Finally, we have the ephemeral nature of the escape for the audience. As alluded to in the preceding paragraph, the audience are ‘players’ and actors in the play to, but do they change? At the very end, within the epilogue, Rosalind breaks the fourth wall, essentially undermining the experience of the play, returning the audience from the ‘forest’ (The imaginative space of the play) to the ‘court’ (Reality). She directly remarks upon the fact that it is a play, that it is a constructed narration and further commends it to be watched by the friends of the audience (Cementing the notion of ‘realism’ in the fact that the play is a commercial enterprise at heart, not a creative escape).
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Toward a Typology of Food Security in Developing Countries,Governance Division, and International Food Policy Research Institute. Essay
Global Food Supplies Introduction Question 1       Globalization and technology enable food producers to access a wider market, increase opportunities, and competition with food supply and consumption. Countries and agricultural multinationals position their supply systems, according tothe global market. Food supply requires a systematic analysis of the food production processes and strategies for ensuring consistency in production and supply chain. Collaboration and partnerships at various levels has been adopted to facilitate in large-scale production, processing, and supply. The following study will discuss the problems with global food supplies, possible solutions, and the implicationsof the suggested solutions. Discussion       According to Bingxin et al. (2010),availability of food, its accessibility, utility of food, and stability are vital in global food supply.These are the conceptual factors of food supply and food security. Availability of food in one part of the world does not guarantee supply to the parts with scarcity. Accessibility of food is dependent on international relations between countries and international organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO). Utility of food affects supply of food because of the cultural orientation towards certain types of food. Other than the conceptual aspects, Thomsett (2011) and Olson (2012) believed that problems in the food supply could stem from the product value chain and the supply chain. The food process chain may comprise of production at the farm level, storage, processing facilities, transportation of the processed foodstuff, distributors, and retailers. Farmers require modern technology and machines to handl e the produce into the form that can be exported. Lack of processing mills and plants limit the food supply into the developed economies (Bingxin et al., 2010). Inadequate storage facilities affect the global food supply because of food wastageat the production level. Perishable foodstuff requires quick transportation and modern preservation methods such as the use of refrigerators (Frankenberger et al., 2014).       Geopolitical interests andsanctions affect global food supply. Countries that face sanctions may be limited in terms of the types of food they can import or export. For instance,sanctions have affected food supply Europe to Russia in the current sanctions between the some of the countries in Europe and Russia. North Korea also faces challenges in the food supplybecause of sanctions (Thomsett, 2011).Olson (2012) indicated that terrorism affects food supply because of the disruption of the food production and supply chain. Terrorism also affects the farming system because the farmers take alternatives that suit the prevailing conditions in the regions that are prone to terrorism.Agricultural terrorism affects global food supply. Agricultural terrorism is a form of bioterrorism where terrorists introduce animal and plant disease in the region in order to destabilize food production (Olson, 2012). Climate change and natural disasters cause problems in global food supply. Climate change affects the agricultural systems by causing shortages in water supply, flooding, and general inconstancies in weather conditions. Uncertainties in weather make prediction and planning difficult for farmers a factor that eventually affects global food supply (Thomsett, M, 2011; Bingxin et al., 2010).       Carpenter et al. (2013) held the view that decentralization of food production would help in reducing the challenges of global food supply. Decentralization augments the conceptual aspects of food supply such as accessibility and stability. In this case,the logistics of ensuring the food reaches the consumer are less complicated because the food is within the locality of the user. Adoption of better food production methods and technologies can also help in dealing with the threats of global food supply. Mechanized farming and research in drought tolerant crops are some of the modern approaches that ensure consistency in food supply(Frankenberger et al., 2014).       Improved international relations with the trade partners and collaboration in research and food production will enhance global food supply. Countries and food producers may sign trade agreements that facilitate food supply. Negotiations on specific food processing and quality can improveworld food supply. Farmers and food processing multinational may share technologies and intelligence on bioterrorism to reduce agricultural terrorism (Carpenter et al., 2013; Olson, 2012).       