Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Presentation Of Gender And Sexuality - 1853 Words
When England came out of the Middle Ages and entered the Early Modern era, the change served as a revival for the country. With a woman now on England’s throne, the ability to play with the idea of gender was a necessity, and thus influenced society as a whole. Like many aspects of the period, the presentation of gender and sexuality began to change with the rest of England’s Early Modern era. Conversely, gender play, and even cross-dressing, in this era were both considered alternatives that had to be contained for it disrupted England’s to social standards. Therefore, the structure of gender roles was concrete and strict, for its intention was used to keep the social order to remain in balanced and keep the general public functioning as it had for many years prior to the time. Historically, the act of defining femininity and what it means to be female was exceedingly important for a woman of the time to know, learn, and understand. By doing so would allow women to remain loyal to the roles they had been â€Å"destined†to play and would keep the social order in early modern culture intact. As the social order had been multiple times prior to the era in many cultures, the value of gender is measured by hierarchal status: men were on top because it was considered masculine to be â€Å"superior and commanding†(Rose 17), whereas women remain beneath men for women were considered â€Å"inferior and subordinate†(Rose 17) and was not suitable to be involved in anything within the domain ofShow MoreRelatedSexuality And Gender : Social Constructs Essay1366 Words  | 6 PagesSexuality and Gender are social constructs. They are more like fluid concepts. Both are on spectrums. Why could they be considered controversial topics, more specifically the spectrum? Well, the idea of sexuality being more than just heterosexuality has been challenged by conservative types and others alike for years. They may even deem anything other than heterosexuality as something abnormal and immoral. For some, it can be quite difficult to understand that sexuality is on a spectrum. EspeciallyRead MoreAn Individual’S Sexual Curiosity In And Enticement To Other1095 Words  | 5 Pagesindividuals; having stimulating feelings and experiences, speak to human sexuality. Different from sexuality, biological sex is classified through genetics, anatomy, hormones and physiology; female or male. An individual s intelligence of their own gender refers to gender identity or sociocultural classification, which is also set apart from sexuality; however, it is constructed on biological sex and shapes sexual orientation. Sexuality is practiced and displayed in several ways that include opinionsRead MoreHow William Shakespeare And Carol Ann Duffys Subverting The Gender Roles Of Gender And Feminism1430 Words  | 6 PagesShakespeare and Carol Ann Duffy subvert traditional roles of gender and sexuality in â€Å"From Mrs Tiresias†and â€Å"Sonnet 20†? Both Carol Ann Duffy in â€Å"From Mrs Tiresias†and William Shakespeare in â€Å"Sonnet 20†subvert male gender roles by presenting the male protagonists with physical female traits. Both poets differ in their presentation of traditional gender roles and sexuality. In â€Å"From Mrs Tiresias†, Carol Ann Duffy subverts the gender role of men as strong masculine men, playing on the modern stereotypeRead MoreThe Other Biological Aspect Of My Identity880 Words  | 4 Pagesquestioned for it. I’ve never had to make an effort to appear female. An article on gender presentation from Sjwiki, explains that: â€Å"because most people do indeed diagnose gender based on external appearance, many people, especially those who are misgendered often, make a conscious or subconscious effort to align their external appearance with that which will allow them to pass as the gender they identify as†(‘Gender Presentation, Sjwiki). I as a cisgender female have never had to worry about displayingRead MoreVisual Representations Are Understood Through Visual Perceptual Skills1396 Words  | 6 Pagesstrengthens such values. One of the major sociocultural values was the enforcement of gender roles where women were inferior and dangerous t o men due to their sexuality. A prominent statue of the Goddess of Sexuality, â€Å"Kinidian Aprodite of Praxiteles†represents the conflicting role of women in Ancient Greek society. This statue presents a variety of interpretations from different perspectives, such as the danger of female sexuality from men, the shamefulness and sinful exposure of the female body from honorableRead MoreThe Cultural Identity Of The African American Community1653 Words  | 7 Pagescommunity has sat at the end of a discriminatory lens from the moment they set foot in the United States. For that reason, black communities have undergone the process of community building to ensure that all members feel a sense of belonging. Race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, poverty, and sexual orientation, all play a role in developing one’s identity and more often than not, these multiple identities intersect with blackness. Being that American society has deemed colored people and populationsRead MoreAnalysis Of Allen Ginsberg s Howl And 1661 Words  | 7 Pageshis differences, which contributes to strange and prohibited behaviours. In this essay, being central to vicious and pleased queer performative spaces in the city and embodying sexuality, it will examine Allen’s, ‘Howl’ and ‘Sunflower Sutra’, interpreting queer theory, and that it is essential to ideas of gender and sexuality that are necessary for radical solidarity, Allen being a gay activist his principles of his character seem unreasonable or destructive in contemporary political circumstancesRead MoreThe Reality Of The Lgbtq Community1404 Words  | 6 Pagesculture has wide-reaching influence to generate new sets of values and ideals in audiences (Fedorak 2009). Originating in mainstream pop culture, discourses of gender and sexuality The Kids Are All Right and The Fosters support homonormative politics, which privileges some lesbian mothers as intelligible over others. At differing levels, the gender and motherhood ideals they contain ignore the diverse experiences of lesbian motherhood. They appear progressive at face value, even queer at times, yet, theyRead MoreFeminism And The Feminist Movement1304 Words  | 6 Pagesof women. It usually provides a critique of social relations, however many aspects of feminism also focuses on evaluating gender inequality and the support of women’s civil rights, benefits and concerns. A person who subscribes to feminism can be either a male or a female. Feminist theory recognizes the nature of gender biases and focuses on gender politics, power and sexuality. Themes explored in feminism include inequality, stereotyping, sexual objectif ication, domination and patriarchy. CulturalRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender And Sexuality Essay1398 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent is based on genetics. Having a different view of oneself’s gender is not always a choice. It is considerably something that is known right away and is usually not second guessed then there are no decision to be made about whether they are choosing to be that way or not. Genetics decides eye color, hair color, and facial features, so accordingly it would most likely decide the decisions and views on gender and sexuality. In reality, it is often overlooked that genetics play a massive role
Monday, December 16, 2019
Essay Topics for Middle School Features
Essay Topics for Middle School Features Year round school isn't a good idea. Everyone on the planet should speak English. Every American should learn how to speak Spanish. A minumum of one parent should work at home. How to Choose Essay Topics for Middle School If you don't understand how to begin your essay or where to search for supporting data, we'll be happy to help you. Just reach out to our support managers, if you've got an unusual job to do, and we'll surely find someone to aid you. On our site you will discover a lot more useful exceptional information that will certainly be helpful for junior and higher school kids from, like common home task essay about Hamlet, in addition to, for instance, application essays for college for future students. The intent of assigning an essay to middle school students is to make awareness and permit them to develop writing skills. Ok, I Think I Understand Essay Topics for Middle School, Now Tell Me About Essay Topics for Middle Sch ool! Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't challenging to discover. It is extremely important to pick a great topic to be able to compose an excellent paper. When you compose an essay, writing about the topic matter is just the start. Before you commence writing your essay, you should study the sources applicable to the possible subject, and make certain you have enough evidence to hold up your thesis statement. If you are searching for somebody to compose your essay, it is probable you'll also be considering the price of doing this. Sometimes, it's a great idea in order to add something funny to your argumentative essay. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. When you compose a resume for the very first time, it may take you some time to put everything in order and create your CV seem prese ntable. Picking a topic can be exceedingly hard process especially for those who are not familiar with a specific kind of writing. Choosing topics is a distinct skill which you should learn and practice at school, so quit procrastinating and stick to the simple tips below as a way to think of fresh ideas and make a great topic to work on. Otherwise, you've got to consider about choosing another topic. Deciding on the right topic can help you ensure a stress free method of essay writing. In the procedure for picking a topic, it's also wise to test your argument. If, for example, you're writing an essay on training a dog in 5 steps, do not incorporate the initial 3 steps within a paragraph and your own personal expertise in the conclusion. In choosing your topic, it's frequently a good notion to start out with a subject which you already have some familiarity with. Once you choose a topic, you have to answer the query and after that substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. Top Essay Topics for Middle School Choices Because you'll be tasked to present extensive info and explanation on the subject, you must make make certain that the topic you've chosen have relevant and credible references. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make sure to do your homework on what the recent laws about your preferred topic actually say. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, th e most essential issue to do is to select a topic and an argument that you could really get behind. If you are a newcomer to argumentative essay writing, it is far better to choose an effortless topic. Writing a problem solution essay can be hard, particularly if you are the person choosing the topic. Test essay questions will be contingent on the topic, naturally. Researching the topic permits you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you really like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Essay Topics for Middle School Explained Imagine that you're the principal of your school. Sex education needs to be taught at a lowly age. By way of example, students might write about the advantages of a vegan diet. The school day needs to be shorter. The fast food sector is liable for obesity. The very best current essay topics for middle school students is truly contingent on the type of work you're doing. You should take part in far-reaching studying to cover all elements of the subject and all point of views by different folks. Though peop le believe education is a correct and will make society, overall, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no legitimate way to provide a free college education as colleges would still have to be funded (likely through tax dollars).
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Strategic Management Critically Evaluate Generic Strategies For Compet
Questions: 1.How can they relate to the workplace? 2.How they can aid your personal and professional development? Answers: 1. Generic strategy for competitive advantage has been established by Porter in order to evaluate whether the profitability of a particular firm is above or below the industry average. In a workplace like TESCO the business experts tend to use low cost leadership strategy in order to become a current market threat. TESCO by maintaining the quality of products and services tends to become low cost produces for attracting large number of target customer. Strategic direction is the systematic action that most of the recognizable business organization such as ASDA, Woolworths, Apple and Samsung tends to follow for achieving the business goal. Before fulfilling the customers needs and demands the business experts of Samsung tend to follow a proper strategic direction. For an example, in order to make collective decision regarding the success of business the managers of Woolworths tend to implement participative form of leadership at the workplace. As a result, both the managers and the em ployees can participate in taking business decision equally. Suitability, acceptability and feasibility are the three alternative business strategies with the help of which business organizations can evaluate financial resources, risk analysis as per the reaction of stakeholders and consider strategic position of the company based on identified organizational issues. 2. These particular strategies have provided me an in-depth knowledge and experience on how to overcome various organizational challenges by implementing necessary plans and policies. The generic strategy of competitive advantage has helped me to learn on how to place my products and services in the market by providing greater value and advantages to the clients in comparison to its competitors. By implementing the strategy of suitability I have learn to distinguish which particular business strategy is helpful for my organization that can create a market threat for its competitors. As a result, I have enhanced my professional skill and competency and got to know on how to deal with different kinds of situations at the workplace by applying these business strategies.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Solid Waste Management
Introduction Solid waste management has significantly gained attention in the present century. With the impacts of globalization, there is a persistent need for transformative mechanisms of solid waste management. Evidently, most nations continue to experience challenges in solid waste management. Particularly, the developing nations are the highly affected (Singh Ramanathan, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Solid Waste Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apart from the available waste management technologies, municipalities face various dilemmas. Specifically, this regards the choosing of either private or public system of solid waste management. Based on an article describing solid waste management in Canada, this paper focuses on this topic. The paper researches and examines the issue of privatization in solid waste management in Canada. Argument on Privatization of Solid Waste Management T he article reveals crucial debates on the issue of privatization of solid waste management. Observably, there are present potential arguments on the issue of solid waste management. Generally, the debates are based on public and private management of solid waste (Kumar, 2009). Personally, I encourage the adoption and practice of privatization in solid waste management. This decision is informed by the several advantages of a privatized system of solid waste management. As indicated in the article, privatization of the process leads to the realization of high levels of efficiency. Municipalities are able to integrate of enforce quality management systems due to this approach. Indicatively, the relevant municipality can adopt various transformative measures such as performance contracting. Such initiative would enhance the capacity of private partners to manage and dispose all solid wastes according to the appropriate provisions. A privatized system of solid waste management enable s full compliance by the organizations to various regulatory frameworks. Apart from this, the system allows an easier and flexible manner of conducting compliance monitoring initiatives (McDavid, 1985). Various municipalities around the globe have failed to manage the solid waste in a proper manner. Therefore, privatization enables such municipalities to act as oversight authorities in the disposal and management of these wastes. The approach also minimizes the public expenditures on solid waste management. Thus, more municipal resources are saved and may be utilized in other development projects. Privatization and Improvement of Service Quality Privatization has a significant impact on service quality. The article clearly presents the outcomes on the service quality recorded from a privatized solid waste management system in Canada. It is simple to regulate and contract private firms (Uriarte, 2008). This process is attainable through provision of realistic and competitive service targets.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These targets must be provided or issued to all private firms involved in the management of solid waste. Through engagement of private partners, the solid waste management process becomes more compliant and simple. The municipality only has to provide competitive measures during bidding and p tendering processes. The existence of several players within the private sector increases the rate of competition. Consequently, this situation also leads to the development of high standards for service delivery. The municipalities are more inclined to offering tenders in consideration of the capacity of individual firms to provide excellent and high quality service. However, it is imperative to note that privatization of solid waste management do not lead to a reduction of cost (Kumar, 2009). Specifically, this is notable in the various private entities that are involved in waste management. They incur great expenses due to high competition and demand for strategic and more transformative solid waste management programs. The individual solid waste generators also have to pay expensively for the services of private firms. The Community and Management of Solid Waste There are several factors considered by a community in the adoption of a privatized or public system of solid waste management. Poor road networks make the public to advocate for privatization of the solid waste management (Anand, 2010). However, this decision is likely to be revoked whenever the collection costs for solid wastes increases. Therefore, high collection costs charged by the private waste handlers make the community to shift to public waste management strategies. Increased compactness of solid waste increases the likelihood of the community to seek for a privatized system of waste management. Highly compacted solid waste might be difficult t o transport, dispose or manage at household or community levels. Effective transportation is a crucial component of solid waste management. However, most solid wastes might be difficult to transport. This depends on several factors including the nature of waste, availability of adequate and improved road network and other required equipment. Regional proximity determines whether the community would opt for a privatized or public solid waste management practices. Facilities located far away from the residence areas of the community might increase the chances for a privatized waste management strategy (Uriarte, 2008). It is evident that the community plays a fundamental role in the determination and dictation of market options in solid waste management.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Solid Waste Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of their practices do not promote competitive bidding markets. Mo st private organizations involved in the management of solid waste are confronted by serious challenges. Analytically, these challenges emerge from the community factors. References Anand, S. (2010). Solid waste management. New Delhi: Mittal Publications. Singh, J. Ramanathan, A. L. (2010). Solid waste management: Present and future challenges. New Delhi: I.K. International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Kumar, S. (2009). Solid waste management. New Delhi: Northern Book Centre. McDavid, J. (1985). The Canadian Experience with Privatizing Residential Solid Waste Collection Services. Public administration review, 602-608. Uriarte, F. A. (2008). Solid waste management: Principles and practices : an introduction to the basic functional elements of solid waste management, with special emphasis on the needs of developing countries. Diliman, Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. This case study on Solid Waste Management was written and submitted by user Sullivan Reed to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on My Goddess
My Goddess Ever since I was little I can remember my nana and I having a special relationship. I know she loved my cousins and brothers with all of her heart and would do anything for them, but we had the kind of bond that they were envious of. She would never out right say that she loved me more, rather it was shown in the way she looked at me, spoiled me, or thought everything I did, even normal or stupid things, were brilliant. In her eyes I could do no wrong, and in my eyes she was an angel. I gave her a birthday card one year that had two women on the front wearing bathing suits in a jungle. They had a sign that said â€Å"Home of the Jungle Gods†on it. When you opened it, it read,†Happy Birthday from one Goddess to Another.†From then on she referred to me as her Goddess; likewise she was mine. My nana was my friend, provider, and the greatest role model a girl could ask for. When she passed away a part of me went with her. Her death was unexpected and she passed before her time. Maybe she just left before I was ready to say goodbye. I had been living in Boston that summer with some friends in order to take classes at Bentley College. I was returning home for the weekend to see my family and celebrate the Fourth of July with friends. A few days prior to my visit, my nana had contracted a case of pneumonia and was in the hospital. My plans were to stop by and see her on the way home so I could give her a card and some flowers. As I made my way down 95 south my phone rang and it was my dad. He knew of my plans and called to say that my nana had been taken for some tests and would be gone most of the afternoon. He suggested that I go home instead and go to see her tomorrow morning. I agreed and went home. Upon returning home, I made myself a sandwich and sat down with my older brother to watch some TV. As I took my first bite the phone rang and my brother answered it. As the conversation grew... Free Essays on My Goddess Free Essays on My Goddess My Goddess Ever since I was little I can remember my nana and I having a special relationship. I know she loved my cousins and brothers with all of her heart and would do anything for them, but we had the kind of bond that they were envious of. She would never out right say that she loved me more, rather it was shown in the way she looked at me, spoiled me, or thought everything I did, even normal or stupid things, were brilliant. In her eyes I could do no wrong, and in my eyes she was an angel. I gave her a birthday card one year that had two women on the front wearing bathing suits in a jungle. They had a sign that said â€Å"Home of the Jungle Gods†on it. When you opened it, it read,†Happy Birthday from one Goddess to Another.†From then on she referred to me as her Goddess; likewise she was mine. My nana was my friend, provider, and the greatest role model a girl could ask for. When she passed away a part of me went with her. Her death was unexpected and she passed before her time. Maybe she just left before I was ready to say goodbye. I had been living in Boston that summer with some friends in order to take classes at Bentley College. I was returning home for the weekend to see my family and celebrate the Fourth of July with friends. A few days prior to my visit, my nana had contracted a case of pneumonia and was in the hospital. My plans were to stop by and see her on the way home so I could give her a card and some flowers. As I made my way down 95 south my phone rang and it was my dad. He knew of my plans and called to say that my nana had been taken for some tests and would be gone most of the afternoon. He suggested that I go home instead and go to see her tomorrow morning. I agreed and went home. Upon returning home, I made myself a sandwich and sat down with my older brother to watch some TV. As I took my first bite the phone rang and my brother answered it. As the conversation grew...