Decentralization of food production affects the management of production and product copyrights.Different countries and regions have unique approaches to food production. The climatic and physical conditions differ from one country to another. Decentralization of production will require a strategy of aligning the processes, policies, and objectives of all the stakeholders.High costs of adoption and mitigation measures for climate change and natural disasters affect food supply. Research on crops, animals, and farming systems that are tolerant to climate change requires long terms strategies and resources(Carpenter et al., 2013; Olson, 2012). Conclusion       Stability in global food supply requires a multidimensional approach. Olson (2012) showed that dealing with bioterrorism involves researchers in agricultural biotechnology and the security agencies. According toFrankenberger (2014) sustainable food supply, depends on sharing technical information on climate change. Capacity building at the production level affects the consistency of food supply. Technical information on greenhouse emissions at the local level and on a global scale can help in formulating policies on sustainability of the supply chain. Food supply also relies on the co-operation of food supply multinationals, Non-Governmental organizations, and trade organizations. References Bingxin, Y et al. 2010, Toward a Typology of Food Security in Developing Countries,Governance Division, and International Food Policy Research Institute. Carpenter, J, Moore, M, Alexander, N, & Doherty, M 2013, ‘Consumer demographics, Ethno centralism, cultural values, and consumer culture in a retail perspective’, Journal of marketing management, 29, 4, pp. 271- 291. Business source complete, EBSCOHost, viewed 13 December 2014. Frankenberger, T, Costas, M, Nelson, S, & Starr, L 2014, Building resilience for food and nutrition. Washington, DC: International food Policy research Institute. Olson, D 2012, Agroterrorism: threats to America’s economy and food supply, FBI law enforcement bulletin, Business source complete, EBSCOHost, viewed 13 December 2014. Thomsett, M 2011, ‘Global supply chain risk management: Viewing the past to manage today’s risk from an historical perspective’, Review of management innovation and creativity, 4, 9, pp.44-64, Business source complete, EBSCOHost, viewed 13 December 2014. Source document
Is Google Making Us Stupid Essay
In his article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid,†Nicholas Carr, a former executive editor of the Harvard Business Review and a member of the steering board for the World Economic Forum’s cloud computing project, criticizes the overall impact of the internet, as a whole, on the human process of thought, comparing his past level of conception to â€Å"a scuba diver in a sea of words†whereas his current understanding simply â€Å"zip[s] along the surface†(Carr 68). Carr targets the prominent internet search engine as the black sheep for web user’s dwindling in capacity to comprehend and concentrate on high-brow literature. However, due to the fact that the objective of the corporation is to ultimately be monetarily successful, Google’s approach to providing proficient, while immediate, information is not based upon their own preference, but rather that of its’ consumers. Based on trends on college campuses, Scott Carlson, a journalist for The Chronicle, finds the number of students using libraries has drastically decreased over the years, using the convenient â€Å"‘virtual library’†at their disposal instead (Carlson 1). This infers research found on the internet is the same, and or suffice to that acquired from a hard-back encyclopedia, periodical, etc. Therefore, while I agree with the general trend of decreased absorption Carr suggests, the internet still contributes to human potential for critical, deep thought through the application of habituation and the numerous online resources offering the equivalent of any printed scholarly work. My inclination to agree with Carr’s theory is solely based on his reference to the work of Maryanne Wolf, a developmental psychologist, who elicits that the skill of deciphering symbolic characters into an understood language is not instinctive (Carr 69). Instead, in parallel to any activity one would like to develop themselves in, â€Å"practicing the craft of reading play[s] an important part in shaping the neural circuits inside our brains†(69). The many interruptions encompassing the internet, such as info-thickets, e-mails, headlines, blog posts, etc., undermine the brains’ ability to transfer newly learned information into your long-term memory. Multitasking by attempting to read bits and pieces of a handful of information online is not beneficial and rather proves to be a less efficient way of preserving knowledge. According to the Social Science Research Network, in a study of the brain’s ability to process various data, switching mindsets proved to incite mental exhaustion. By analyzing the affects of these assorted changes in five separate experiments, the researcher found that â€Å"switching mindsets is an executive function that consumes self-regulatory resources and therefore renders people relatively unsuccessful in their self-regulatory endeavors,†simply concluding that it is in one’s best interest to â€Å"try to change hats as infrequently as possible†(Hamilton 10). Like muscle memory, the brain retains its ability to understand complex literature material only if training, or reading, is continuous. Yet, skipping out on the workouts of â€Å"immersing [oneself] in a book†¦or getting caught up in the narrative†will overtime deteriorate this strength, depreciating a powerful recollection into a weak grasp (Carr 67). Though I concede that skimming online undermines one’s effort behind scholarly reading, I still insist that the internet provides more benefits than detriments. The nature of technology, in general, broadens our potential to change our environment and has historically provided the power for civilizations to develop. From the late 21st century to the present the World Wide Web has been that force and statistics show its presence directly draws a parallel to an improvement of our brainpower. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, seventy six percent of technology stakeholders and critics disagree with Carr and accept the statement: â€Å"people’s use of the Internet has enhanced human intelligence; as people are allowed unprecedented access to more information they become smarter and make better choices†(Anderson 1). While thirty two percent of professionals, like Association for Computing Machinery U.S. Public Policy Councilman Gene Spafford, think â€Å"most writing online is devolving toward†¦quick, throwaway notes with abbreviations and threaded references,†the overwhelming majority agrees that by 2020 the internet will have boosted and advanced our ability to comprehend, inscribe and exchange knowledge (Anderson 10). These statistics are vital because they shed light on the long term positive effects of Google and the Internet, altering the premises people have established prior to research. The argument of advertisements being distracting and undermining the reader’s focus is a valid point. Carr describes these commercials as overwhelming â€Å"the medium’s content with hyperlinks, blinking ads, and other digital gewgaws,†which scatter our interest and distribute our attentiveness (Carr 71). However, the law of habituation refutes this theory, stating that our response toward a stimulus lessens with increased exposure. According to the Harris Poll, sixty three percent of U.S adults completely ignore banner and search engine advertisements and ninety one percent ignore nearly all commercialized announcements (Braverman 1). The perception Carr creates of ads, specifically hyperlinks, is misleading for he depicts the internet user to have very little say, if any, and is often coerced into utilizing the resource. In reality, rather than â€Å"propelling you toward [related works],†they merely serve as suggestions used at the expense of the consumer (Carr 67). What Carr does not draw attention to throughout his article is the fact that internet tools, like cookies, and hyperlinks, are solely approaches supporting the web’s convenience. Therefore, a correlation may exist between the surfing of the internet and lower reading comprehension and concentration levels, but there is no way to measure an online reader’s intent and correspond it to the depth of what they read. Carr is mistaken because he overlooks the serving nature of the internet and attempts to draw parallels between Google and Taylorism. The â€Å"industrial choreography†of Taylorism suggests that in order to achieve maximum results, an individual system of work must be established (71). By drawing this comparison, he utterly disregards human ingenuity, depicting internet users as cookie cutters following â€Å"the perfect algorithm†to suit our requests (72). As Peter Norvig, Google Research Director, conveys, â€Å"Taylorism shifts responsibility from worker to management, institutes a standard method for each job/Google does the opposite, shifting responsibility from management to the worker, encouraging creativity in each job†(Anderson 2). While Carr presents a suitable case to support his dilemma, his tendency to prove the null hypothesis of Google is overly pessimistic. His argument that the long term influence of the internet on our comprehension and concentration will be damaging is blemished. Although researching online may not be traditional, exposure to information we intentionally choose to look at only leads to obtained knowledge we did not know before. I italicize intentionally to make a point: the medium of information people use is based on their preference. When discussing reading over scholarly literature versus scanning for a quick answer, the fact is both are optional at the disposal of the consumer. In response to advertisements being distracting, not only are there web sites containing few, if any, but humans generally ignore them as well. Thus, if it were definitively true that the intelligence Google provides was overall harmful, the blame could not be put on the corporation. Instead, the people whom the business adhere to are at fault. Because of these reasons, and the strong correlation between the internet’s unlimited amount of knowledge and improving intellect, Google and the Web as a whole are large contributors to human potential. Works Cited Braverman, Samantha. â€Å"Are Advertisers Wasting Their Money?†PR Newswire. Harris Interactive, 3 Dec. 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Carr, Nicholas. â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid?†The New Humanities Reader. Ed. Richard E. Miller and Kurt Spellmeyer. 4th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2012. 67-74. Print. Carlson, Scott. â€Å"Technology As Students Work Online, Reading Rooms Empty Out –Leading Some Campuses to Add Starbucks.†The Chronicle. The Chronicle, 16 Nov. 2001. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Hamilton, Ryan, Kathleen Vohs, Tom Meyvis, and Anne-Laure Sellier. â€Å"Being of Two Minds: Switching Mindsets Exhausts Self-Regulatory Resources.†Social Science Research Network. Social Science Electronic Publishing, 18 Dec. 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2012. Rainie, Lee, and Janna Anderson. â€Å"Future of the Internet IV.†Pew Internet & American Life Project. Pew Research Center, 19 Feb. 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2012.
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