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Economic Impact of Terrorism on September 11
The Economic Impact of Terrorism on September 11 The economic impact of terrorism can be calculated from a variety of perspectives. There are direct costs to property and immediate effects on productivity as well as longer-term, indirect costs of responding to terrorism. These costs can be calculated quite minutely; for example, calculations have been made about how much money would be lost in productivity if we all had to stand in line at the airport for an extra hour every time we flew. (Not as much as we think, but the line of reasoning finally provides a rationale for the unreasonable fact that first class passengers wait less. Maybe someone is guessing, rightly, that an hour of their time costs more than an hour of others). Economists and others have tried to calculate the economic impact of terrorism for years in areas beset by attacks, such as Spains Basque region and Israel. In the last several years, most analyses of terrorisms economic costs begin with an interpretation of the costs of the September 11, 2001, attacks. The studies examined are fairly consistent in concluding that the direct costs of the attack were less than feared. The size of the American economy, a speedy response by the Federal Reserve to domestic and global market needs, and Congressional allocations to the private sector helped cushion the blow. The response to the attacks, however, has been costly indeed. Defense and homeland security spending are by far the largest cost of the attack. However, as economist Paul Krugman has asked, should the expenditure on ventures such as the Iraq war really be considered a response to terrorism, or a political program enabled by terrorism. The human cost, of course, is incalculable. Direct Economic Impact of Terrorist Attack The direct cost of the September 11 attack has been estimated at somewhat over $20 billion. Paul Krugman cites a property loss estimate by the Comptroller of the City of New York of $21.8 billion, which he has said is about 0.2 % of the GDP for a year (The Costs of Terrorism: What Do We Know? presented at Princeton University in December 2004). Similarly, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) estimated that the attack cost the private sector $14 billion and the federal government $0.7 billion, while clean-up was estimated at $11 billion. According to R. Barry Johnston and Oana M. Nedelscu in the IMF Working Paper, The Impact of Terrorism on Financial Markets, these numbers are equal to about 1/4 of 1 percent of the US annual GDPapproximately the same result arrived at by Krugman. So, although the numbers by themselves are substantial, to say the least, they could be absorbed by the American economy as a whole. Economic Impact on Financial Markets New Yorks financial markets never opened on September 11 and reopened a week later for the first time on September 17. The immediate costs to the market were due to damage to the communications and other transaction processing systems that had been located in the World Trade Center. Although there were immediate repercussions in world markets, based on the uncertainty engendered by the attacks, recovery was relatively swift. Economic Impact of Defense and Homeland Security Spending Defense and security spending increased by a massive amount in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Glen Hodgson, the Deputy Chief Economist for the EDC (Export Development Canada) explained the costs in 2004: The US alone now spends about US $500 billion annually20 percent of the US federal budgeton departments directly engaged in combating or preventing terrorism, most notably Defense and Homeland Security. The Defense budget increased by one-third, or over $100 billion, from 2001 to 2003 in response to the heightened sense of the threat of terrorism – an increase equivalent to 0.7 per cent of US GDP. Expenditures on defense and security are essential for any nation, but of course they also come with an opportunity cost; those resources are not available for other purposes, from spending on health and education to reductions in taxes. A higher risk of terrorism, and the need to combat it, simply raises that opportunity cost. Krugman asks, regarding this expenditure: The obvious, but perhaps unanswerable, question is to what extent this additional security spending should be viewed as a response to terrorism, as opposed to a political program enabled by terrorism. Not to put too fine a point on it: the Iraq war, which seems likely to absorb about 0.6 percent of America’s GDP for the foreseeable future, clearly wouldn’t have happened without 9/11. But was it in any meaningful sense a response to 9/11? Economic Impact on Supply Chains Economists also assess terrorisms impact on global supply chains, the sequence of steps that suppliers of goods take to get products from one area to another. These steps can become extremely costly in terms of time and money when extra layers of security at ports and land borders are added to the process. According to the OECD, higher transportation costs could have an especially negative effect on emerging economies that have benefited from a decrease in costs in the last decade and thus on countries ability to combat poverty. It does not seem entirely far-fetched to imagine that in some instances, barriers meant to safeguard populations from terrorism would actually amplify the risk: poor countries that might have to slow exports because of the cost of security measures are at a greater risk because of the effects of poverty, of political destabilization, and of radicalization among their populations.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Statement - Essay Example I will attempt to prove all this today and over the following nine days, but first I would like to tell you some more about who the victim in this case really is. Ms. Chen joined the staff at Monash University as a teacher and research academic in May of 2008. Before that time Ms. Chen had worked at the Imperial College in London and also at the University of Cambridge. She had gained two PhDs; one from Imperial College in 2007 for Biomaterials and the other from the University of Science and Technology of Beijing in 1992 for Metallurgical Physics. Professor Sian Harding from the Imperial College of London made the comment that "Qizhi (Ms. Chens nickname) is an exceptionally bright and creative scientist." In terms of her teaching capabilities, Professor Alexander Bismarck, also from Imperial College, remarked that Qizhi is "a gifted teacher." To put it simply, Ms. Chen is an independent thinker, hard-working academic and strong-minded woman who has carved out a fine academic career for herself. In contrast to many female academics who choose to put their career above a family, Ms. Chen is a very typical conservative Chinese woman with a strong family life. She also has a 12-year-old son, who is the apple of her eye. In conjunction with pursuing her academic goals and objectives, Ms. Chen is of the belief that being a mother with a caring family around her is considered to be the greatest achievement a woman can make. In line with her cultural values, Ms. Chen possesses the traits of loyalty, decency, and honesty. Also, Ms. Chen balances her work life and personal life in a way that allows her to have healthy relationships with everyone who she comes across. She is a woman who is quick to forgive and only make judgements based on facts rather than conjecture. In the workplace, Ms. Chen prefers an inclusive approach whereby knowledge can be shared for the benefit of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reaction paper on David Cole Interviews Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reaction paper on David Cole Interviews - Essay Example I tried to remain objective while listening to the interview because ideas in my head were contradicting the facts presented by Mr. Cole. Over-all, the investigation presents a very strong argument and Cole has definitely created a big question in the minds of people like me. I asked the question to myself†What would I be telling my children about the Holocaust one day?†If pesticides were cyanide, then it could be unethical for argument sake but not entirely homicidal on the part of the Germans. I am completely perplexed about what happened during the Holocaust. Nevertheless, I would still recommend to fellow students to listen to this controversial interview. In a way, a person would learn how to think critically about the issue and make sensible judgment about the issue. One thing to remember though, make sure emotions are kept at bay. In short, I liked the interview because this is the most sensible thing I have ever watched.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pepsico Case Study Essay Example for Free
Pepsico Case Study Essay 1. I felt that Nooyi’s Letter to Shareholders was fairly effective. She starts by mentioning that â€Å"the greatest challenge in business today is to renew a successful company through positioning for long-term growth and profitability but also performing in the current marketplace.†Her opening statement accurately reflects her emphasis in the letter. She goes on to make several statements that are important for investors to hear about making investments for future growth. She highlights Pepsi’s ongoing global growth initiatives (innovating globally by delighting locally) and also discusses Pepsi’s healthier offerings, both of which I feel are appealing concepts for shareholders in today’s market. She also makes some important statements about ongoing efficiency and leveraging the brand. Her letter does a good job of answering potential questions that the stockholders may have on thePepsico Case Study current status of the company as well as future plans. While her focuses are effective, I felt that some additional detail about growth within their â€Å"healthy†segment could’ve helped her argument as well as continued discussion on Pepsi’s ethics. Overall, her letter is a great pitch for prospective investors domestically and abroad. 2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis seemed to paint a more pessimistic view of the future of PepsiCo than Nooyi’s letter. They bring up several factors in order to prepare shareholders for potentially rough times. Part of these factors includes mention of a California proposition, which would force warning labels on unhealthy food. Potential layoffs and a possible knock to Pepsi’s credit rating are also discussed. Furthermore, management recognizes that they are operating in a highly competitive market. Some of Pepsi’s core, high margin products are losing market share to Coke products. Ongoing success is dependent on effective promotion and marketing and Coke has been a leader in this area. Pepsi management recognizes the need to innovate to remain competitive and proper positioning is key. It could prove to be an issue if they don’t properly anticipate shifts in demand. There are also concerns about potential climate changes, and other regulat ory measures. These things could severely impact production and demand for certain segments of Pepsi’s products. 3. 4. Market to Book Ratio compares the market value of the firm’s investments to their cost. Current Ratio is current assets divided by current liabilities and gives a measure of short-term liquidity. Debt to Equity Ratio is a measure of a company’s financial leverage calculated by dividing its total liabilities by stockholders equity. Total Asset Turnover is sales divided by total assets and assists with an understanding of dollars generated relative to dollars in assets. Times Interest Earned Ratio measures how well a company has its interest obligations covered and is calculated by dividing EBIT by Interest. Profit Margin is calculated by dividing net income by sales. ROA is a measure of profit per dollar of assets and ROE is a measure of how stockholders fared during the year. Finally, EPS gives us market price per share of stock by dividing net income by shares outstanding. 5. Over the past three years, revenues and expenses have increased. Net profits have also increased. Debt to Equity has increased over the last few years. Profit margins have decreased and focus has shifted to less profitable products. ROA has been decreasing as well. Daily sales in inventory are decreasing. Intangible assets, including goodwill, have greatly increased. Also, Return on Capital Investment has decreased. 7.Operating Activities: 1) Other net decreased by $688. 2) Accounts Receivable is increasing. Financing Activities: 1) Acquisition of non-controlling interests 2) Cash Dividends 3) Repurchase of dividends 4) Long term debt is down from 2010-2011. Investing Activities: 1)Acqusition of WBD 2) Change in Gross Fixed Assets (decreasing debt in 2011) 8.In her Letter to Shareholders, Chairman Nooyi made a good case for increasing shareholder value in the short and long runs. She’ll need to encourage management to continue to innovate and achieve high sales in the current market while at the same time focusing on future investment and continued global expansion and presence. Transparency with investors is important for building trust and confidence. Marketing and promotion will be another key element to PepsiCo’s continued growth among the high level of competition already existing in their many segments. Reduction of accounts receivable can lead to better bottom line results, efficiency, and reduction of long-term debt through the repayment of principle. PepsiCo should also continue to expand its â€Å"healthy†product line such as sports drinks, whole grain healthy snacks, etc. to take advantage of market trends.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Influenzas Impacts on Manchesters Society :: Journalism Media Studies Health Essays
Influenza's Impacts on Manchester's Society Society Shaken Like countless cities across the globe, Manchester, England has had a difficult time adjusting to the impact of influenza. Countless residents are ill. Numerous schools have been closed. A recent decree has banned children under the age of 13 from "picture-houses and all places licensed for amusement." Now, public discussion has begun which could impede upon personal liberties in defense of the public health. A proposed Health Ministry would have the power to compel individuals to medical examinations and quarantines. One proponent within the Ministry of National Service has argued that such powers would mean that "not only influenza, but consumption, venereal disease, and many other of our most deadly plagues could be banished form the land in a few decades." Still, others wonder if such powers could actually be effective enough to warrant the invasion of privacy which they require. "It ain't the government's job to go looking down your throat and up your knickers" complained Manchester native Ms. Winston. Within the judicial system, the strain of influenza has required the easing of some legal precedent. In one example, a recently arrested lady doctor was quickly released from custody per the instruction of the Lord Mayor so that she may aid in the fight against the influenza. This leniency is understandable given the great toll which the extremely contagious disease has had upon health care workers. Recent reports indicate that within Manchester, over 300 nurses are infected, 10 have died, and one half of the ambulance staff is infected with influenza. Gravediggers, too, have been overburdened by the epidemic. The government has recently required that the City Engineer's department lend workers to aid with the required grave digging. Advertisement Epidemic? While the doctors and nurses of Manchester battle vigorously and daily against the influenza outbreak, another struggle rages on within the local papers. Advertising firms have seized upon a boom in local sales of influenza-related products. Companies are capitalizing on the public's increased interest in news reports in order to promote various, competing preventions and remedies for the disease. "'Tis only natural," reports Mr. Robert Thompson, maker of one product claiming to aid in the fight against influenza, "that we provide the people with the critical information of how one might best guard himself or herself against the Influenza. And, it so happens that my Thompson's Pure Phenol is irrefutably the best qualified product to do so. Influenza's Impacts on Manchester's Society :: Journalism Media Studies Health Essays Influenza's Impacts on Manchester's Society Society Shaken Like countless cities across the globe, Manchester, England has had a difficult time adjusting to the impact of influenza. Countless residents are ill. Numerous schools have been closed. A recent decree has banned children under the age of 13 from "picture-houses and all places licensed for amusement." Now, public discussion has begun which could impede upon personal liberties in defense of the public health. A proposed Health Ministry would have the power to compel individuals to medical examinations and quarantines. One proponent within the Ministry of National Service has argued that such powers would mean that "not only influenza, but consumption, venereal disease, and many other of our most deadly plagues could be banished form the land in a few decades." Still, others wonder if such powers could actually be effective enough to warrant the invasion of privacy which they require. "It ain't the government's job to go looking down your throat and up your knickers" complained Manchester native Ms. Winston. Within the judicial system, the strain of influenza has required the easing of some legal precedent. In one example, a recently arrested lady doctor was quickly released from custody per the instruction of the Lord Mayor so that she may aid in the fight against the influenza. This leniency is understandable given the great toll which the extremely contagious disease has had upon health care workers. Recent reports indicate that within Manchester, over 300 nurses are infected, 10 have died, and one half of the ambulance staff is infected with influenza. Gravediggers, too, have been overburdened by the epidemic. The government has recently required that the City Engineer's department lend workers to aid with the required grave digging. Advertisement Epidemic? While the doctors and nurses of Manchester battle vigorously and daily against the influenza outbreak, another struggle rages on within the local papers. Advertising firms have seized upon a boom in local sales of influenza-related products. Companies are capitalizing on the public's increased interest in news reports in order to promote various, competing preventions and remedies for the disease. "'Tis only natural," reports Mr. Robert Thompson, maker of one product claiming to aid in the fight against influenza, "that we provide the people with the critical information of how one might best guard himself or herself against the Influenza. And, it so happens that my Thompson's Pure Phenol is irrefutably the best qualified product to do so.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Music in Civil Rights Essay
How did musicians influence the civil rights movement? During the Civil Rights movement of the mid-twentieth century, music was used to spread word of equality and respect in America. Jazz, rock & roll, blues, gospel & reggae music were among the prominent genres of music during this time. With music, African-American artists like Little Richard, Aretha Franklin, and Bob Marley wanted to present positive and uplifting messages to the country that was full of hatred for other people. African Americans also wanted to raise self-confidence of those who were affected by these acts of hate and violence. The music stylings of Jazz and its counterpart Blues played important rolls for music during the Civil Rights Movement. Since the majority of Jazz and Blues singers were black, this music was frowned upon among white southerners. However, it did bring awareness to the mistreatment of Blacks. In the song, â€Å"Strange Fruit†by Billie Holiday, a euphemism is used to represent the bodies of minorities hanging from trees in the south. Jazz music of the twentieth century is known to be told in the stories of the struggle of blacks and others. Along with Jazz and Blues, Gospel and Soul music played a large role in civil rights. Originating from the songs that slaves sang before they were freed, soul and gospel music used religious lyrics to help the nonviolent protest. Similar to jazz and blues, soul and gospel was not likened by many white people as it was primarily performed by black people. One of the most famous black soul singers of all time was Aretha Franklin. She was a key symbol of the advancement of black people, lending her talents to the civil rights cause. She supported Dr. Martin Luther King, as she was close with him and sang at his funeral. This shows her determination for the efforts of the struggle of blacks. A commonly overlooked genre of music which supported civil rights was reggae. It brought up the concept of coming together as one. The artist, Bob Marley was and still is the most known reggae-artist of all time ad his song â€Å"Get Up, Stand Up for Your Rights†showed a message of coming together, despite their skin color or religion. Music written by blacks during the Civil Rights Movement was a large factor in the upbringing of minorities in America. Those who listened to the music were motivated by the lyrics and a message of peace and love among people. This shows that these kinds of music are big parts of the way people think and was powerful enough to strengthen our nation.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Martin Luther King Essay
Speeches in which this is observed include â€Å"I Have A Dream†by Martin Luther King and â€Å"The Gettysburg Address†by Abraham Lincoln which have been valued and remembered throughout time as being historically influential and valued, as such, as they use the values of their time and audience to inspire, persuade and unite the public with their message. Martin Luther King electrified America with his pivotal speech, dramatically delivered from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC in 1963, sharing his dream of a new future for black and white people before more than 200,000 people.King, part of an extensive black movement, challenged the white Americans to extend genuine freedom to his people and drew on all his powers to inspire black Americans to believe in such freedom for themselves. The key message from the speech was, and is, that all people are created equal and, although not the case in America at the time, King felt it must be the case in the future which is why this text is valued still, even today. Abraham Lincoln, the American president at the time delivered his speech at the Gettysburg Cemetery during the heart of the civil war in 1863.This was to honour and dedicate the new cemetery to the soldiers who had died in the recent Battle of Gettysburg which was pivotal in the American Civil War. The quality of patriotism is seen in Lincoln's allusion to the Declaration of Independence and constant references to democratic ideals. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Martin Luther Kings’ â€Å"I have a dream†¦. †speech is one of the most memorable speech’s of all time but why? In thi s essay we’ll have a look at why it’s such an effective speech. In the speech, King especially likes to use repetition and metaphors to convey his ideas.These devices are the foundation of King’s unique and effective style. Anaphora and repetition are commonly used in Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I have a dream†¦. †speech because repeating the words and phrases helps to emphasise the pattern and increase the rhetorical effect. â€Å"I have a dream†¦ †is repeated in eight successive sentences, and is one of the most often cited examples of anaphora in modern speeches. Repetition is a good device to use to strengthen an important idea. He uses and repeats the words dream, because it is such a personal and deep commodity.The phrases he adds to the end of this representation are also very personal. This is so effectual because the target audience of this speech can see these visualizations become reality. Even now, over 30 years after his death, reading through the speech gives the reader a sense that things are not complete, and that King still has a dream. If you count the frequency of words used in King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream†, very interesting patterns emerge. The most commonly used noun is freedom, which is used twenty times in the spee ch. This makes sense, since freedom is one of the primary themes of the speech.A metaphor is a very effective way to illustrate an idea. King uses many metaphors, both large and small, to describe many different ideas. â€Å"In a sense we have come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious†¦
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Genotype vs Phenotype
Genotype vs Phenotype Ever since Austrian monk Gregor Mendel did artificial selection breeding experiments with his pea plants, understanding how traits are passed down from one generation to the next has been an important field of biology. Genetics is often used as a way to explain evolution, even if Charles Darwin did not know how it worked when he first came up with the original Theory of Evolution. Over time, as society developed more technology, the marriage of evolution and genetics became apparent. Now, the field of Genetics is a very important part of the Modern Synthesis of the Theory of Evolution. The Terms Genotype and Phenotype In order to understand how genetics plays a role in evolution, it is important to know the correct definitions of basic genetics terminology. Two such terms that will be used repeatedly are genotype and phenotype. While both terms have to do with traits shown by individuals, there are differences in their meanings. What Is a Genotype? The word genotype comes from the greek words â€Å"genos†which means â€Å"birth†and â€Å"typos†which means â€Å"mark†. While the entire word â€Å"genotype†does not exactly mean â€Å"birth mark†as we think of the phrase, it does have to do with the genetics an individual is born with. A genotype is the actual genetic composition or makeup of an organism. Most genes are made up of two or more different alleles, or forms of a trait. Two of those alleles come together to make the gene. That gene then expresses whatever trait is dominant in the pair. It could also show a blending of those traits or show both traits equally, depending on which characteristic it is coding for. The combination of the two alleles is an organism’s genotype. Genotype is often symbolized using two letters. A dominant allele would be symbolized by a capital letter, while the recessive allele is represented with the same letter, but only in the lower case form. For example, when Gregor Mendel did his experiments with pea plants, he saw the flowers would either be purple (the dominant trait) or white (the recessive trait). A purple flowered pea plant may have the genotype PP or Pp. A white flowered pea plant would have the genotype pp. What Is a Phenotype? The trait that is shown due to the coding in the genotype is called the phenotype. The phenotype is the actual physical features shown by the organism. In pea plants, like in the example above, if the dominant allele for purple flowers is present in the genotype, then the phenotype would be purple. Even if the genotype had one purple color allele and one recessive white color allele, the phenotype would still be a purple flower. The dominant purple allele would mask the recessive white allele in this case. The Relationship Between the Two The genotype of the individual determines the phenotype. However, it is not always possible to know the genotype by looking only at the phenotype. Using the purple flowered pea plant example above, there is no way to know by looking at a single plant whether the genotype is made up of two dominant purple alleles or one dominant purple allele and one recessive white allele. In those cases, both phenotypes would show a purple flower. To figure out the true genotype, the family history can be examined or it can be bred in a test cross with a white flowered plant, and the offspring can show whether or not it had a hidden recessive allele. If the test cross produces any recessive offspring, the genotype of the parental flower would have to be heterozygous, or have one dominant and one recessive allele.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
William Turner, English Romantic Landscape Painter
William Turner, English Romantic Landscape Painter William Turner (April 23, 1775 - December 19, 1851) is known for his expressive, romantic landscape paintings that often show the power of nature over man. His work had a significant impact on the later impressionist movement. Fast Facts: William Turner Full Name: Joseph Mallord William TurnerAlso Known As: J.M.W. TurnerOccupation: PainterBorn: April 23, 1775 in London, EnglandDied: December 19, 1851 in Chelsea, EnglandChildren: Evalina Dupois and Georgiana ThompsonSelected Works: Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps (1812), The Burning of the Houses of Parliament (1834), Rain, Steam and Speed - the Great Western Railway (1844)Notable Quote: My business is to paint what I see, not what I know is there. Child Prodigy Born into a modest family, the son of a barber and wigmaker and his wife who came from a family of butchers, William Turner was a child prodigy. At age ten, relatives sent him to live with an uncle along the banks of the Thames River due to his mothers mental instability. There, he attended school and began creating drawings that his father exhibited and sold for a few shillings apiece. Much of Turners earliest work was studies he executed for architects such as Thomas Hardwick, designer of a series of London churches, and James Wyatt, creator of the Pantheon in Oxford Street, London. At age 14, Turner began his studies at the Royal Academy of Art. His first watercolor, A View of the Archbishops Palace, Lambeth appeared in the Royal Academys summer exhibition of 1790 when Turner was only 15. One of his first paintings to signal what was to come later in depictions of threatening weather was The Rising Squall - Hot Wells from St. Vincents Rock Bristol in 1793. Self-Portrait (1799). Hulton Fine Art Collection / Getty Images The young William Turner began a pattern of traveling through England and Wales in the summer and painting in the winter. He exhibited his first oil painting, Fisherman at Sea, at the Royal Academy in 1796. It was a moonlit scene quite popular at the time. Early Career At age 24, in 1799, colleagues elected William Turner to be an associate of the Royal Academy of Art. He was already financially successful through sales of his work and moved to a more spacious home in London that he shared with the marine painter J.T. Serres. In 1804, Turner opened his own gallery to show his work. Turners traveling also expanded during the period. In 1802, he traveled to the European continent and visited France and Switzerland. One product of the trip was the painting Calais Pier with French Poissards Preparing for Sea finished in 1803. It featured stormy seas that soon became a trademark of Turners most memorable work. Calais Pier with French Poissards Preparing for Sea (1803). Hulton Fine Art Collection / Getty Images One of Turners favorite travel destinations within England was Otley, Yorkshire. When he painted the epic Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps in 1812, the stormy skies surrounding the army of Hannibal, Romes greatest enemy, were reportedly influenced by a storm Turner observed while staying in Otley. The dramatic depiction of light and atmospheric effects in the painting influenced future impressionists, including Claude Monet and Camille Pissarro. Mature Period The Napoleonic Wars that raged in the European continent disrupted Turners travel plans. However, when they ended in 1815, he was able to travel to the continent once again. In the summer of 1819, he visited Italy for the first time and stopped in Rome, Naples, Florence, and Venice. One of the key works inspired by these travels was a depiction of The Grand Canal, Venice, which included a more expansive color range. Turner also had an interest in poetry and the works of Sir Walter Scott, Lord Byron, and John Milton. When he exhibited the 1840 piece Slave Ship at the Royal Academy, he included excerpts of his poetry with the painting. In 1834, a fiery inferno engulfed the British Houses of Parliament and burnt for hours while London residents watched in horror. Turner made sketches, watercolors and oil paintings of the terrible event viewing it from the banks of the Thames River. The blend of colors magnificently depicts the light and heat of the blaze. Turners rendering of the awesome power of the fire matched his interest in the overwhelming forces of nature facing the relative weakness of man. The Burning of the Houses of Parliament (1834). Heritage Images / Getty Images Later Life and Work As Turner advanced in age, he became more and more eccentric. He had few close confidants other than his father, who lived with him for 30 years and worked as a studio assistant. Following his fathers death in 1829, Turner battled with severe depression. Although he was never married, historians believe he was the father of two daughters, Evalina Dupois and Georgiana Thompson. Following the death of Sophia Booths second husband, Turner lived for nearly 20 years as Mr. Booth at her home in Chelsea. Late in his career, Turners paintings focused more and more on the impact of color and light. Often the key elements of the picture are rendered in hazy outlines with most of the painting taken up by large sections that depict mood instead of the actual form. The painting Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway from 1844 is an excellent example of this style. The most detailed element of the work is the smokestack of the train, but most of the painting is given to blurred atmosphere that helps convey the idea of a train speeding along a modern bridge near London. Although these paintings forecast the innovations of impressionist painters, contemporaries criticized Turners lack of detail. Rain, Steam and Speed - the Great Western Railway (1844). Hulton Archive / Getty Images William Turner died of cholera on December 19, 1851. As one of the most prominent of English artists, he was buried in St. Pauls Cathedral. Legacy William Turner left his fortune to create a charity for impoverished artists. He bequeathed his paintings to the National Gallery of Art. Relatives fought the gift of the artists fortune and won back much of his wealth through the courts. However, the paintings became the permanent property of England through the Turner Bequest. In 1984, the Tate Britain museum created the prestigious Turner Prize art award presented annually to a prominent visual artist to honor William Turners memory. Turners impressionistic renderings of the impact of nature on man reverberated through the art world for more than a century. He not only influenced impressionists like Claude Monet, but also later abstract painters like Mark Rothko. Many art historians believe that much of Turners work was far ahead of his time. Sources Moyle, Franny. Turner: The Extraordinary Life and Momentous Times of J.M.W. Turner. Penguin Press, 2016.Wilton, Andrew. Turner in His Time. Thames and Hudson, 2007.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Just answer an essay question Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Just answer an question - Essay Example Value hedonism is a basic principle of Utilitarianism, which provides that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by the intrinsic value that would be obtained from such an action, where the intrinsic value is measurable based on the happiness index. Thus, based on this principle, the Ford Motor Company’s decision not to make an improvement on its defective gas tank design because the costs of improving the design outweighed its benefits is right and moral, since it gave happiness to the company. On the other hand consequentialism is an important aspect of the Utilitarianism, where the rightness or wrongness of an act is also judged, based on how good or bad the consequences it produces are. The fundamental aspect of Utilitarianism regarding consequentialism is the fact that; good intentions do not matter in determining the rightness of an action, as long as good consequences are obtainable. Therefore, based on this principle, the Ford Motor Company’s decision is good, since despite the intention of the action, the consequences were good, since the company did not incur the extra costs. However, through applying the Utilitarianism concept of universality, all individuals to be affected by the consequences of an action are deemed morally relevant. Thus, considering the Ford Motor Company’s decision would impact negatively on the customers of the company, then it is morally wrong. This view point is emphasized by the impartialism principle of Utilitarianism, which requires that all individual affected by the action should count equally, as regards the consequences of an action. This being the case, the Ford Motor Company’s decision is immoral, since its consequences do not grant the customers of the company equal happiness, as it does to the
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Hospitality Operations PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hospitality Operations - PowerPoint Presentation Example Ingredients’ standardization had three main merits – ensuring minimization of food leftovers among the customers, limited likelihood for customers view of the restaurant as having poor value for money, and maximized profiteering. The three dishes provided a wide range of supplementary choices. For instance, one could serve fried-rice with beef, chicken or vegetables. This provided the customers with a range of options to choose from, giving provision for the vegetarians. The stir-fried noodles served with vegetables had the greatest percentage of profit margin. For a single customers dish, its ingredients were the cheapest to acquire. The dishes had a set of healthy primary ingredients, rich in vitamins and high in nutritional value. For instance, use of garlic and ginger across the ingredients add a delicious taste and nutritional value to dishes. Different blends of milk shakes added flavor to the menu. Besides the flavored tastes, the addition supplemented the dishes with beauty to the menu set-up and perfect blends with the dishes. Moreover, provision for a wide range of drinks also augured well with the menu set up. The customers could opt to pick a drink of their desire from the options. Fried rice is a fast food made by boiling rice then frying on a frying pan together with such ingredients and additives as eggs, jasmine oil, carrots, ginger, garlic, fish sauce and spring onion. Stir-fried noodles are fast foods made by marinating chicken and beef separately before cooking together with vegetable. Mushroom, leeks, carrots, sunflower oil, vinegar and green peppers are the main ingredients. Thai green curry has chicken as the main component of the dish and is cooked specially with such ingredients as fish sauce, green beans, ginger, green pepper, coconut oil and Thai green curry paste. The balance scorecard had five areas: event, objectives, measures, targets and the initiative. The event included specific areas of focus before and during the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Media Representation on the Conflict in the Middle East Research Proposal
Media Representation on the Conflict in the Middle East - Research Proposal Example The events in the world like the twin tower bombing on September 11, 2001, in New York City, Washington DC and Pennsylvania and the numerous wars that occurred in the centuries will be indelibly impressed on the minds of millions, if not billions, of the world’s inhabitants. Where were you when you heard the news on the attack on the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon in Washington? What was your reaction to the news on TV, Internet and newspaper when war broke out in the Middle East, learning that the US is installing their troops in Afghanistan? What’s your idea of Bin Laden? Who is he? How did you feel about the story of Hitler and the Holocaust? How far has man reached in pursuit of self-destruction? The incredibly swift destruction of so much property and lives has given mankind reason to pause and reflect. But what was the role of media in representing these events? Isn’t it a normal happening nowadays to hear and view of such news? Artists and Their Shock Tactics to Imply Change. In truth, scene of war has been displayed dozens of times in art galleries in different forms. People get used to it. They find beauty in itâ€â€that is, the bloody sprawl of bodies on the floor while heroically winning a battle over the battle, butchering brothers and neighbors of a different race. What do you think is the purpose of the artists in displaying the gruesome effect of the scene? What was the reaction of the art’s appreciator? Is it some kind of a form of a shock tactic? As viewed by Juliet S. Samuel of The Harvard Crimson online edition, shock tactics in the name of art are nothing new, whether it’s excrement smeared on the Virgin Many (Chris Ofili), crucifixes submerged in urine (Andres Serrano), or Danish artist Marco Evaristti exhibiting live goldfish in functional blenders.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Development of Cooking Methods and Techniques
Development of Cooking Methods and Techniques Introduction The revolution of cooking has evolved massively so has the methods of cooking too .Cooking has been practiced since ages. Earlier the ancient man ate only raw food, once accidently a piece of meat fell into the fire and it got roasted. The man ate the piece and liked it. Thus the process of cooking began and started evolving. Cooking food is important because it makes the food easy to digest, cooking improves the appearances flavor colour texture and taste of food, it also adds variety to the meal, cooking helps the food to stay longer and last and the most important is cooking makes the food safe. (Home science , 2014) Cooking also involves knowledge of ingredients as well as equipment, the skills and techniques also ability to plan and organize food preparation within time constraints. Not to forget the classic methods of cooking are far better as well as healthier as compare to new methods like microwave. (Home science , 2014) Cooking techniques There are some food items which have lots of moisture in them like vegetables which are leafy like spinach and fenugreek. These items are cooked using technique that makes use of this moisture. But food items like rice, wheat and pulses are comparatively low in moisture content therefore these ingredients are cooked by adding extra water(moisture). There are also methods where no water is involved in the process of cooking; in fact these methods help the food to remain crisp on completion. Therefore the methods of cooking are classified into the following: (Nestle professional nutrinal, 2014) Cooking by moist heat: The method includes boiling, simmering/stewing, steaming pressure cooker, poaching and microwave cooking. Cooking by dry heat: This method includes baking, roasting and grilling. Cooking by frying in oil or ghee: Includes methods like deep frying, shallow frying or pan fried and stir frying. (Nestle professional nutrinal, 2014) Boiling: It is the method in which the food is cooked in sufficient quantity of water. For example potatoes, hard vegetables like cauliflower, carrots broccoli and more, eggs, rice and pulses. Vegetables such as green peas and green beans are boiled by additional of small quantity of water whereas while cooking rice and other pulses large amount of water is needed to cook. This is because vegetables already contain higher water content. There are some important points which shall be kept in mind while boiling which are firstly boil the water and then put the food secondly the water should cover the food fully. Do not over boil food longer than needed and once it is tender and soft take it off from the fire as if the food for too long it loses its shape and colour. Lastly overcooking also destroys its nutritive value. (The daily meal, 2014) Simmering/Stewing: Stewing is a method where the food is cooked in small quantity while a small amount of water is kept below boiling point for a long time. After boiling starts the flame is simmered and the food is allowed to cook slowly. When it is cooked it is served together with the liquid. The advantage of this cooking technique is that the juices of the food are retained as well as the food tastes good. (The daily meal, 2014) Steaming: It is the process where the food is cooked with the heat generated from water vapours. It also shortens the time of cooking and also helps to conserve the nutritive value, colour, flavor and palatability of food. Steamed food is also light and easy to digest. These types of food are especially good for people who are weak or sick and also good for elders and young children. (The daily meal, 2014) Pressure cooking: the process of cooking in a special type of utensil which permits cooking with lots of steam under a certain pressure. These cookers are made of steel or with a mixture of aluminium and other metals and can bear high pressure. The steam which is produced is confined inside the cooker thus increasing the pressure and temperature more than 100 degree Celsius. All kinds of pulses, rice, and meat are cooked well under pressure cooker in shortest possible time. Advantages of this type of cooking are that it kills all types of bacteria and hence the food is safe to eat. Fastest method of cooking almost one third time compare to boiling. It also saves gas. It is important to immerse food in water while preparing and this reduce the loss of soluble vitamins as well as minerals. (The daily meal, 2014) Poaching: It is also a type of moist heat cooking method which involves cooking by submerging in a liquid like water, stock, wine and more. It is differentiated from other methods like boiling and simmers as the temperature is relatively low which makes particularly suitable for food like fish and eggs. (Nestle professional nutrinal, 2014) Microwave cooking: Cooking with electromagnet waves, either with or without addition of liquid. The food can be browned and also can be given crustiness only if it combined with dry heat method such as grilling. Basically microwave is used for reheat the food. (Nestle professional nutrinal, 2014) Baking: The method in which the food is prepared by assigning it inside a heated closed box called an oven. The air inside the oven get hot due to the fire which is lit at its base or with electricity and the food gets prepared with the hot air when placed inside the oven. The food which is cooked using this type of method adds variety to the plate. (Home science , 2014) Roasting: One more method of cooking food with the help of dry heat is roasting. While roasting the food is put directly on a griddle and cooked. Vegetables like potatoes, eggplants are roasted so as grains like maze and chickpeas. The food is tastier when prepared by this method. It also adds a change to the meal. (The daily meal, 2014) Grilling: A method of cooking over glowing fire and more uses of indirect heat and is slower compare to roasting. The food is held on an iron grid over the fire. The grids are brushed with oil to avoid sticking and can be heated by charcoal, gas or even electricity nowadays. The food which is prepared gives a distinctive flavor. (The daily meal, 2014) Deep frying: It is a method where the food is completely submerged in hot fat like oil. It is usually prepared in deep fryer industrially. It is classified into dry cooking as there is no water used also the time taken in cooking this method is also quick. Shallow frying: In shallow frying the food is not completely submerged but only a part of it is submerged in fats like oil/butter. The advantage of shallow frying is that the food life stays longer compare to deep frying. How food cooks Rapid movement of molecules heats the food. The movement is so fast that their temperature rises. There is three ways to cook the food Conduction Convection Radiation Conduction-is when the food is in direct contact of the heat source. Cooking in a pan is conduction process. Heat is transferred from burner to the pan, and then it is passing to the food. First the surface of the food becomes hot then the interior. Heat passes from the center by moisture and fats. Convection- is the process in which the heat is carried to the food by some source like air, water etc. Cooking food in the oven is convection cooking. Gas grills are the perfect example of convection cooking. A convection oven has a fan that flows the heat in the oven. The moving heat cooks the food more rapidly than the still heat. Convection method of cooking cooks the food 25%to 30% faster. Radiation-is the process in which the food is cooked by the energy transformed by waves of heat. For e.g. put a food on a hanger and hold it to the side of the fire, the food will be cooked using radiation process. The charcoal grills works with radiation cooking. Excitation-is microwave cooking. Microwave pierces the food and beats the molecules inside the food and makes it warm without heating the air around it. Induction-stove tops works under induction cooking method. Induction cooktops or cooking vessels must be made of cast iron or stainless steel. The element electronic charges the coil that produces high frequency electromagnetic field. The field vibrates the bottom of the vessel and sets up a circulating current that generates heat. The heat then transferred to food. The main benefit of induction is that, it provides faster and consistent heating than other methods. The induction automatically shuts down if there is no container. It is easy to clean because of flat cooking surface.it is more energy efficient than other flame burners as it allows instant control of cooking powers. Other methods of cooking that uses flame have higher loss to ambient whereas induction directly heats the pot. Advanced cooking methods Cooking is the procedure of changing the chemistry of food by transferring energy to the food to make it safe and eatable and to get the desired flavor, texture and nutrition. Culinary equipment’s and implements have travelled a long way from ancient times when the only medium to cook is open fire to the modern methods of cooking. Ovens were among the first advance brought by civilization. Early oven were designed to trap the heat in the walls of oven.in 20th century, inventors had developed gas and electric ovens that allow far greater control of heat. Yet, for all the modern features on today’s oven- broilers, forced convection, self-cleaning cycles etc. they still work on the principle of controlling heat. Another important aspect of cooking is humidity. The ability to manipulate moisture, both outside the food as well as inside, is the defining difference that set modern oven technology apart from earlier methods. Water-vapor ovens and combi ovens control the water content of the heated air; microwaves exploit the moisture content of the food to heat it. They both are the perfect examples of modern approaches of the history’s most ancient tools. When people are busy making jams and chutneys one London based chef is busy in making soups and stews in the glass jars. Chef Vincent dury has developed a new cooking method known as heat preserving method. Using this method beef stew can be cooked in a jar inside a water-filled, hermitically sealed pressure cooker. It is somewhat similar to ‘appertisation’ i.e., a method of treating vegetables that leads to canning. The term derives from Nicolas Appert, who invented the first process for using heat to sterilize food. One such technique which is becoming famous is pit baking.it is one of the oldest cooking methods but it is becoming famous because of its modification .an earth oven is created by digging hole in the ground and slow cooking is done by heating stones in the fire. People also start cooking using ash; the perfect example of ash cooking is the â€Å"ash baked vegetables†served in the restaurants like The Ledbury and The Roganic in London. In this technique â€Å"the vegetables are first cooked on a barbecue for 4 to 5 hours then the ash from the celeriac skin is used and blended with salt and sugar to make it a sprinkling dust, which is used as a seasoning†.it is one of the oldest method that is now becoming popular due to its modification . There are different methods in different countries which are not becoming so popular but they need to for example there is the different method to cook egg in Jewish kitchen in which the eggs are cooked on a very low heat with onion skins and coffee grounds for several hours, then gently tapped to create a beautiful marbling effect. It is called Sephardic cooking but it is limited to only Jewish kitchen only. The scientific method of cooking Have anyone wondered why grilling meat taste good and broccoli that goes along with the meat will go dull if it not shocked well. Chemistry piles itself into the many ways you can cook food and each of these methods work in a different way and affect the tastes of the vast display of food that we create and consume. Maillard reaction-It is a chemical reaction between amino acids and sugars that helps to give browned foods the accurate flavor and color. It is discovered by Louis Camille Maillard a French Physician. Meats (such as steak and roasts), vegetables, chocolate and potatoes are the example of foods that goes through this reaction. In these types of food, the reaction begins with a carbohydrate molecule and an amino acid. These two molecules create an unbalanced midway particle which changes till the brown color and desired flavor have been reached. This happens because during the reaction elements, such as nitrogen and sulfur, are added to the mixture of mostly carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Brining-This method is somewhat similar to marinating.in this chicken or meat is soaked in brine before cooking. This method was first used in Scandinavian cuisine.in this method the meat is soaked in brine for some time (depends upon the thickness of meat) and then cooked, it gives juicier dish. Brine is a mixture of salt and water. When the meat is put in brine the proteins are dissolved in it and interacts with salt which results in the capacity of muscle cells to hold more water. After the brining process the meat is seared in the frying pan and cooked in the oven. The meat was juicer and pinker and saltier than the rest. Modern cooking methods As the food advances its method also advances. Everybody wants a less time consuming methods and wants more healthier and flavorful food.so there are many modern cooking methods invented that provides the same thing. Sous Vide Cooker-In this food is sealed in the zip lock bag, set the temperature, and put the bag in the water and the timer. The food not gonna lose it nutrients, flavors in the bag. It is similar to poaching; the main difference is that in this the food is kept in plastic bag to keep the nutrients and flavors. The main advantage of using this method is that in this method the food can’t be overcooked because if the food is placed in the water, the temperature is set then the food can’t be cooked more than the set temperature .whereas if the food is cooked using roasting or grilling there is a chance of over-cooking or under-cooking of food. This method is important from culinary point of view as it allows the food to store; sealed and refrigerated which is important for catering industry. This method is used by famous chef like Heston Blumenthal, Paul Bocuse, Thomas Keller and many other famous chefs. This method is also used in train Acela express for serving meals on the trains. This method was developed in mid 70s by Georges Pralus for keeping the fat in foie gras but it was not that popular or successful at that time.it again came into existence when a French scientist, Bruno Goussault modified it with different flavor profiles for the French railway company. French railway wanted a method in which the food can be cooked easily and evenly without getting it overcooked. Air fryer- it is an equipment to cook the food without oil .it uses hot air to cook the food rather than using the oil.it circulates air up to 200c around the food which results in giving them nice brown crust with 80 per cent less fat.it shaped like rice cooker which consists of a removable tray.it can cook the food in 12 minutes.it provides the healthier food with nice brown and crispy finish. Critical analysis Food has evolved rapidly over the last few centuries that what chefs use to prepare has also changed. Earlier chefs used to serve huge portions nowadays chefs are preparing bite size food. So by time chefs are changing the methods of cooking dishes also which are health beneficial as well as the consumption of resources are also low. People have shifted to microwave cooking rather than bakery as the bakery products contents huge amount of fat in them. The chefs are also using sous vide to cook products like vegetables and meat which require no fuel to cook. They cook the items with the help of electricity. Similarly with air fryer the products which are cooked are 90 percent fatless compare to products which are fried in a deep fryer or shallow fried. The consumption of steam products are more consumed as they are health friendly. Even in big restaurants and in industries chefs are more emphasis on these types of cooking. There are many restaurants which also practice molecular gastr onomy cooking in which chefs are trained to use chemicals like lecite and more to cook. Therefore the methods of cooking as we saw are drastically changing as in earlier centuries the mode of cooking was only with the contact with fire. Later on our ancestors practiced and started cooking with the help of water which became methods like boiling and poaching. And nowadays chefs are shifting more towards electric cooking as it is more health friendly. Scientists are also working with today’s chefs in preparation of a capsule which will help the astronauts to live in the outer planets. The capsule will provide them with the same amount of nutrients as well as taste the same which a normal food will contain. These capsules will be available by 2020 in every store. Hence to conclude we would like to say that without the help of earlier methods of cooking the new methods of cooking would not come. Conclusion Through the following project we can conclude that there are many other techniques in which food can be prepared for example like Air fryer where the mode of cooking is the same but with a very little fat which is good for the body with no impact on taste. Less use of fat means less fat in the body which is good. People are making more these types of machines as they are more accepted in today’s generation because people are turning more health conscious. People are also working with a new method known as capsule cooking.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Pablo Casals: Internationally Renowned Cellist Essay -- Biography Bio
Pablo Casals: Internationally Renowned Cellist Pablo Casals (sometimes called his original name Pau Carlos Salvidor Defillo De Casals) was one of, if not, the greatest cellists in history. Casals is easily recognized as one of the master soloists of classical music and he has many accomplishments in his many years as a public figure that have made him internationally renowned. Casals was born in Vendrell, Spain on December 29, 1876. He received his very first music lessons from his father (a music teacher), on the violin. A four years after that, at the age of twelve, Casals realized he would much rather play the cello instead, and begin lessons with that instrument. After nine years of study on the playing and the designing of the instrument at the Madrid Conservatory, Casals decided to improve the sound of the cello by making important modifications on the techniques of playing it. For this first accomplishment Casals made, which he thought of simply as "necessary to my performance", Pablo Casals was widely acclaimed as a master. He recei...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Wilfred Owen War Poetry
Poetry places individuals minds in a state of imagination and emotion where words are thoughts of experiences branding into the minds of the readers. Dulce Et Decorum Est explore how the experiences create emotions for the readers mind to capture the essence of war whilst on the other hand the Anthem for Doomed Youth speaks about what war was like in conjunction to pitifulness and stupidity. To begin, Dulce Et Decorum Est (It is sweet and honourable) talks about war and the effects of war. The effects of war are described as ‘Bent double, like old beggars under sacks, Knock-kneed, coughing like hags' where soldiers are demystified in juxtaposition to the propaganda where they are spoken about as young, strong, handsome men and here they come back buggered and weak from the war. Owen speaks about the war with his insights of pity he has for it ‘In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. If in some smothering dreams you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin' and Owens insights of the war allow the readers to capture and understand what world war 1 was like from his own experiences. Owen uses emotive and alliteration language to grasp the minds of the readers ‘Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! An ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time; But someone still was yelling out and stumbling And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime†¦ Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light, As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. ‘ With Owen being able to grab the readers attention, he is able to use this imagery to create a sense of emotion towards the readers as they look to find a deeper understanding of the war. Assonance of the terms ‘ing' helps to associate the feeling of what was happening at that time where he expresses the scene as ‘guttering, choking, drowning' when his friends where being drowned in the green poisonous gases described as ‘green sea' to emphasis that sense of dying helplessly. The enthusiasm that own incorporates into his poetry expresses his own opinions and thoughts of the pitifulness and stupidity of war when he says ‘My friend, you would not tell with such high zest' and this is an indication to hat he feels about outsiders trying to explain what it was like without even being their to experience it first hand. To understand the war, the poetry of Owen directs his insights of the war straight to the readers where his descriptive language and emotive scenery create the images of a first hand experience and this is how Owens poetry brands emotions and melts the images of emotion into the readers minds through his thoughts and experiences. In relation to Owens Dulce Et Decorum Est, the poem Anthem for Doomed Youth uses a range of techniques to embed emotions into the mods of readers. Owen captivates the readers attention through a wide range of imagery where ‘passing-bells for these who die as cattle? ‘ grasps the minds readers to create a scene of dying cows to mimic the deaths of soldiers and the pain of death and war through ‘stuttering rifles rapid rattle' where the alliteration captures the readers attention whilst still creating that image of death and loss. The poem Anthem for Doomed Youth is rather a sad story of tears and sorrow where by Owen speaks about ‘The pallor of girls brows shall be their pall;' which indicates how the sad expressions of girls eyebrows are the only thing that they can share that is common to both sides. The excessive use of personification dims the horror of the war to allow readers to understand the pain through metaphors explaining ‘passing-bells for these who die as cattle? , and ‘wailing shells' and ‘drawing-down of blinds' which signify the closing of the soldiers eyes in death and wailing shells are dead men in the ocean floating by one by one without anything able to be done about it and this is how Owen further expresses his feelings of pity and stupidity on war. Owen uses personification and emphasis in his poetry to allow his emotions and thoughts to be branded into the minds of the readers and to allow them to grasp the sense of pithiness of war. In conclusion, Owens poetic insights in Dulce Et Decorum Est and Anthem for Doomed Youth allow readers to grasp the experiences of war and a sense of emotion towards what Owen would have been feeling throughout the war. Owen way of communicating to the outside world away from war is effective in enabling him to capture the minds of readers and lead them into a state of embedding his insights into their minds so that they can gather s deeper understanding of the lives of soldiers in world war 1.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Black Dog by Penelope Lively Essay
Brenda Case is a mid-age housewife with personal problems. The English modern short story â€Å"Black Dog†, written by Penelope Lively, portrays Mrs. Case as being a frustrated woman with a peculiar manner, besides this she has difficulties to adapt within the society’s norms. This is probably because Brenda Case is going through the largest crisis in her life; the mid-life crisis. This gives Brenda some difficult factors to deal with. She is going through this emotional state of doubt and anxiety, realizing that her life is halfway over. Through the whole story Brenda is searching or her own sincere character, but has trouble finding it. As a defence mechanism, she supersedes all of her feelings. Was this the life she really would have wanted? The Black Dog symbolizes her â€Å"shadow life†. We’re situated in a suburb of England; the Case family is a regular middleclass family. Mrs. Case, who is the principle character, is a housewife and her husband, John, makes the money. Their life is characterized by the static tedious daily routine; her doing the shopping and him attending the Job. One day Brenda starts seeing a large Black Dog lying in their front yard. She constantly has a fear that the dog is going to eat her, basically paranoia of the wild animal. However, Mr. Case cannot see the dog. He even asks all the neighbours, but they haven’t seen the dog either. The colour of the dog should illustrate bad omen and negativity, but was this really signifying bad omen or was all this commotion simply caused by Brenda’s alter ego or her introverted state? As mentioned the dog symbolizes Brenda’s shadow life; the psychological term of the life that she could have had or if you live in the shadow of someone else. Mrs. Case obviously did not have a dream of becoming a housewife but she first realized her own character now. Perhaps she was pressurized from outside influences on what to do. This is also shown when Brenda follows the guidance from her two well turned- out daughters; they advice her to go on vacation and redecorate the house. However, when this made no progress they send her to the doctor’s office. All these recommendations are not helping Mrs. Case crisis, she finds out that facing the problem was the right solution for her. She understands that the Black Dog will be there all the time until she faces the real problem, her mid-life crisis. I would assume answering the question of â€Å"What is valuable in life? †and â€Å"What is the meaning of life? †would be a difficult task. The vagueness of the query is inherent in the word â€Å"meaning†and â€Å"value†, which opens the question to many interpretations. Some would use theological or spiritual explanations, where others would use scientific theories or philosophical arguments. The power of the words means different things to different people. Clearly Mrs. Brenda Case has gone through a her ageing children; all of a sudden she did not have to take care of her kids any longer. We can conclude that most outside influences have noting to do with your real self. You need to find your own sincere meaning of what life is and what goals you may have got. Some say a mid-life crisis also is the beginning of individuation and a process of self-actualization that continues on to death. But what is a mid-life crisis? Is it the physical changes associated with ageing or the changing of spousal relationship? Is it the death of parents or the children becoming adults? Perhaps it is the menopause for women and work issues for men? I guess a crisis through mid-life would involve reflections on what the individual has done up to that point often associated with feelings that not enough was accomplished. Maybe Brenda had the convincing that she one day would be successful accountant manager, instead she became a housewife wearing a pinafore. At the end of the story John Case suddenly see some footsteps of the dog, but what is causing his hallucination? A large question remains unanswered.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Reconciling the surplus labor with the law of value
Reconciling the surplus labor with the law of value The law of value of a commodity refers to the total number of person-hours used in order to produce a particular good or service, under the normal working conditions, with the provision of the necessary equipment or machinery. This also takes into account the work force input, the raw materials and the tear and wear of the machinery used in production. Surplus labor is also that labor that was not a necessary input in production.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reconciling the surplus labor with the law of value specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Karl Marx argued that the amount of input in the production of goods or services should be equivalent to the amount of monetary returns. Therefore, the amount of person-hours used in production and delivery of these commodities determines the value of a good or service. Marx continues to argue that capital originated from trade with the aim of making a profit. The labor ought to be equally distributed, and so were the profits from the labor. Simulating this in the economy where approximately two percent of the population control about ninety-five percent of the nation’s wealth, clearly demonstrates Marx’s argument. They insisted that all employees within a company should get an equal share of the company proceeds generated monthly. This would ensure fairness and equal distribution of resources across the entire staff and, therefore, act as an incentive for everybody to work harder and together to achieve more. Marx had a profound understanding of how capitalism cripples its own societal foundation. He anticipated a change in the current economy and the way of life. His conclusion was that capitalism would push the middle class into a situation comparable to the shaky existence of the hard-pressed workers during his time. Currently, the growth and build up of fulfilling careers are no longer a focus point for the minority alone, but rather a broader group. People have revolutionized from struggling month-to-month and living on insecure wages. They have devised a way of cushioning themselves from economic shakeups in terms of savings, owning a house and even a decent pension, which enables them to plan their lives without fear. The wealth spread across working class, and the vastness of democracy, everybody can remain middle class with contentment. The argument that labor is the sole creator of wealth was obstructed by the existing system of unequal exchanges, where the owners of the economic power and advantage appropriated part of the labor. According to Marx, the development dialectic started from man and nature where man was initially an integral part of nature.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Man being a dynamic being had the distinctive capability of struggling with and against nature of ultimate ly transforming nature for his own purpose. The clue to the labor conditions shift lay in the successive modes of production, which was characterized by division of labor, technical forms and different forms of social relations of production between human beings and classes. This historical conception applied to a particular economic system and approached the matter form an angle of production conditions. They included ownership or nonownership of the production means, and the respective effects of these factors upon the behavior of social classes. Marx placed labor as a human, productive activity and made it the foundation of explanation for the exchange significance. Theoretically, it is hard to comprehend the Karl Max law of value since he did not take into account issues like market trends, consumer spending, fluctuating value of currency, financial securities and public finance. Several pinholes from the labor theory emerge in the regulation rule between value of goods and serv ices sold and the cost of production in general. It attempts to identify the causes of the relationship between the law of value and economy, which only regards to labor as the actual tool of commodity value. It only involves the value obtained from the production and delivery of the goods or services including their trade value. All the same, each of Marx’s theories brings out a different dimension of the social reality of the contemporary world. There are systematic connections among the three dimensions, where domination and exploitation are interlinked. It is irrefutable, however, that a group of individuals remains privileged by both systems. The logic in this is that in the contemporary world, the inequalities seen in the economy currently suggest that there is exploitation of some individuals. The large proportion of the wealth created flows to a small, privileged group, which implies domination on the society by a small segment of the society commonly referred to as t he ruling elite. Marx described this situation as alienation, which in the contemporary society shows a growing sense of lack of value. It is true that capitalism relies on free labor and freedom of assets and a system of free exchange. The question of exploitation is, therefore, apparent in the privilege of ownership and production means, which gives the owners chance to set the wages at a level that permits the creation of profits and the laborer has no control over that.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Reconciling the surplus labor with the law of value specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
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